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  1. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    Line 791 of everquest.h, do you have the array of uint8_t's set to 92?
  2. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    Here's a patch, based on the SourceForge version of and compared to the version of the code that I have, which seems to do everything that I need 100%, but other functionality that I don't...
  3. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    I recall a number of changes that were needed using asw a base to keep the game running before the expansion. So you'll have to dig a little to find them.

    zoneopcodes.xml can be...
  4. Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I installed IDA and found the "South Qeynos" string in it, and still don't know what you all are looking at. oh well.
  5. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    Thanks for the codes.

    I misspoke when I said I didn't have skittles. Turned out that I did, but when I targetted anything in-game, it didn't have an effect to SEQ. Sounds like with TargetMouse...
  6. Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    What disassembler do you use? the few that I've tried crashed when I gave it the "eqgame.exe" file.
  7. Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    Thanks . that will help. though, I'm still confused as to how you found that offset, but if it works, it works :)

    Here's a diff of zones.h based on this information:

    diff zones.h.old zones.h...
  8. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    It's not perfect, but it compiles and gives you maps.

    I followed the steps sammie gave above, with one change. In everquest.h, his new line was:

    /*20624*/ uint8_t unknown20624[212]; //...
  9. zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I looked through last expansion's threads, and found this post that has ksmith's perl script parse through eqgame.exe to generate information on the zones.

    I tried this using the new .exe, and...
  10. Replies

    Re: Last week's patch?

    See the sticky thread: EQPacketFragmentSequence addFragment buffer overflows
  11. Replies

    races.h updates for HoT expansion

    Here's a diff:

    diff old_races.h new_races.h
    < "Plant", // 538
    < "Plant", // 539
    < "Plant", // 540...
  12. Replies

    Re: Last week's patch?

    My SEQ works fine with current version of Live.
  13. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    Hmm .. if he's right, then I think we are talking about two different things.

    There are no new item equip slots, but two new inventory slots.
  14. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    Perfect. Is the existing 9 from the 8 inventory slots and the "cursor"?

    So adding 2 more slots, I'd increase this value to 11, right?

    Thanks again. There's probably other "unknown" characters...
  15. Replies

    Re: Beta Updates

    If you know off the top of your head where I should be looking to increase the number of inventory slots, that can help.

    Or if you need me to send you a copy of my dumps, I can do that too.
  16. Replies

    Beta Updates

    I tried looking through the everquest.h file to find out how to tell it that I now have 10 inventory slots instead of 8. But either it's hidden very well, or I'm that out of practice, that it's not...
  17. Re: Files from new patcher in different location than old?

    Umm . thanks for answering my 30 month old question.
  18. Re: Files from new patcher in different location than old?

    Thanks for that info K. I started to incorporate that into my scripts.

    I took a look at your icon-getting-and-splitting scripts, and found that I had to run:


  19. Re: Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    OK . this is odd.

    For the last 3 days, I've been searching for "Mushroom" to find the ground spawns in BR and CC. When I zone in, none of them are blinking unless I change the search criteria...
  20. Re: Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    One minor issue, but when I have text in the "Find:" window then I zone, the search isn't taking place right away to show the matches with the blinking rings around the skittles.

    I have to modify...
  21. Re: Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    OK. Looks like it's working now.

    I noticed that not all of the item codes that I supplied in this post got updated. These two I had to re-add myself.

    Thanks again for all the help IEA :)
  22. Re: Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    Hmm . I guess I'll re-compile the latest offical code. I've been using hand-edited code for months now, I my have missed something.

    Thanks for checking.
  23. Re: Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    I wish I knew more about how the nuts and bolts work in this thing to help out. I only know how to do simple things like add BS characters to structures, assigning values in header files, etc.
  24. Drops in SEQ (items, forges, kilns, etc.)

    Doesn't seem that Drops are properly showing up in SEQ. Could be something in my version since I've been making hand-edits to my source code and re-compiling for months.

    If this is working for...
  25. Replies

    Re: Underfoot Expansion

    Thanks. I'll test these changes out tomorrow when servers come up to see if anything else needs to be done.

    EDIT 03-10-10 11:50 EST: Things look good with the changes above. I logged in, zoned...
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