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Thread: A little keyreader example code

  1. #181
    Registered User
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    Jun 2002


    thanks just a network grunt here. hehehe

  2. #182
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    Dec 2001

    using Dev-C++ (freeware) question

    First off, let me state the obvious, I am not a programmer. Also I would like to say that you guys are an awesome group who keep this project running and find new ways to thwart the evil VI.

    Question: Compiling the code in the first post of this thread I receive two errors. I think they are minor, but they cause the compile to fail.

    1st error. [Waning] in function ‘int main(int, char**)’:

    What the warning the compiler does not say other then this message.

    2nd error. Implicit declaration of function ‘int strtoul(…)’

    I know it’s not a typo on my part because I copy/paste from the post into the compiler.

    You might also ask why use Dev-C++. Well, it’s because it’s the compiler I have used before on other small projects and because each complier should create an EXE with a different size to also help in making it unique…

    Thank you

  3. #183
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    Nov 2002

    Only some spawns decrypting with this key?

    Using the posted code, I'm generating the keyfile.dat file and reloading it as needed (read - after zoning) in SEQ.

    For some reason, only some spawns are being decoded, maybe 5 to 10% of the total spawns showing in the zone. Anyone have any suggestions?

    On a side note, does anyone have a code snippet to have SEQ reload the key as needed, or even flag when it's loaded? I'm looking to automate the process completely, having SEQ send the request through to the keysniffer when it needs a new key. While I'm fairly good at writing and debugging my own code, dealing with someone elses is an entirely different beast and that would be a great headstart. Even a pointer to the ideal place to deal with this in the SEQ source would be great.

    Thanks in advance, I'm sure some of the grumpier types will find some reason to flame.

  4. #184

    Thanks for the thread!

    I wanted to say thanks.

    I modified the code so it only ran one time. Wrote a shell app to pump the keyfile.dat to a samba directory if keyfile.dat changed, and monitor for a telnet connection on a certain port to trigger your code to grab a new key on connect.

    Thanks to all involved. I lurk and never post, but I truly appreciate ALL SEQ (and libEQ.a)developers. I refuse to mention names, because I am certain to forget some.

    I love you guys/gals~

  5. #185
    Registered User
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    Oct 2002
    Mind posting your source for that ?


  6. #186
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    Oct 2002
    Hello Wxyz,

    I am using your code posted for the keysniffer that scp's keyfile.dat from windows to linux machine - after installing openssh on redhat.

    Anyhow - for some reason the key is not getting written correctly - I was wondering if you had any input. when I look at the key that is scp'd to my linux box it is not in hex value - it looks more like a binary file

    do any of you have any suggestions? have you seen this?

    Thanks for your time and response.

  7. #187
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    Nov 2002

    Entering Key into SEQ?

    Ok, here's what I did and it worked fine. I'm running XP.
    1. Started EQW and got the the server selection screen.
    2. Started EQsniffer then logged in my char.
    3. Switched back to EQsniffer entered the offset that is in the brackets.
    4. Take the key it gives you and enter it into ShowEQ.
    5. BAMB ShowEQ starts decoding.

    4. Take the key it gives and enter it into ShowEQ.

    Where? Ive read/searched the boards but all I find is "enter key into SEQ". Where do you input the key for SEQ? Is it in the SEQ screen itself or is there a linux code line you have to enter? Sorry in advance, Im a non linux user who is struggling to keep up.

  8. #188
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    Dec 2001
    Where? Ive read/searched the boards but all I find is "enter key into SEQ". Where do you input the key for SEQ? Is it in the SEQ screen itself or is there a linux code line you have to enter? Sorry in advance, Im a non linux user who is struggling to keep up.
    You might want to try reading the announcement forums (You know, the ones you should ALWAYS read before you ask questions)... In there, you will find the EXACT instructions on how to do this.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  9. #189
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002


    Sorry, I read the help and sniffer forum. Figured Annoucements was just saying SEQ was broke. Appreciate the redirect.

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