Hmm i maybe stupid, but i cannot figure out how i have to combine the inputbuffer

BOOL requestDrv(PVOID inAdr, int inSz, PVOID outAdr, int outSz, long IOCtlReq)
i have to put the function number (in this case 16)
the offsert and the processname into that buffer at adr inAdr so that i can be extracted here:


	pIOBuffer = (PULONG)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

	// Check to ensure input buffer is big enough to hold a port number and
	// the output buffer is at least as big as the port data width.
	// Used terms:
	// VA - virtual address = normal address used in programs
	// PA - physical address
	// check input & output

	nPort = *pIOBuffer; // Get read type

	// return result

	switch (nPort){


// first parameter (8 bytes) is still function (=16)
// second parameter (8 bytes) is offset of key
// third parameter (8 bytes) is process name up to 7 chars (0 at end)

         	if (InBufferSize<24) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                cs= (char*) (pIOBuffer+2);
	        cs[7]=0; //Get Proc Name mx Len 7
			pv=myFindProcess(cs); // find process, name in first param
			if (pv){
				KeAttachProcess(pv); // attach to process
				d32=myGetPA((DWORD32)*(pIOBuffer +1)); // first get PA for given VA. For myGetPA see case #13
				nOut=myReadPA(d32); // then return result read from PA. For myReadPA see case #10
how is that buffer filled ?

any hints are greatly apreciated