The flaming is getting a little out of hand, I think... and needs to be toned down a bit.

As such, I've created a new forum, which you've probably already noticed. I will move threads I think are fairly useless to that forum, and anyone is free to go nuts on those threads.

If the thread isn't in that forum, however, I would like people to be a little more tolerant or, barring that, at little less vitrolic in the other forums when replying. Not so quick to tear someone apart in one of the "normal" forums is a big plus.

You all know I'm one of the first to jump on stupdity and I can be pretty vitrolic when the mood strikes me, but I think some of the attacks have gone from being neutral or helpful in "educating stupid people" to just attacks for the sake of attacking. I don't want the boards to become a pit of infighting, thus further reducing the usefulness of the message boards as a valuable resource.

I'm really against censorship in any form, which is why I won't delete/close threads 99% of the time, but I think moving them to their own forum is a good compromise to the censorship vs rampant stupdity/useless post problem. I am enlist the aid of a couple of you regulars as well to assist in this, as I don't necessarily ready every single thread in great detail due to time constraints (although I try to).