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Thread: Hate Table?

  1. #1
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    Hate Table?

    Is there a way to calculate the hate tables movements?

    i doubt there is a hate value passed to the client but is there any fomulaes etc people have seen in the travels?

    I put this in Dev because i know there was a faction table etc and you guys prolly have more hard evidence
    Smootwall Lover

  2. #2
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    i think the hate table is not something you can actually track in any way. anyone who has ever played with more than one person and maybe getting up in levels has seen it in action though. certain things create more (or less) agro than others. the creature just knows who has done damage, how much and what ever else has happened to it (debuffs, taunts, etc).

    there really isn't a "table" i would think, except maybe that the server is keeping track of who has done what to the mob so the mob knows who to do what to :)

    there isn't any way to see this, and i doubt there is any way to see a "formula" other than to guess at things. we all know tash and slows have some pretty damn high agro :)

  3. #3
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    demonstration of residual agro is proven many ways...FD sit agro Ping Pong with MT on close agro points etc i have a theory on how it works but i need to find a decent evaluation of spell hate levels
    Smootwall Lover

  4. #4
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    its not really a "table", and its not really trackable without going to great lengths to create a controlled test environment, and even then i would question the results.

    hate is just a counter. You do certian things and you gain hate, do others and lose hate. Whoever has the most hate is the one getting hit (because monsters are stupid and not strategists).

    hit a monster, hate goes up
    heal the monsters target, hate goes up
    sit down in front of a monster, hate goes up
    taunt a monster, hate goes up
    evade, hate goes down

    etc. How much hate you earn/lose is probably the function of a lot of things, and would be extremely difficult to determine with any accuracy, as its completely serverside.
    casey AT trifocus DOT net

  5. #5
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    It would appear to be logrithmic.

    You can demonstrate this by having anyone gain agro. Then have a nuker nuke to gain agro. The only quick way to regain agro is to taunt (bring you up to their level). Then also for a period of time, it is hard to nuke more without gaining agro again (even if your idle while the melee beats away).

    It may even be as simple as the amount of your nuke/strike is used as some sort of percentage and that percentage is added to your hate (say your percentage is 5%, then your hate would be multiplied by 1.05 to get the new hate and then maybe adding in the hate from the current spell?)

    In any event, the only mathmatical way I can explain the sticky agro is this way. A linear hate would explain the observed events.

  6. #6
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    It'd be nice to tie it down to some kind of formula, but I can't see how. Example: Certain mobs in Echo absolutely, positively hate snare. Tanks have a hell of a time getting mob off the poor druid. Mobs in other zones don't mind as much, with same group being same levels (mob same level too).

    I think it is mob dependent, so you'd have to have a formula for each mob.

    Of course, those are just my observations. I've been wrong before.

  7. #7
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    Even if you knew the exact hate reaction of every mob and action, you would still need to know every action of everyone else who could possibly be on the hate list. Since actions like taunt and other hate generators (like some procs) aren't transmited to everyone, you can't know enough to do this. You might know your hate value, but no one elses.

  8. #8
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    Hate can't be represented by a single number. Mobs factor in quite a few things to decide who to hit. In general the person with the most "hate" will be the one getting hit but low hp agro will override the hate on some mobs. Rampage works independantly of "hate" as well - FoH had a good discussion on how the Rampage list works at one time.

    Different mobs respond differently to different actions. The is easily shown from looking at the patch messages where you can see them tuning several mobs for the amount of hate that healing generates.

    It's a complex system - sufficiently complex that I don't even think the dev team fully understands what's going on in some situations. I don't think you're going to find any simple formula to say what does what though without access to the EQ server's source code.

  9. #9
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    This would be a great thing to have, and it wouldn't be that hard....

    If we had access to Sony's server code.

    Since we don't, it's nearly impossible.

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