I talked with the Bordael, EQOA's equivalent of Absor, about what this program did and didn't do. As it doesn't do anything you couldn't do with a pen, paper, and stopwatch, he didn't have any problem with it.
Very first thing is never take the community relations manager's word for something like that, your program *is* in violation of the EULA, and all it takes is someone else to create a ShowEQ -like app to have Sony go after them *all * (and they'll have to, if they leave yours alone they set a precedent that their EULA is "selectively enforceable".

Moreover though, I'd never use your program. For one, it's closed source, so I have no idea what you're up to, and two, you *charge* for it, which is another reason I'm *sure* Sony will take issue with you at some point, because, again, they liability is too big.

So, I'm not going to pay money for an unknown codebase and the potential to "disappear" someday.

You might have some luck selling it on ebay though, right alongside the "ShowEQ Box" sellers.