Originally posted by Fidd
Have you tried to change the background color ?

The maps are drawn in black, so you will not see the map unless you change the color in the file or change the background color in mySEQ.

Yes -- as I said, I can load a real .map file, then try to load a mira_1.txt and it leaves the old .map on the screen (the .txt doesn't load). Try the steps I listed yourself

Sounds like MQSEQ2 has tracked down what has changed in the version though from his post above. Thank you MQSEQ2!

By the way, I found a utility called "Mappie" which will take a whole directory of .txt maps (or .maps probably also) and change a color to another color. I ran this on my LDON maps to change black to white. It worked like a charm. Of couse in the test I listed above, I used the raw mira_1.txt so that you all could reproduce the bug.

Looking forward to testing the upcoming 15.4 version..! Thanks again for the developers hard work! Caveman's project is certainly moving along nicely as of late with your help!