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Thread: Hundreds of Characters Deleted in Crackdown

  1. #31
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by xeerex
    As far as "camps" go and KS's, a prime example is the Ancient Cyclops for JBoots. When I began my hunt for the boots, I was KS'ed more times that I can count in SRo.
    Off topic
    My understanding is that the S Ro AC is a FFA because it can spawn anywhere. 2 of my toons ‘camped’ there and competed with others for it.
    Maybe it was just on my server /shrug
    I believe in gun control. I use both hands

  2. #32
    Registered User MQSEQ2's Avatar
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    All mobs are FFA by the rules of the game. It's up to the Players to play nice with others. GM's can't really do anything about the problems unless bad language and harassment is going on.

  3. #33
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    My understanding is that the S Ro AC is a FFA because it can spawn anywhere
    Theoretically, it can spawn from anywhere, but there are really 4 spawn points.

    However, the AC is still a FFA even in OOT. SOE does not recognize camps. In other words, in OOT the AC is on an 8-12 hour cycle. If I've been sitting there for 8 hours and you pop in and it spawns, then whomever kills it first gets it and the AC only spawns in 1 place. That is point blank from a GM although people in OOT are generally more considerate.

  4. #34
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    I am the real Reichfuhrer, the other guy is an imposter. And yes, my account is fine.

  5. #35
    Registered User MQSEQ2's Avatar
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    Glad to hear your ok

  6. #36
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    Reichfuhrer, my whole point was that SOE can't come here, find a name, find a server, compare the two then band the person just cause someone said there 'soandso'

    Anyways, no I am not Reichfuhrer. I only said I was to make a point which wasn't taken .... /shrug

    It don't matter though, SOE can't band yas for saying your someone on a message board.


  7. #37
    Registered User MQSEQ2's Avatar
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    Very true since I'm MQSEQ2 "The Pain in EQ's butt". The icon I use represents that. I'm just here to prod them along the right path.

  8. #38
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    However, the AC is still a FFA even in OOT. SOE does not recognize camps

    Actually they do recognize a few. When a mob is spawned due directly to the death of a spawner, such as emp, fennin, etc, the people with the exp from the spawner get the rights.
    Crying about frenzied spawning and getting ks'd is moot these days, play red server if getting even is important.

  9. #39
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    When a mob is spawned due directly to the death of a spawner, such as emp, fennin, etc...
    That's actually triggering a spawn and not camping. Camping is sitting and waiting out a spawn cycle.

    I'm not trying to debate really, but rather stating a fact that SOE doesn't recognize camps unless the PnP is broken and thats a liberal judgment call.

    It don't matter though, SOE can't band yas for saying your someone on a message board.
    What makes you so sure they can't? If you haven't reviewed the EULA lately, they can basically ban you because they don't like you.

    From the EULA
    6.......or upon gameplay, chat or any player activity whatsoever which we, in our sole discretion, determine is inappropriate and/or in violation of the spirit of the Game as set forth in the Game player rules of conduct,.....
    The truth is that they probably aren't going to jack with MySEQ and ShowEQ as they are passive and provide no real advantage except giving a "tracking" ability to non-tracking classes.

    I'm not against MQ at all, but that is a whole different can of worms because you do have several abilities to dramatically alter gameplay and the economy. When enough people gripe and you have complaint threads on SOE's boards, then they are going to set some examples. Interestingly, in the whole thread over "watching the guy macro", not one time that I saw did ShowEQ or MySEQ get mentioned, but MQ did.
    Last edited by xeerex; 12-28-2003 at 02:54 AM.

  10. #40
    Registered User datadog's Avatar
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    Did someone just post another EQ Players actual in game character name on these boards to prove his point that Sony wouldnt ban them?

    How brave !

  11. #41
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    Did someone just post another EQ Players actual in game character name
    He says its his account not someone elses, but that was my point. I'd hope SOE does not run its bussiness model by banning people for what they say on a public message board since there is no "sure fire" way for them to determine the true account.

  12. #42
    Registered User MQSEQ2's Avatar
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    For example, I hate this guy named XYZ, so I come here and create a user named XYZ and post crap about Sony etc. Now Sony can't prove that I'm the real XYZ, so if Sony bans XYZ because what I wrote they would be in the wrong.

    As for Rule 6, that only pertains in game and on there boards. Believe it or not we still have freedom of speech everywhere else.

  13. #43
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    Don't get me wrong. I'm not a paranoid person, hence the use of my main characters name on this board. I'm not trying to prove a point that SOE won't ban me either. I just happen to use Xeerex for most message boards that I participate. If they ban me, then so be it. That will save me about $200/year and untold hours of time.

    I also don't think SOE reps lurk the boards that much. Hell, they don't even have enough staff to have volunteer GM's ingame much less lurkers.

    My point is that they could, can, and probably do lurk these boards and others somewhat. The main thing, which has been stated over and over, is "don't abuse the privilege" of having programs like MySEQ and MQ available. Don't ripple the water and you won't be noticed.

    Ok, I'm off my philosophy kick and off to try and do something constructive for a bit. My hat is off to virtually all MySEQ and ShowEQ users since we generally seem to be a quiet bunch.

  14. #44
    Registered User datadog's Avatar
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    Last edited by datadog; 12-28-2003 at 02:12 PM.

  15. #45
    Registered User
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    MYSEQ2, now I get your icon...the pain in EQ's butt...very creative

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