So far from my original list with the help of eqemu people, I've gotten the following placed into charProfileStruct:
- Spell cooldown (for example, how long will Divine Intervention be greyed out)
- Group Leader exp (total this point to set the bar)
- Group Leader AA information (current points)
- Which Group Lead AAs you have
- Raid Leader exp (total this point to set the bar)
- Raid Leader AA information (current points)
- Which Raid Lead AAs you have
- DoN radiant and ebon shards

I'm pretty sure normal pet info is not in charProfileStruct also:
- Pet info (buffs, name, items, etc.) since pets zone with you now

So that leaves to be verified from my original list:
- Pocketed pet info from the AA that lets you store pets
- Skill cooldown (for example, how long will LoH be greyed), maybe in the unknown after skills?
- Disc cooldown (for example, how long until weaponshield is usable again), maybe in the unknown after discs?
- AA cooldown (though this may be in separate opcodes, the AA stuff seems like its a mess over the wire)
- Title (apprentiece baker, etc.), though this used to be there after servername, it was removed. I wouldn't be surprised if the list of available titles comes across separately, but an id is sent in charProfileStruct somewhere
- Whether Leader AA is on/off
- Wizard/Druid secondary bind point

Moving right along!