I am taking input for new features and changes.

Things i want to add

Flag mob types so you can identify. Certain types like undead. Say have an option to mark all undead in zone while you have regular invis up. Something to help moving around is intent.

I need to work on the toolbars some more. I would like to be able to edit map text better. Also the toolbars need to save their last position. This will be the next little change to make.

I might make a few tweaks to the server. Being able to not be visible when minimized will help declutter things.

I would like to pair pets with owners. If it is a clients pet, have it filter like clients. Maybe make it more distinct. Nothing like thinking ur getting trained when it is ownly a pet in tow.

I would also like to explore some fancier skittles options like were in th 1.22 code. There are also some more possibilities of features from 1.22 that are worth exploring.

Some fancier filters are a thought. Ones that do not alert but when u hilight or hover links to thier loots show in an info window.

The dotnetmagic library gets the job done. But it is missing some more modern features that could be handy. I found my copy of the source so i will see what it takes to improve the looks and functionality. I am just on a make it look pretty kick i guess

Adding a search window pane that has an ie session is a thought too. Just not sure how to do it without being so messy.

Thats what i am thinking.
