Good day.

I did a search, but unfortunately did not find anything (I'm thinking I may be hard of sight, because I'm sure someone's asked the same thing before..); As MySEQ is able to see all the packets for EQ for each connected client, does it also log the spawn/kills for each connected client if each separate zone at the same time in its logs (if you have them set to save, of course), or only of the 'active' Character Selection?

I ask as I've set up Synctoy to copy the contents of my log directory to Google Drive, where I can access it at work and quickly grep through it to see if there have been any Kills of the mobs I'm searching for.

I've tried to run 2 separate instances of myseqserver.exe (which works, they're in different directories with different .ini files for ports), however, when running the MySEQ cient (one copy is in the original install directory, the other is a copy of the directory that was made elsewhere) it seems any change to one (ie. Options/save prefs) also changes the other. It works just viewing the zone/area, but saving logs did not seem to update in the 2nd MySEQ client instance.

Am I on crack? (probably) Or do I just bind to a virtual/different adapter?

Regards (and thanks!), AIXCdn