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Thread: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Oct 2009

    Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    I tried the codes posted by cn187 for the 1/12 Patch on test and they aren't working for me on the live servers. Is this just something I did wrong in the patching and compiling, or are the codes on live after the patch today different than what was on test and in that post?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Typically they are different and we have to adjust opcodes and structs on live. Thankfully, CN and Newby are quick and efficient and patches are uploaded pretty quickly. In fact, an update is already posted in the ShowEQ News section!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    FYI, there are some minor issues with the patch in the News section. I rushed to get it done after the servers came back up and didn't get a chance to adequately test because I had to leave. I'm told skittles are working in general, but there are some minor oddities (intermittent map load, self spawn showing up as other player). I won't be able to address it until later tonight when I get back, so if someone else wants to give it a look, please do. Otherwise I'll get it sorted out as soon as I can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    I saw that after I replied. Mine tends to seg fault right away and I didn't have time to to check the obvious opcode/struct stuff. Been a very busy new year work-wise so tough to even find time to play despite being in lockdown. Work from home seems to mean a lot more work than ever, haha

  5. #5
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Yea I'm having the same issue, of course this is a brand new centos 7 laptop I built about 3 hours ago and installed packages and trying to get it working, i'm able to make and build it without any errors, i can launch it, but when I do either detect next session or specify ip address, and zone, i get pages of eqpacket: unhandled net opcode ... then a warning op_zoneentry doesn't match and finally a seg fault core dump. Let me know if other people are getting it to work, maybe its an issue with my new machine. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Same here. any help would be apperciated

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Jan 2021

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    ok....I am a complete noob here. I have always copied/pasted the offsets into MySEQ config and was done. I read the instructions on the new 6.0...and quite frankly dont have a friggin clue on what to do...FML

  8. #8
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Quote Originally Posted by kryshael View Post
    ok....I am a complete noob here. I have always copied/pasted the offsets into MySEQ config and was done. I read the instructions on the new 6.0...and quite frankly dont have a friggin clue on what to do...FML
    This is for SEQ (linux version), MySEQ is for windows version. Other part of the forums.

  9. #9
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    I just tried the patch file offsets on my version 5 old laptop and it patched fine, built fine, but does the same seg fault core dump when I zone to detect it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    There was a change to the test server earlier this month that altered one of the structs, and I fixed it there, but forgot about it, so that's sort of my fault. As I said, I was feeling a little rushed.

    Interestingly, when I first saw it on test, I also got segfaults immediately, but when I logged in to live this evening, I didn't get segfaults, just some unexpected values in the spawn list. Luck of the draw I guess...

    I just committed the fix to SVN. I'm tracking down another issue (related to intermittent map loading), and as soon as I find/fix that I'll cut another release/tarball and post another announcement.

    Thanks for your patience.

  11. #11
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Still not working for me, now I just get:

    Warning: Op_ZoneEntry (0x68f8) (dataLen: 92) doesn't match: size of (ClientZoneEntryStruct):88

    Seg Fault

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    BTW, I'm not doing patches for seq anymore. The past few patches, it seems like I was competing (read: racing) with CN to get the fix out and that's not something I'm in to. CN needs to do it so he can work on his other plans for seq, and I'm more than happy to let him do it.

  13. #13
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    kkmonte - that warning has been there for a while and should be harmless. Everything seems to be working fine here. If you didn't already, can you please do a make clean, and then try building again? If you already did, or that doesn't help, could you please send me a core dump? Before you run showeq, run
    ulimit -c unlimited
    then run showeq as usual. When it crashes, it should leave a core file in the same directory. If you can send that to me at [email protected], I'll take a look.

  14. #14
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    Newby, I'm sorry it seemed that way to you - I didn't mean for it to seem like a race. I know early on, I said something about beating you, but that was really in jest, as I was still struggling to figure out how to do certain things and couldn't have beaten you at that point if I tried. The past few releases, I'll admit I've been trying to do them super quickly because I was trying to coordinate the RC releases to be ready at the same time as the 5.x releases. Tonight was the same but moreso since it was the first official 6.x release, and I knew I was going to be out of pocket for a bit tonight, so I wanted to get it done. Now that 6 has been released and 5 is being EOL'd, that should take a lot of the pressure off. Please don't let me and my anal tendencies discourage you from contributing.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Re: Any fix for 1-20-2021 patch?

    ive never had to post here for years but i take it windows 10 users can no longer copy paste the offsets like its been happening for the last decade ? If no disregard this message

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