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Thread: Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dec 2019

    Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

    Hi, so i'm currently running CentOS 6.1 final on an old dell laptop that has QT 3.3.8b installed (when I do a qmake --version). I'm a mostly linux newbie, but i've been able to patch and been using showeq this way for over 2 years. I can't imagine playing EQ without it. So, what do i do to upgrade to SEQ6? I'm OK with using another older laptop and a fresher install of some flavor of linux if that is easier, that way i can keep patching seq 5 and using it until I get the other box up and running.

    I was thinking of doing a CentOS 7 build, (that has QT 4 installed by default?), then can i just run the following commands:

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    apt-get install xdm x11-apps libx11-dev libvte9 qt4-default subversion libtool make automake libpcap-dev

    and then follow instructions for installing showeq6 and that should work? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

    Basically you just need a distro that provides a working Qt4 install, including development headers, etc. Debian 9 and 10 have both been confirmed to work, as has CentOS 7. Someone said the newer versions of Ubuntu (20.x) only have Qt5, so you have to jump through extra hoops to get Qt4 installed. I'm thinking 18.4 LTS would probably work out of the box though, but I haven't tested it.

    The Qt detection is a little kludgy, so there can sometimes be problems if you have both Qt3 and Qt4 on the same system - sometimes the configure script seems to find/use the wrong one, and you have to override it by specifying the QTDIR environment variable. I've tried to fix it up as problems have been reported, but I'm pretty sure there are still some issues. So whether to use a different laptop or not is up to you - a different one with no Qt3 cruft should mean less chance of issues, but also means the hassle of setting up another box, etc. Whatever route you choose, if you run into problems, report them here and I'll do what I can to help.

    CentOS typically uses dnf rather than apt, so if you go that route the commands will be a bit different than what you listed. I'm not a regular CentOS user (the first time I ever used it was to troubleshoot a problem reported here), so I'm not 100% certain on the commands but I think it should be something like

    dnf group install "Development Tools"
    dnf install  qt-devel libpcap-devel
    If you find different/additional steps are needed, please contribute your findings to the "Distro Compatibility" thread that's stickied in the beta forum. My plan is to eventually incorporate all of that info into the documentation.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

    Thanks CN! Will give it a shot and report how I made out.

  4. #4
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

    There is a patch file for v5 still. There will be a few v5 patches released before the stop for the people who have yet to upgrade. CentOS 7 should work fine with it.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Dec 2019

    Re: Instructions of Upgrading from SEQ5 to SEQ6

    Thanks Blue, yea I figure why wait, might as well upgrade since i'll have to do it sooner than later. I was able to use centos 7 and just had to install using yum the following 3 packages: Development Tools, qt-devel, libpcap-devel. CN helped me also figure out i had to turn on session tracking because i had a lot of network noise that was causing issues (I have so many damn things in my house that have IP's addresses that are probably broadcasting crap all over, IOT stuff). Everything is working great now on new box and new version. I'm getting a raspberry pi 4 tomorrow and i'm going to try out some different OS's. I know there is a thread for that already so i wanted to play with one.

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