Apparently, I've not done this in over 2 years and remembered about the program that I wrote to parse the data file to build the races.h file.

I'm not sure if this is still needed, but just in case, I'll upload my info here and if it's not used anymore, let me know.

A few older race names got modified and new ones from 903-943 were added.

    "Luggald",                    // 347

    "Ogre NPC",                   // 624

    "Bear Mount",                 // 859

    "Boar Mount",                 // 903
    "Fungal Fiend",               // 904
    "Grimling",                   // 905
    "Rockhopper",                 // 906
    "Shik'Nar",                   // 907
    "Shrieker",                   // 908
    "Underbulk",                  // 909
    "Sonic Wolf",                 // 910
    "Sonic Wolf Mount",           // 911
    "Shik'Nar Mount",             // 912
    "Rakshasa",                   // 913
    "Gumdrop",                    // 914
    "Fish",                       // 915
    "Turtle",                     // 916
    "Bear",                       // 917
    "Stitchwork Lion",            // 918
    "Fungus Man",                 // 919
    "Duck",                       // 920
    "Squirrel Mount",             // 921
    "Kerran",                     // 922
    "Phoenix Mount",              // 923
    "Hotariton",                  // 924
    "Skunk",                      // 925
    "Chest",                      // 926
    "Hotaria Fly Swarm",          // 927
    "Hotaria Fly",                // 928
    "Badger",                     // 929
    "Chicken",                    // 930
    "Cow",                        // 931
    "Deer",                       // 932
    "Ferret",                     // 933
    "Fox",                        // 934
    "Goat",                       // 935
    "Raccoon",                    // 936
    "Red Panda",                  // 937
    "Sheep",                      // 938
    "Ogre NPC Rallosian",         // 939
    "Goblin",                     // 940
    "Future Placeholder",         // 941
    "Future Placeholder",         // 942
    "Future Placeholder",         // 943