I keep seeing all of this talk on different forums etc, about how people who use ShowEQ are "cheating" and they're "bad" people (even "assholes") who are ruining the game for everyone, and how they'll have to learn to play the game how it was supposed to be played..

Well.. I really disagree with all of that because i use ShowEQ for the following:

1. Finding my way around a world which, because of lack of unique models and textures like a REALISTIC world would have, looks the bloody same and is too easy to get lost in.
2. Camp checking because 1/3 of the people don't speak English well and don't know what "camp check pls?" means. 1/3 of the people are rude and anti-social and don't respond. The last 1/3 of the people don't see the /ooc camp check because it's flooded out with battle spam.
3. Checking to see the exact level of mobs so i know what is single-pullable or not, because frankly the whole /con system is botched.
4. Monitoring for idiots training mobs.

Now what are those 4 things? Time savers. It's not cheating. It's not stealing anything from other players. They're at no disadvantage because of any of our actions. What, they want a whole bunch of people getting lost and training them? What, they want people arriving at a camp and compete for it and ruin the camp for both of them, when they could've seen the camp was taken with ShowEQ long before and gone somewhere else?

How annoying is it getting lost in a world that looks the same no matter which way you turn? How annoying is it to spend a lot of time getting to a camp you want, only to find that it's taken? How annoying is it for 2 supposedly identical mobs (blue con, they look the same) to not assist each other one time but then assist each other the next time, forcing you to run away or die and waste time? How annoying is it for idiots to train mobs over you and then you have to, again, run away or die?

* Other people idiotically train.
* The /con system is botched.
* EQ is not big enough to accomodate everyone and you are forced to compete.
* EQ doesn't have enough textures and models thus making it too easy to get lost.

ShowEQ fixes those problems.

If you're content with paying SOE money for EQ "how it is meant to be", then you're pretty insane. Pay them money to compete for camps and waste of lot of time getting what you deserve as a paying customer? Pay them money to turn around and get smacked in the face by 10 dragons which some idiot trained onto you but didn't /shout TRAIN!? Pay them money to get frustrated losing yourself or your corpse or dying and wasting all that time?

I don't know about anyone else but IMHO, EQ + SEQ is the only way to play. When SEQ is broken it really just takes so much longer to get things done and it opens a whole can of frustration.

Pay money to get frustrated. Yeah i like the sound of that.

"Assholes" huh? No, ShowEQ lets me avoid all the assholes, save a little time, and lets me try to have some fun. I pay to play a game to have some fun. If i wanted to deal with assholes and time wasting, i'd just walk out the door and try to deal with people on the street.

Opinions? Please, i'd like to hear what other people think about the bad light shed on ShowEQ users.
