It's too confusing to sort through the 200+ posts trying to figure out if your crash matches someone else's, so I thought I'd start a new thread for those people who're crashing in an attempt to isolate the problem and shed some light on things.

I'll begin with some basics before you post here:

1. Tell me exactly what code revision you're compiling.
2. Tell me exactly what modifications you've made to the source.
3. Tell me what compiler you're using, and what service pack.
4. I need your OS version + service packs, processor type and RAM.
5. If you're running known hooking programs like Windowblinds or DesktopX or some of the other Stardock products, I need to know.
6. Include your debug output in the message. You can't just get it from running in the debugger because the sniffer attaches to the EQ process which isn't under the debugger. To get it, download DebugView from SysInternals and run it while running the sniffer.
7. Give me the exact and full crash information as given by Windows.
8. Read all posts here before posting your crash! If nothing matches your circumstances, or the issue is unresolved, then post, but not before!
