Running RH7.2 with gcc3.0.4 on a Quad PPro 200. Only thing I've changed was the kernel and the version of SEQ. I'm still using QT 2.3.2, but will probably upgrade later when I upgrade the system (RH8 or 8.1 when it comes out).

Prior to those updates, SEQ worked fine and was able to easily keep up with my EQ session. Now it doesn't miss the packets, just seems to lag in processing them and does it in fits and spurts (keeps up for 10s, then sleeps for a minute or so, then catches up, then sleeps, etc...). I suspect this has more to do with the kernel change then anything else SEQ related.

I saw Ratt's post in the Announcements forum, but ecn is not enabled

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

Old kernel version 2.4.18-18.7.xsmp
New kernel version 2.4.18-19.7.xsmp

Next stop, and read the changelog for this rpm.