Below is the diff file for races.h that I generated. (Basically, all new lines are appended to the bottom of the file, if you want to do it yourself manually before it gets into cvs)

>     "Troll - Broken Skull",   // 331
>     "Troll - Broken Skull",   // 332
>     NULL,                     // 333
>     NULL,                     // 334
>     NULL,                     // 335
>     NULL,                     // 336
>     NULL,                     // 337
>     "Gnome - Broken Skull",   // 338
>     "Dark Elf - Broken Skull",// 339
>     "Ogre - Broken Skull",    // 340
>     "Human - Broken Skull",   // 341
>     "Erudite - Broken Skull", // 342
>     NULL,                     // 343
>     "Zombie - Broken Skull",  // 344
>     "Luggald",                // 345
>     "Luggald",                // 346
>     "Luggald",                // 347
>     "Drogmor",                // 348
>     NULL,                     // 349
>     NULL,                     // 350
>     "Dark Elf - Hate",        // 351
>     "Dark Elf - Hate",        // 352
After making the change to the races.h file, I just did a make ; make install , no need to re-configure.

I didn't know if you wanted the "Broken Skull" or "Hate" information in here or not. If people think that it shouldn't belong, I'll remove them before posting the patch. If it sounds like people don't care either way, I'll leave them in.

Please post your thoughts if you want the labels modified or left alone.
