ZoneAddr=7838464 seem to work with regular zones as well.. I did not verify this in LDoN now (1:30 am here.. hehe), but if someone will, and post a positive, i think my "theory" below could be interesting.

After taking a look at old working offsets, it seem like the zonename can be in different places, not all working with ldon i guess..
But one thing that is the same for those that work with ldon is that the zoneaddr is a higher address than the "rest" so to speak.. If you look at the Itemsaddr, charinfo, charaddr, targetaddr.. they all are in the same address space (this time in the 74610xx space somewhere).. And if you look at diff "fixes" from the last 9/10 offsets for ldon, the zoneaddr number was at first a LOWER number than theese, but was later found working with LDoN at a higher address..

And when you compare this with MQ offsets, you find sumtin interesting.. Ie... none of the "zonexx" addresses from mq work at all.. so i guess some manual findings is needed (posted on thread in the general section.. sorry no link for it).

All in all.. if you take the MQ address for "Zoning" and convert this to decimal, then add the number 62000 you are close..
Fire up your favorite memory viewer, and search for the zone short name, and if you get a hit around that number you got from MQ+62000 you should be getting close

Dunno if this was of some help, but at least i think i am aiming at something here I will see if i get some time to do some memory scanning tomorrow, but if someone wanna test this theory, it would be much welcome.