ok ive been using showeq for a long time so i know this is not a problem with my network setup, i also have been using linux for a long time (debian), i really only use windows for EQ. and i can not figure out what is going wrong here. im using the debian packages and apt-get sources provided by tanner. i have confirmed with ethereal that i can see the traffic that my windows/eq box is sending. ive never had problems with showeq before so if there are any commandline options i should add to give more output please let me know

[shags@shagsserv:~]$ sudo showeq
ShowEQ, released under the GPL.
SINS 0.5, released under the GPL.
All ShowEQ source code is Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by the respective ShowEQ Developers
ShowEQ comes with NO WARRANTY.

You may redistribute copies of ShowEQ under the terms of
The GNU General Public License.
See: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details...

For updates and information, please visit http://seq.sourceforge.net/
ShowEQ, Built from 'main.cpp' on May 18 2005 at 18:42:10
CVS: @(#) $Id: main.cpp,v 2005/04/07 03:19:36 dohpaz Exp $ $Name: pre_5_0_beta $
Using GCC version: 3.3.6
Using glibc version: 2.3
Using Qt version: 3.3.4
Using headers from linux version: 2.6.0-test7
Using EQItemDB: @(#) $Id: itemdb.cpp,v 2005/04/18 03:16:22 dohpaz Exp $ $Name: pre_5_0_beta $
Using GDBM: GDBM version 1.8.3. 10/15/2002 (built Sep 9 2003 00:02:26)
Running on Linux release 2.4.27-2-386 for processor i686

Using config file '/usr/share/showeq/showeq.xml'
Loaded preferences file: /usr/share/showeq/seqdef.xml!
Unable to open file: /usr/share/showeq/showeq.xml!
Warning: Warning: Unknown payload typename 'utf8' for opcode '3200
Info: Listening for first client seen.
Info: Initializing Packet Capture Thread:
Info: Filtering packets on device eth0, searching for EQ client...
Info: Loaded 6827 spells from '/usr/share/showeq/spells_us.txt' maxSpell=0x1b76
Warning: GuildMgr: Could not load guildsfile, /home/shags/.showeq/tmp/guilds2.dat
Debug: ItemDB: Disabled
Info: Loading Filters from '/home/shags'
Info: Loading Zone Filter File: /home/shags
Info: Loading Zone Filter File: /home/shags
Info: Categories Reloaded
Info: No Map found for zone 'unknown'!
Info: Checked for all variants of 'unknown.map', 'unknown.txt', and 'unknown_1.txt'
Info: in directories '/home/shags/.showeq/maps' and '/usr/share/showeq/maps'!
Info: Loaded 12287 message strings from '/usr/share/showeq/eqstr_us.txt' maxFormat=46959

The first time i zone i get this line but it dosent load the info in the gui or do anything.

Info: Client Detected:

everytime i zone after this i get the following 2 lines

Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and ether proto 0x0800 and host
Info: EQPacket: SEQClosing detected, awaiting next zone session, pcap filter: EQ Client

i searched the forums and found a post with a simmilar problem, his was due to using a switch and not a hub, i know for sure i have the proper network setup. ive also set up showeq for a friend and his is not working also, i have not checked his error messages yet but can only assume they are the same. anyone got any ideas?