Quote Originally Posted by trustno1
Someone mentioned a Linux port of the MYSeq client? I would love that. I was actually thinking about making my Linux box a Windows box just to get the client on a different computer so I could look at it easier, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I've used SEQ for years now, and it's a shame that something borked it so bad, but it gave me the chance to experience MYSeq and it isn't a bad program at all.

Thanks for all your hard work.
I was actually talking about a Linux port of both the client and the server. I play on Linux and right now I'm beat for SEQ...cause MySEQ works, but doesn't run...and the native SEQ is still fux0r'd by the networking changes. I know that'll be running sometime (hopefully soon ) but I'm hurting for my skittles~