Referencing this thread:
The check out command: svn co showeq

Seems this will be changing based on a note I got from sourceforge.
**Note that <sf_userid> would be replaced with your sourceforge user id
Your svn repository in upgraded project seq is now ready for use.

Old repository url:

New repository checkout command: svn checkout --username=<sf_userid> svn+ssh://<sf_userid> seq-svn

You should do a checkout using the new repository location. The old repository is read-only now.

For more detailed instructions on migrating to your new repo, please see
I haven't tried checking into the old URL but based on the email it's supposed to be read only now. I'll check June changes into the new URL. I'm not sure but I think this means the old URL will still have old code and the only way to get the latest code from then on will be to use the new checkout command.

Anyone else get this note on the repository change?