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Thread: New winex2.2 - Basic EQ support

  1. #1
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    New winex2.2 - Basic EQ support

    just thought you may be interested. Virtual Desktops may be nice for running seq and eq.

  2. #2
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    anyone started playing with this?

    i've got a 10gb hard drive, gentoo 1.4 rc1 cd and i used my other gentoo box to download all the source tar.gz type files i'll need (to save time). i'm gonna be installing gentoo on my real gaming windows box and playing with this. i even subscribed to transgamings kindof bs method of earning money. i found that eq had -84 votes in a past pole, so i immediatly voted -2 on EVERY game that was in the current pole (and +1 on all the general winex updates).

    is it against the liscense they use (alladin something or other) to give the file to others? it seemed to imply that it was only against the liscense to distribute it comercially...

    anyway, hoping to get eq working in winex, as that truely is about the only thing stopping me from completly switching to linux. woo.

  3. #3
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    Please keep the boards up to date on that. I don't think I would drop my PC boxes, but I would surely be able to run EQ on my linux box (1.4 gig, 512 ram, geforce3) if that's possible.

    Like you I'd like to play around with that but I guess we'll see how it goes.

  4. #4
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    OK... this will be SWEET if it works.

    Wonder if a GF2Pro Duron 950 can pull it off? I currently have this machine dual boot Linux/2k... JUST because of fuggin EQ.


  5. #5
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    little silly update... i "emerge winex-cvs" as well as downloading and untaring the binary builds. i was able to start hl.exe as well as everquest.exe, but all of this was done remotely (with some testing under vnc) so i'm not sure if its working or not.

    we will see when i get home :)

    eqgame.exe would not run at ALL in vnc, but everquest.exe started up the first box that says "connecting to servers" (or something like that) but it never actually patches... not a problem as i can boot into windows if i need to patch i spose :)

    i just wanna log in and see it!

    gf4 ti 4200, 1ghz athalon-xp (should be a 1700+ @ 1.4ghz, but my mb is old) w/ 512mb ram. got 5500fps in gears! (wine says you should get at least 500).

  6. #6
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    Patcher wouldn't work for me, either.

    Logs in pretty fast to server select. From there, it took about 15 minutes to get to character select. From there, another 10 minutes to actually log into the game.

    Once in the game, I was able to type to the guild.

    Frame rates was absolutely terrible. Like, no joke, 1 frame every 3 seconds. I couldn't do a 360 cause it would have taken an hour.

    I was in the bazaar, so people were constantly running by me which I'm sure didn't help, but it was like playing turn-based everquest.

    I haven't checked into it too much. For those gentoo users you can simply copy the winex-cvs-2.1.ebuild (or whatever its called) to winex-cvs-2.2.ebuild. then ebuild winex-cvs-2.2.ebuild digest. When when you emerge -up world you should see it and it will appropriately grab the 2.2 branch which is the one needed to play everquest. (until they make their own 2.2 ebuild)

    BTW I have a P4 1.8g machine w/512mb ram using a lightweight window manager. (fluxbox)
    Last edited by splooge; 10-10-2002 at 02:24 PM.

  7. #7
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    what kind of video card? and did you do that turn off debugging thing? or use the transgaming binaries?

  8. #8
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    Well, I know my video card sucks, but it's an Nvidia at least. It's a Geforce2 MX 64 megs of ram. (1.8gig processor, 512ram). I'm using the CVS version, and I did not turn off the debugging. I'm also using a lightweight window manager (fluxbox) and nothing beefy like kde or gnome. The only things I have running are basically my system logger and dcron (which has no jobs it runs)

    I remember reading through the ebuild, and saw a comment in there that winex insists on (or used to) compile with its own flags, and ignores whatever you have in your make.conf. I'm not too fluid with ebuilds so I hesitated to make any changes. Maybe I'll play around with it tonight but I don't expect myself to be able to find out how to compile it using different flags through the e-build, but maybe if I look at them hard enough tonight I can figure it out by comparing it to other ebuilds.

    Half-Life and Return to Castle Wolfenstein work beautifully for me under winex, in fact, I don't even play them in windows anymore. I haven't figured out how to turn an FPS monitor on but I'd swear I'm getting 30+fps in each of these games, so I'm not quite sure what Everquest's problem is. I'm pretty sure it's not my system.

    I'm patient, I can wait for it to get better. =)

  9. #9
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    Did you try EQ with or without the New UI?

    I have found that even under Windows, the new UI is almost impossible to play under.

    My Hardware:

    Athlon 650
    512MB RAM
    40GB 7200rpm hd
    GeForce4 MX440

    Turn off the new UI, go to the Bazaar and I can run around with no frame lag and can rotate very quickly.

    Turn on the new UI, better face the wall in the Bazaar or I won't be able to move very much (even just moving the mouse is lagged to hell).

  10. #10
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    damn, i'm having trouble even getting it to run. did you install eq using winex? or did you just copy over your everquest dir?

    i copied mine over, and when i run "winex-cvs EverQuest.exe" it doesn't actually connect. running "winex-cvs eqgame.exe" results in an instant bomb as well. hl:cs seems to run, but i haven't gone into a game. the intro is in the upper left o my screen and not so fast or pretty looking.

  11. #11
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    I ran EQ under linux and I too had similar results. The patcher however worked fine for me. I am using Gentoo 1.4rc1 but I just did the install from the winex cvs, not the portage (mostly because Im a noob and couldnt find how to unmask the winex ebuilds). However when I took a look at the actuall instructions from transgaming I found that it stated that you need to set your X to 16 colors and eq to 16 colors as well. It also stated that the "old UI" does not work well if at all using winex.

    Fry do you have your X setup to allow it to change resolutions? If you dont and you run a program that is full screen and less then your desktop reso it will appear in a window in the uper left corner. Also winex image quality is well less then stellar (or at least in my experience) if you have you X setup at anything other then 16 bit color.

    I intend on playing with this some more and will keep you guys up to date.

  12. #12
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    my desktop is at 16bit, and allows anything from 640x480 - 1280x1024. i got hl.exe to go full screen by including the 640x480 reso. but, it still won't play. it tries to log into a hl:cs server, but just sits there in the middle of the screen all messed up (not full screen). should i be choosing "opengl" "software" or "direct3d"? i sure hope not software, cause thats ugly.

  13. #13
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    For half life under linux? opengl. I was able to run the setup program via winex.

    For everquest? I copied my files over.

    Make sure you run halflife like this:

    winex-cvs hl.exe -- hl.exe -console

  14. #14
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    Oh, also wanted to mention that I tried compiling winex without the -g (debug) flag and it didn't make any sort of performance increase.

  15. #15
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    WineX runs EQ perfectly with the new ui - I was playing EQ for a few hours last night under it. No graphical glitches, its rock solid, but unfortunately only runs at 60% or so the speed :-(

    Any of you guys interested in a screenshot? :-)

    Try getting winex-2-2 from cvs.

    One thing I've noticed, which doesn't make any sense, is when I'm running EQ inside WineX - showeq will NOT decode the data - its almost like it doesnt even see it. This is showeq both running on a different machine, and on the same mahcine.


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