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Thread: Have the Devs forsaken us?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Re read that subject...

    It's not as bad as all that; as bad as the topic reads. hehe.

    I thank the devs for keeping it going as long as it has.

    /hats off.
    Last edited by Reason; 11-05-2002 at 06:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    This posting makes no sense to me. Did you not see the recent release of 4.3.1 only a few days ago?!

    SEQ works, and getting the decryption information is available on these messageboards. If it's over your head, then you're stuck with no's that simple.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    I think the answer to that would be...


    The devs continue to kick butt and take names. My continued thanks to them!

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Hmm... It makes no sense to you...

    Let's see... yes there was a 4.3.1 a few days ago.

    Use it. No problems.

    And I see and can use all the little key sniffers and grabbers and whatever, sure.

    But... No. I won't cause I don't trust the source. And no I won't til I see that all precautions have been taken to eliminate as much of the possibility of being banned as possible.

    I never said I was a dev or that I knew how to code or that I was leet.

    And I never said that I couldn't any make of this work.

    You are making many more assumptions about me than you really should.

  5. #5
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    I wasn't making any assumptions other than exactly what I wrote: I can't make any sense out of your posting.

    You said "Have the devs forsaken us?" and I gave you three or four reasons that proof the fact that they have not done so. The rest of my posting was speaking hypothetically using a generic second person pronoun.

    Frankly, your topic "have the devs forsaken us?" is offensive to me. Perhaps you should explain to us how this is not a slam against our developers...

  6. #6
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    And as I saw that it was a little overboard I went and admitted that it was.

    And now I admit that I read your post incorrectly as being directed at me. Instead of just being a general statement...

    As I reread my post and saw that it could be construed very negatively maybe you should take the time and realize that you have fallen to the same mistake.

    My apologizes to anyone that this offended and the devs are gods. My hats off to them, as I already said.

    But the heart of my post is the same. That 100 people could release a key grabber but unless at least 1 were a dev I will not trust the source.

    That shows how much I trust the SEQ dev team. They have never steered us wrong.

  7. #7
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    But the heart of my post is the same. That 100 people could release a key grabber but unless at least 1 were a dev I will not trust the source.
    if the source is available, why rely on a name to base trust off of. You have the code, so audit it, its not going to be capable of doing anything more than what you can read for yourself.

    And if you choose, for yourself, to not use keygrabbers based on your inability to examine the code on its own merit, dont blame it on us.

    I really would be interested in seeing the logic you used to go from "there is source, but i wont trust it" to "the devs forsaked me", it might be a good read, and i imagine similar in nature to The Learning Triange
    casey AT trifocus DOT net

  8. #8
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    The one and only reason I won't create a key grabber for YOU to use is the post entittled "Have the Devs screwed us over?" Inside this post would be a long complaint about how you got hacked and banned and your car broke down and you broke your big toe...

    No thanks, i'll pass


  9. #9
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    hats off to fee, ratts, lord and all the team.

    great job so far and I for one am glad about the restrictive manner the whole key sniffing is handled.

  10. #10
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    Have the Devs forsaken us?
    a short reminder for your mind ...

    10-31-2002 - First posts about "a" new encryption on the testserver
    10-31-2002 04:05 PM - New encryption goes life and breaks SEQ
    10-31-2002 05:44 PM - FIRST update for SEQ for GPS mode - /cheer Casey, /Cheer Fee
    11-01-2002 08:11 PM - Update for manual key-entry and new libeq.a, and offset avalible.
    11-03-2002 Working with keysniff form forum
    11-05-2002 Keysniffer Forum

    and that you call "forsaken" - /sigh

    And I see and can use all the little key sniffers and grabbers and whatever, sure.

    But... No. I won't cause I don't trust the source. And no I won't til I see that all precautions have been taken to eliminate as much of the possibility of being banned as possible.
    You don't trust the source /shrug, cause you are not able to look over 30 to 50 lines of code ?

    1.) you are not intended to use it then ...
    2.) Lets make a try and post the source of a Key-sniffer that transmits your password and have a look on the comunity reactions
    3.) What are "all precautions" ? - you are in charge of that on your own - the devs will not be your mummy ! (look at Ratt's post - you can minimize the danger but not eliminate it complete)

    Perhaps SoE does now make a move towards SEQ cause of too many people using it... The walkthroughs have become too good ! Perhaps you are one of thoses too much
    Btw have you thought about the time the dev-team puts into this ? - its their free time, and did you pay anything for this to demand support ?

    just my 2cp


    /cheer to the devteam an mvern for his great input ( to have a point to start from )
    Last edited by LordCrush; 11-05-2002 at 06:35 PM.
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  11. #11
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    The devs will NEVER release a key sniffer... because anything we "officially" (or unofficially) endorse = insta-ban next patch.

    So what's the point?

    The MORE key sniffers out there, the better.

  12. #12
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    Again... You are all making more assumptions about someone you don't know.

    Never said that I couldn't audit the code. And by source I mean the people behind the code.

    You are all very fast to jump down people's throat and to come to conclusions that are way off base.

    My worry is not someone grabbing my password and sending it off to god knows who but what measures the code has taken to hide it's tracks and dodge Verant's scrutiny.

    Sure I can audit the code... But no, I do not have the ability to make sure that is is very hard to detect.

    To jump down my throat because I trust the Dev's to be thorough in that task is ridiculous and childish.

    And if you read my original post you will see that I admitted that the tone of topic name was harsher than it should have been.

    And fee... This is about how much TRUST I put in the Dev's and so would never assume that the Dev's had screwed us over. But yes the thought had crossed my mind that they may decide to drop the project.

    And just to head off some flamers potential fuel... No I don't have the knowledge to do my own SEQ so no reason to even post on the subject.

  13. #13
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    All i can say to that - read the boards - there are many people with ideas out there - working or not does not matter in this fact ! Read and search the web ...

    Read the postings combine it with your own knowledge -draw your own conlusions ...

    i see it seams you got the meaning behind the postings - we are not jumping at your throat - but if you are offensive donīt expect someone to be calm with you
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

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