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Thread: A little keyreader example code

  1. #151
    Registered User
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    There are some pretty stealthy ways to get around all this hub-bub. First of all, I think you guys need to abandon the concept of just standard Windows horseshit IPC calls for checking on eqgame's memory content.

    Look into Win2k kernel objects and \Device\Physical Memory, etc. It's a bit of work, but it isn't impossible.

    If you're worth half a tit in 8086 assembler you can get do some creative stuff as well, but you can get by with pure C for sure.

    Happy coding.


  2. #152
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    RTFM -- fputs,fprintf,write,fwrite.

    Thanks, I got it working how I want it.

    Last edited by AbaddonxXx69; 11-05-2002 at 08:20 PM.

  3. #153
    Registered User OldNecro's Avatar
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    Little problem...

    --------------------Configuration: vshield - Win32 Debug--------------------
    vshield.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__PlaySoundA@12
    Debug/vshield.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
    Error executing link.exe.

    vshield.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    Don't claim to be a programmer... Am I just missing a library include or something?
    "It's like every time I play, I get reminded why I quit."

  4. #154
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    Your answer is in the first lines of the source code:

    * kscan.c - version 2
    * if you get an error about a missing symbol PlaySound, be sure to link with winmm.lib
    * if your missing Process32First, link with th32.lib

  5. #155
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    God people, you are making this all too easy as usual. I'm running winxp, copied the source from the beginning of this thread, pasted it into MS Visual Studio 6, got the errors predicted in the beginning of the source (doh), followed basic instructions also listed in this thread to correct these errors, compiled my very own sparklin' sniffer proggie, copied it to a folder shared between my linux box and my windows box, ran it, pointed the keyfile from showeq's new tab to this keyfile, and all of a sudden beautiful colors. No problems, just colors. moving dots with levels indicated and all, and best of all, the map fills in EVERY time

    Now, the reason I say this is too easy is that a couple months ago I bought the "Visual C++ for dummies" book, read to about page 40 and lost it . Yup, I'm a total noob. Love you all, but could ya make this showeq stuff a bit more challenging
    Say no to sig.

  6. #156
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    I would rather you be a "n00b" and figure it out than have the devs make an WinSEQ. You still have to compile and have a linux box. This will keep the Aol_user01-1000000 from running it and that is okay with me.

  7. #157
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    key not working

    I compiled this utility under win98 using the free borland compiler, and it seems to run fine, but the keys it spits out never end up decoding anything when I type them into showeq.

    I believe I have the latest libEQ.a and the latest showeq. When I type the key into showeq it prints out a statement saying it is using the key, along with the "backfill()" message that used to precede successful decoding of zones. No decoded information ever shows up on the map however.

    Is it possible that the default address offset currently being used with this program is incorrect for eq running on win98? I believe someone asked earlier in this thread whether it was OS dependent, but no answer was given.

    If it is OS dependent, could someone post what the correct offset is for win98? Or where I can find a free disassembler and specific instructions for how to find the correct address myself?


  8. #158
    Registered User OldNecro's Avatar
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    /bonk lmao - i need to quit screwing with this crap in the middle of the night lol
    "It's like every time I play, I get reminded why I quit."

  9. #159
    Registered User OldNecro's Avatar
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    Now... I've done a search and manually scanned several threads with no luck. How would I go about adding a check so that the key file is only rewritten and thusly a sound is played only if the key has actually changed? Or does it already do that?

    BTW, I am using Amadeus's code for this one... Mvern's gives me error 5 for some reason.
    Last edited by OldNecro; 11-06-2002 at 09:39 AM.
    "It's like every time I play, I get reminded why I quit."

  10. #160
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    not sure....

    Not sure, OldNecro, but if you didn't have such an offensive avatar, perhaps more people would be willing to help you. Personaly I hope they don't...

  11. #161
    Registered User OldNecro's Avatar
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    Anyone who is offended by my avatar is offended by free speech, and I don't need the *bad* advice that such an idiot would have to offer anyway... - Furthermore, anyone here is welcome to put up a black panthers avatar if they so desire and I will speak to them and answer their questions without a second thought. A person's beliefs are their own, and are none of my business.

    ...and to put one last thing to rest before this turns into a racial argument, I am a firm believer that every race has two types of people. Normal people who contribute to society and build relationships with the people around them, and those other people who leech off welfare and drink themselves into homelessness. There are white people, and there is white trash. There are black people, and there are niggers. Two completely different things.

    This board is not the place to discuss things of this nature. Please let that statement be what puts it to rest for good.
    "It's like every time I play, I get reminded why I quit."

  12. #162
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    OldNecro, your picture and comments about it are by nature provocative, whatever your intentions. They are not relevant to this forum, nor welcome.

    "Anyone who is repulsed by a fist up their ass is repulsed by physical intimacy" - no, it is more accurate to say that you are repulsed by some specific instance of physical intimacy.

  13. #163
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    Anyone who is offended by my avatar is offended by free speech
    I fail to see the connection between "freedom of speech" and "burning people alive on a wooden cross".
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

    after you've read it, you know what to do next...

    "Stay alert! Trust noone! Keep your Lazers Handy! Have a nice day." -- Provided courtesy of the Computer. The Computer never lies.

  14. #164
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    excercising my free speach by _not_ helping that jerk.

    You have the feedom to say anything you want. i have the freedom to be offended by it. blah blah blah.
    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

  15. #165
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by OldNecro
    A person's beliefs are their own, and are none of my business.
    LOL but yet you inflict *your* beliefs on everyone else in this forum and expect them to help you....

    Listen, believe what you want... but when you brand yourself with hate, don't expect people to run to your aid... /shrug

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