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Thread: SenseHeading [works with seq 4.3.2]

  1. #1

    SenseHeading [works with seq 4.3.2]


    gonna debug it tomorrow so it compiles with M$ VC

    // $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/senseheading/senseheading.c,v 1.4 2002/11/05 23:36:03 hoihoi Exp $
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <tlhelp32.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #define CONF_FILE "C:/senseheading/senseheading.conf"
    #define CONF_SIZE 16
    struct CONFIG
    	unsigned long long SessionKeyLocation;
    	unsigned int SendInterval;
    	char seq_ip[16];
    	int seq_port;
    } config;
    int SendSessionKey(unsigned long long SessionKey);
    void readkey (HANDLE hProcess, int useConfig)
    	while (1)
    		unsigned long addr;
    		unsigned long long key = 0xffffffffffffffff;
    		char keypressing;
    		if (useConfig == 0)
    			printf ("\nenter offset (ie: 0x00773b90): ");
    			if (scanf ("%08x", &addr) == 1)
    				printf ("offset:\t0x%08x\n", addr);
    			addr = config.SessionKeyLocation;
    		if (ReadProcessMemory (hProcess, (void *)addr, &key, 8, NULL) == 0)
    			printf ("ReadProcessMemory on 8 bytes at 0x%08x failed: %u\n", addr, GetLastError());
    			printf ("Session key:\t0x%016llx\n", (unsigned long long) key);
    			if ( useConfig == 1)
    				if (SendSessionKey(key) != SOCKET_ERROR)
    					printf("Sent the session key to %s:%d\n", config.seq_ip, config.seq_port);
    					printf("Failed to send the session key to %s:%d\n", config.seq_ip, config.seq_port);
    			if (config.SendInterval != 0)
    				printf("\nPress some key to continue");
    				scanf("%s", &keypressing);
    	fflush (stdin);
    int scanproclist ( int useConfig )
        HANDLE         hProcessSnap = NULL;
        PROCESSENTRY32 pe32      = {0};
        //  Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
        hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
        if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            return 0;
        //  Fill in the size of the structure before using it.
        pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
        if (Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32))
    		HANDLE hProcess;
                LPSTR pCurChar;
    			char pName[512];
                // strip path and leave exe filename
                for (pCurChar = (pe32.szExeFile + strlen (pe32.szExeFile));
                     *pCurChar != '\\' && pCurChar != pe32.szExeFile - 1;
                strcpy(pName, pCurChar);
    			if ( (strncmp (pName, "testeqgame", 10) == 0) || (strncmp (pName, "eqgame", 6) == 0) )
    				printf ("found eqgame - pid = %u\n\n", pe32.th32ProcessID);
    				hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID);
    				if (hProcess == NULL)
    					DWORD dw;
    					dw = GetLastError();
    					printf ("OpenProcess failed, error: %u\n", dw);
    					return 0;
    				readkey (hProcess, useConfig);
            while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
        CloseHandle (hProcessSnap);
        return 0;
    int ReadConfig (void)
    	int useConfig = 0;
    	char conf_buffer[CONF_SIZE];
    	GetPrivateProfileString("Client", "SessionKeyLocation", "0", conf_buffer, CONF_SIZE, CONF_FILE);
    	config.SessionKeyLocation = strtol(conf_buffer,NULL,16);
    	GetPrivateProfileString("Client", "SendInterval", "0", conf_buffer, CONF_SIZE, CONF_FILE);
    	config.SendInterval = atoi(conf_buffer);
    	GetPrivateProfileString("ShowEQ", "IP", "0", conf_buffer, CONF_SIZE, CONF_FILE);
    	strcpy(config.seq_ip, conf_buffer);
    	GetPrivateProfileString("ShowEQ", "Port", "0", conf_buffer, CONF_SIZE, CONF_FILE);
    	config.seq_port = atoi(conf_buffer);
    	if (config.SessionKeyLocation > 0)
    		useConfig = 1;
    	return useConfig;
    int SendSessionKey(unsigned long long SessionKey)
    	int ret;
    	WSADATA wsd;
    	SOCKET ssocket;
    	SOCKADDR_IN seq;
    	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsd) != 0)
           printf("WSAStartup failed!\n");
    	   return SOCKET_ERROR;
    	ssocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    	if (ssocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
    		printf("socket() failed; %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
    		return SOCKET_ERROR;
    	seq.sin_family = AF_INET;
    	seq.sin_port = htons((short)config.seq_port);
    	seq.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(config.seq_ip);
    	ret = sendto(ssocket, &SessionKey, sizeof(unsigned long long), 0, (SOCKADDR *)&seq, sizeof(seq));
    	if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
    		return SOCKET_ERROR;
    	return 0;
    int main(void)
    	printf ("scanning for eqgame.exe\n");
    	if (ReadConfig() == 1)
    	return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Dec 2001
    i assume 4.3.2 is just about to come out? i did a cvs -z3 update and didn't get anything but new maps :)

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    4.3.2 is not currently "working as intended." I expect a release in the next 12 hours, just need to isolate a crash bug.


  4. #4
    Registered User
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    HoiHoi has the code above changed since your last post?

  5. #5
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    I have MS VC 4.2 and when I compile your code i get the following:

    --------------------Configuration: senseheading - Win32 Debug--------------------
    C:\newbie.cpp(14) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(20) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(27) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(27) : warning C4305: 'initializing' : truncation from 'const unsigned __int64' to 'unsigned long'
    C:\newbie.cpp(27) : warning C4309: 'initializing' : truncation of constant value
    C:\newbie.cpp(48) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(59) : error C2065: 'sleep' : undeclared identifier
    C:\newbie.cpp(59) : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function
    C:\newbie.cpp(96) : error C2001: newline in constant
    C:\newbie.cpp(96) : error C2015: too many characters in constant
    C:\newbie.cpp(97) : error C2105: '--' needs l-value
    C:\newbie.cpp(97) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'pCurChar'
    C:\newbie.cpp(147) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(171) : error C2632: 'long' followed by 'long' is illegal
    C:\newbie.cpp(171) : error C2664: 'sendto' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'unsigned long *' to 'const char *' (new behavior; please see help)
    Error executing cl.exe.
    newbie.obj - 13 error(s), 2 warning(s)

    If I take out the long long and replace it with just long and recompile I get the following ( also I placed another \ in the line *pCurChar != '\' && pCurChar != pe32.szExeFile - 1:

    --------------------Configuration: senseheading - Win32 Debug--------------------
    C:\newbie.cpp(27) : warning C4305: 'initializing' : truncation from 'const unsigned __int64' to 'unsigned long'
    C:\newbie.cpp(27) : warning C4309: 'initializing' : truncation of constant value
    C:\newbie.cpp(59) : error C2065: 'sleep' : undeclared identifier
    C:\newbie.cpp(59) : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function
    C:\newbie.cpp(171) : error C2664: 'sendto' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'unsigned long *' to 'const char *' (new behavior; please see help)
    Error executing cl.exe.
    newbie.obj - 3 error(s), 2 warning(s)

    Any hints (notice I compiled the program as I am newbie) Please keep the Flames low

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Oct 2002
    You need to replace all the 'unsigned long long' with 'ULONGLONG'...

    You need to replace the call to 'sleep' with a call to 'Sleep'...

    For the error in line 171, you probably just need to explicitly cast the paramater to (char *)...

    You'll probably also need to add Ws2_32.lib to the libraries being linked in to the project.

  7. #7
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    Thanks man ULONGLONG was the answer I also included the w3s_32.lib and the sleep thing who would have thunk a cap S would have made a difference <grin> but I still get a warning:

    --------------------Configuration: senseheading - Win32 Debug--------------------
    C:\senseheading.c(171) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'unsigned __int64 *' to 'const char *'
    senseheading.obj - 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)

    /emote looks puzzled and bewildered at comment:

    For the error in line 171, you probably just need to explicitly cast the paramater to (char *)...

    I know the error is tellng me that I can't combine 2 different types but how can I make the change?

  8. #8
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    Change this:
    	ret = sendto(ssocket, &SessionKey, sizeof(unsigned long long), 0, (SOCKADDR *)&seq, sizeof(seq));
    To this:
    	ret = sendto(ssocket, (char *) &SessionKey, sizeof(ULONGLONG), 0, (SOCKADDR *)&seq, sizeof(seq));

  9. #9
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    You have the right from now until forever to /bonk me on the head anytime you want.

    Compiles without error... <big Grin>

    Sometimes you have to Pound learning into a warriors head after all our int isn't that great .. hehehe

  10. #10
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    I have this sniffer up and running, looks like it is finding eqgame and the key and sending it off to my seq box, port 666. I have updated seq to 4.3.2 and told it to watch port 666. It doesn't seem that showeq is receiving the packet sent to it due to the fact that spawns are not showing up. Should I expect to see any mesasge in the output from showeq that a key has been recieved?

  11. #11
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    Im having the same problem. Im seeing the packet from the eq machine to the seq machine but seq doesnt seem to be getting it correctly.

  12. #12
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    Thanks Gang and Hoihoi, for this update, I guess I will scrap my auto updating code now. I had to include wsock32.lib to get by the linking errors on W98 solved. Does the latest cvs solve the Keyloading Lock up issue? was causing me problems with my auto updating code in decode before. Havent had a chance to look at decode.cpp yet.. Curious..

    < compiling atm > Will try it out..

    Thanks Again.

  13. #13
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    Error while compiling under Dev-C++

    I'm using DEV-C++ and getting the following error... any help?

    line 96 C:\dev-c++\senseheading.c unterminated character constant

    Line 96 is this one (direct copy from up above).

    *pCurChar != '\' && pCurChar != pe32.szExeFile - 1;

    Thanks in Advance
    Last edited by fluke; 11-06-2002 at 10:52 PM.

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    Change '\' to '\\'

  15. #15
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Thanks for the eyes Bel :-) . Should have jumped right out at me, of course I also ran out of gas on way home from work today too, and that should have jumped out at me too..hehe been one of those days.


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