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Thread: Learn to Code or Give up SEQ?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002

    Learn to Code or Give up SEQ?

    Not being sarcastic. Due to SEQ coming out I have learned how to build a linux box, and also dug into more things about the OS, which I find very interesting.

    Now we have a dilemma with having to compile a key sniffer to pass data to our linux box on the winblowz machine. Is this going to become the trend as most people see it, or is someone actually looking into a solution for the non-coding idiot out here?

    I am not trying to preach doom and gloom, was just wanting to hear some feedback from the people more in the mix of SEQ project.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Why give it up?

    I will not use the put anything on my eq box until i know its safe. Right now we have no clue what sony will do.

    I am just happy having a GPS map and unknown spawns to pull or avoid.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    The source code posted on these forums can be copy and pasted into many compilers and get SEQ functioning again. I'd call that looking out for the non-programers. Get visual studio 6, File->New-> cpp file -> paste in source -> F5

    Now, go learn C++ anyway.
    -- Exo

  4. #4
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    is learning to code such a bad thing?

    (pep talk mode on)

    look at yourself and see how far you have come with linux. you learned a lot already, and it isn't nearly as daunting as it first seemed, correct?

    If you start by coping the code from these forums, and get them to compile. then begin making minor changes here and there and recompile (change variable names and such at first). compare different versions and see what they are doing. soon you will be able to merge subroutines from one sample version into another.

    pretty soon you will be able to do a lot with C, and you will be able to even make minor changes to showeq itself, write shell scripts and C code for your linux box, etc. you will be able to read source code for any application, and know what it does. you will be free.

    i am sure that anyone who went from zero unix knowledge to a running linux box with showeq will be able to also teach themselves enough programming to read these forums and compile a safe, working sniffer. you can do it, and you will be proud of yourself when you do. not only that, but you will be able to make improvements to other open source projects such as showeq!

    EDIT: <---- bah! i am a kobold? i wanna be a gnoll again! grrr. grrr. BARK! BARK! grr. grrr

    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Dec 2001
    You can

    1.) use the posted source like Exo said (more dangerous to use that) - or -
    2.) take the posted source modify it and make your own sniffer - more likely that SoE does not detecte that ... /shrug up to you
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    This project is a great opportunity to learn C/C++, Linux installation and upkeep, Linux operation, networking, and now Windows programming.

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Lol Mr Spock - i agree it was the reason for me to purchase a new c-compiler
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    I have been meaning to teach myself C++ have even goten a few books to aid in that. taken 1 or two baby steps. this sounds like a good reason to take a larger one.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    Think its time to go to the book store and pickup C++ for dummies.

    Thank you for the replies.

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Actually don't want those "For dummies" books ...well, maybe if you're UTTERLY clueless. But, if you have half a brain, you want to get everything related that C++ that's published by O'Reilly's. I believe the titles are such things as "C++ in a Nutshell", etc...

    I have a nice story that relates to this topic myself. My degrees (as you can tell from the handle) are music related, I've never been in a computer programming class in my life! However, it was about 1994 when I was playing those old merc/diku/envy/ROM based MUDs that I decided that I was going to learn it or die trying. So that's where it started! Honestly, it's too bad that there is not an interest in those code bases anymore because it was truly the best way to learn C (and then migrate to C++) least for me

    My progression was C (via merc/Envy/ROM MUD code bases) -> C++ (custom MUDs) -> Borland Builder 4/5 & Visual Studio.

    I'm no where near the level of the real programmers on this forum, but I'm so proud to know that I can tweak it to do what I want and be able to read it and understand it.

    It took 8 years to get to this point doing it this method (ie, self-taught/trial & error) ...... be patient

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