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Thread: SEQ 4.3.3. noob-idiot manual please =)

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Angry SEQ 4.3.3. noob-idiot manual please =)

    Dear friends,

    as far as i understood (Yes Yes, Lord Crush, i read ALL threats -p), there are two main possibilities for auto-keysniffing.

    One is keyring, the other something with "hook" ?

    I already downloaded several C++ Compilers although i have not the slightest idea to use them correctly concerning this matter.

    Could, please, someone write down a step-by-step manual how to sucessfully create a working keysniffer by using a C Compiler ?

    This would be helpful =)


  2. #2
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    most of the posts about each Key Puller have info on how to compile them. If we make it 2 easy the room full of monkeys that Verant calls Programmers would be able to do this also and find a way to detect it.

    I am nowhere near a developer, the closest I came to coding was a .NET class that was more of a "Teach the Devs" type class(I was sooo lost) and I got mine working about 30mins after 1st post.

    Its all there RTFF

    Sorry if this sounds like a flame. SEQ shouldn't be easy or else there would be thousands to tens of thousands of SEQ-Script-Kiddies.

    Also this halters people selling SEQ boxes in PlayerAuction and ElBay. (PS:Elbay is Ghetto Ebay)

  3. #3
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    It also stops most of us who have been using SEQ for years from using it now so only an elite few who can code and know what to do can use it, which will eventually lead to a WSEQ release. Take your choice, have the game ruined by 100,000 WSEQ users or verant changing a few things now and again. I think a manual might be a better idea.

  4. #4
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    all I am saying is that if you are one of the "elite few" that are already running ShowEQ there is no reason that you can not decode now.

    When I 1st found out about showeq it is when the old winshoweq was going around. I think it was called EQItems or something. Well I tried running it about 1 week after it went down.

    a friend told me "That no longer works, I will be by next weekend to setup linux and install showeq2.1x for you" well I downloaded all the things he told me I needed. Linux, Libpcap ..ect.... and had Linux up and running on the network when he got there.

    The only thing I did not do was the 2nd nic config being I NEVER even tried to load linux before this. I did not know CVS either so he showed me that and then gave me the hackersquest board link for support.

    Well MY ShowEQ is always decoding, if someone else is I am within 30mins of there posts. Well 1 night after the sniffer post, needed to figure out MSVC++ being I am not a developer.

    I am to the point now where I have my own Private Sniffer that works how I want it. I do need to telnet and in Decode by hand, but hey I dont really even play, My girfriend (Yes the one that said I play to Much) is the new junky of the house and you know how it goes. NoDecode=NoSex=

    I am glad that ShowEQ is like this, it makes it more fun!!!

    PS:/jk about the no sex thing, she knows much better than that. I know her password and her account is in my name

  5. #5
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    That is good for you, but my prediction stands. If someone doesn't draw up plans for a manual, I believe someone will develop WSEQ. I don;t want that happen, as it will be the end of EQ. I am looking at a C++ book right now trying to figure this stuff out. But there are way too many others who would rather use a windows based version than to do this on their own.

  6. #6
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    WinSEQ has always been around in one form or another. The people that have it though are keeping it closer than the developers of SEQ to keep VI (now SOE) from cracking down on them too hard.

    If you can compile SEQ, you can easily compile any of the keysniffers. Heck if you don't want to be troubled to learn, search for a post by Baelang and take the risk that the binary that is linked to is really a trojan or an account stealer.

  7. #7
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    Yes Yes, Lord Crush, i read ALL threats -p
    Hmm, i dont believe that ...

    How much walkthrough do you need ?

    If it is not enough you are possible not the one who should use it ...
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  8. #8
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    I have to completely agree with Lord Crush on this...

    I'm not a developer at all, as a matter of fact, the last real coding of any useful kind I did on my Apple ][e in the late 80's on a BBS system called ACOS (Now that can date me a little bit)...

    Anyway, with the information that has been posted previously in many different threads, I have been able not only to download the source (this is easier than CVS, if you can handle that, you can download the various ZIP files with the source), setup a new project in VC++ (Either an executable or DLL, I've done both), and compile the in "Release" form...

    It's not THAT hard people, if your really struggling with this, go and buy Visual C++ for Dummies and read it.

  9. #9
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    /wave RavenCT - i had an Apple ][e too after my ZX81 , and the last coding for me was for diploma thesis, about 12 years ago ...

    Now i bought a compiler (Borland for different footprint) and the first program i made was not for seq but for work

    You CAN do it, follow the instructions and when you are stuck *FIRST* use search - not only in this forum ( is outside ) and if you don't find anything post your question.

    I made rather a lot posts on this forum (there are plenty people who did make more ...), but not all were flames , i had questions too and most of them were answered - some not, cause other people perhaps dont know the answer too ...

    Just dooing 5-10 Mins of search will most surely prevent any flames, and a last point - donīt whine, we are not your mum, all of us had to figure out how this works. Some had more knowledge some not ...
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  10. #10
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    Bah... I WISH I had an Apple back then, I had a TimexPOS C63Clone. Had to save everything to Audio Tapes. also did some Basic with the old Q-Basic compiler but never anything big, jsut same basic inventory/Quoteing software for the CNC company I worked for.

  11. #11
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    He he he, believe it or not, I still have the ][e in a closet here in my basement as well as one or two others for parts

    And I thought it was kick ass when I got a zip chip and got my Apple to run, not at 1 Mhz, but at 8!

    How times have changed...

  12. #12
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    my father still uses my old ][e - he don't like the mouse (it could bite )
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  13. #13
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    Ya know...I'm a complete Linux n00b, and i know jack (*&^ about programming. The extent of my linux experience was when I tried to install RedHat via VMWare on my Win2k Pro machine 2 years ago (failing miserably I might add). The extent of my programming knowledge is what little I learned during my hardcore mIRC scripting days. Being as that language is only SIMILAR to C, and even at my best then I couldnt' do anything really fancy, and knowing how little i know of Linux, just the fact that I was able to get this up and going, with only an occasional question thrown over my shoulder to a roomate (who has been using it for a few months now and while the way he does it is a works) about how a certain function worked (e.g. "Ok, I know how to unzip this using 'tar' but how do I get it to do "xyz"?). Most of his answers involved simple nudges in the right direction to get me started.

    My point is that even if you ARE a n00b like me in the complicated world that is Linux, if you are not a complete dunder-headed fool, ten you can figure it out. Heck, after PoP, even after SEQ was fixed, and some keysniffers were released, it still took me a few frustrating days to get things working right. But I persevered, and actually tried to figure it out on my own. These forums proved ESSENTIAL in that quest, as did STFW.

    And what have I gotten out of it all? More knowledge than what I came into it with.

    Was kinda funny though, my roomate was ticked that there was a FAQ on the main page. He said that was akin to everything being spoonfed to me, that and one of the posts that I had found that gave me a swift kick in the ass as to what to do with that stupid "Something wicked has happend to your libraries" error.


    Bottom line, STFW, RTFM, look for a FAQ or HOW-TO, and if you are even in possesion of a slight amount of intelligence, you will get where you want to go.

    And I am entirely too long-winded.
    One by one the Penguins steal my sanity...I wanna penguin too!!

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