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Thread: The changes on test...

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    The changes on test...

    Some pretty major changes on test. Posting this mostly to help cut down on duplicated work. I havent worked through too much of it yet, but heres what I do know so far. Most all data is zlib compressed now, which is a nice bandwidth saver. The compression is basicly implimented so that multiple packets can be rolled together into a single compression block before being sent.

    New opcode: 0x7642 - compressed data packet. Seems to have a 3-5 byte header then the zlib compressed data. If the 3rd byte is 0xff, its a 5 byte header, otherwise 3, it seems. Unsure of what the other stuff indicates so far. In the decompressed data, you've got 1 or more packets strung together, havent worked out exactly how this works, but you do still have the opcode and data for each packet.

    Aside from all that, there appear to be some data structure changes, mostly in the form of 16 bit values being changed to 32 bits instead.

    In short, lots of work to do

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Oct 2002
    Just curious if any progress has been made?

    just anf fyi: The patch that is on test is pretty messed still at this point so there is probably still some decent time before this goes live. (people losing chars, chars getting swapped around, aa's being messed up and zones crashing nightly.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Drat... I was hoping to get the windowing stuff in soon.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Just run EQW and don't bother waiting for SOE to get it done.

  5. #5
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    I want to be able to alt-enter, specifically. I prefer to play fullscreen, but want the ability to leave it.

    Yes, I know you can *almost* get the fullscreen effect by having your desktop and EQ the same size, but I don't want *almost*.

    Maybe getting rid of all the silly process restrictions will make EQ a bit more stable (fat chance).

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    This is going live today. Has any progress been made to sort out the new compression and packet sizes?

  7. #7
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    I dont know that it will go live -- there's still a few serious issues with it, and they did not mention it in the patch message.

    Believe me when I say it will make a *huuuuge* improvement to modem users on raids. Night and freaking day.
    I think they'll make noise about it when it's in place..

    Could be wrong though, been known to happen.

  8. #8
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    The new buff boxes and the like are in today's patch. It would make sense that all the packet compression changes are as well. I can't imagine them rolling out one change that affects the protocol without rolling out the others. Of course we'll know for sure in a few hours.

  9. #9
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    Posted a patch here to restore SEQ to a mostly working state. I didnt get a chance to finish cleaning it up, and some of the structs are still off, but most everything is atleast working.

  10. #10
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    sigh i know i should use search for my answer,but here goes can someone post how to apply this patch and what all is needed to do.



  11. #11
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    cd into showeq/src and run 'patch < /path/to/test.diff'

  12. #12
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    its recompiling but i had several errors while it was patching
    but heh long as i get a map with me on it thats all i want thanks for the quick patch.

  13. #13
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    I downloaded test.diff to my /showeq/src dir and typed "patch test.diff"

    It just sits there doing nothing till I CTRL+C


  14. #14
    Registered User
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    hmmm applied the patch and several fails at applying the new code compiled anyway decode works sorta i get the map get stuff on the map but all wrong and my avatar is running up and down on outside of the map.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    I applied the patch and recompiled with no errors. It works fine now, at least initially. I'll be sure to report any bugs I find.

    This is why I love opensource. You get a patch in hours, not days/weeks/months.

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