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  1. #16
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by QuerySEQ
    It all depends on how you search. I normally avoid posting here, based on the fact that regardless of how constructive or how stupid a question is, there is always some F'Tard that wants to just start Flaming on behalf of just wanting to Flame what he/she thinks or believes to be a stupid question, regardless of the relevance.

    People that just FLAME to make those that are of lesser knowledge, are themselves of lesser knowledge on other platforms, and usualy get FLAMED for their stupid questions... YET.. when they "know" something that others do not, they hold it over others heads and gloat.. Their "Gloat" is .. "I know this and you dont, you idiot!"

    Take this post as a reminder that the stupid question, is the one you don't ask.. Quit making people FEEL stupid, just because in other Enterprises you are made to feel stupid due to YOUR lack of knowledge. Instead, Edjucate and Teach others.
    Seems I have to reiterate this fact every now and then -> I don't flame people because I have more knowledge than them. I flame them because they clutter up the message board with useless posts asking the EXACT same question that's already been answered, so the NEXT time someone does a search, they are forced to wade through even MORE useless posts to find the real information. Everytime some moronic idiot asks a question that's already been answered, and the resulting flames that follow, that's one more thread that's totally useless that comes up when you do a search.

    Could I weed out all the useless posts? Yea, I could... but I sure as fuck all am not going to take that kind of time; that's a full time job in and of itself. I don't trust anyone else to do it either, not because a lot of people on here aren't trustworthy, but because what they value as useful and what I value as useful will conflict, eventually.

    Contrary to the old cliche, there are PLENTY of stupid questions. "There are no stupid questions" is just a catch phrase teachers in school use to make stupid people feel better. It's not true, only an ego salve for the slower learners. It's all about self-esteem. Guess what? This is the real world and we don't care about your self esteem. It's all in what you can produce... if you are sub-par, then you will fail. Darwinism and all that.

    Now, to add insult to that injury: SEQ is not intended for stupid people. If you are incapable of using the search feature, which is exceedingly simple, I DO NOT WANT YOU USING SEQ. I don't know how many times and how many different ways I can say this. If you can't figure out everything you possibly need to know from using the search feature, then you probably shouldn't be using SEQ to begin with.

    Now, that is not to say that new questions/problems/bug reports aren't to be posted, because it's inevitable that something NEW will come up, given all the different hardware and software configs. That's fine, that's what we're here for.

    What we are NOT here for is to hand a tool like SEQ to you on a silver platter. This software/tool is not intended for the neophyte audience, it is intended for the experienced, seasoned computer user. If you are NOT in that category, and you come here begging help, expect to be ripped apart. That fact is made CLEAR AS DAY on the front page when you first go to this web site. There is no hidden agenda. There is no secret elite that lives here. This site is intended SOLEY and COMPLETELY for the experienced user. If you are NOT that, and STILL choose to come here, that is YOUR responsibility to take the heat for making message board newbie gaffs.

    Think of this message forum as the "Nightmare" level of any given game. It's not where you start out, but where you go after you've mastered the other levels, anything less and you are just a glutton for punishment.

  2. #17
    Registered User
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    SEQ is not intended for stupid people. If you are incapable of using the search feature, which is exceedingly simple, I DO NOT WANT YOU USING SEQ.

    What we are NOT here for is to hand a tool like SEQ to you on a silver platter. This software/tool is not intended for the neophyte audience, it is intended for the experienced, seasoned computer user. If you are NOT in that category, and you come here begging help, expect to be ripped apart. That fact is made CLEAR AS DAY on the front page when you first go to this web site.
    God I love this quote. /cheer Amen.

    (hmm..Ratt seems to be in a fairly good mood from reading this post...makes me feel good in waiting on the fix for the latest screw up of SoE.)

  3. #18
    Registered User
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    (hmm..Ratt seems to be in a fairly good mood from reading this post...makes me feel good in waiting on the fix for the latest screw up of SoE.)

    I don't think SoE actually screwed up...seeing as how this is a cheat program, looks like they got something right.
    Last edited by dirfrops; 01-31-2003 at 06:11 AM.

  4. #19
    Registered User
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    For many years I was a skydiving instructor. I started every class with the statement that "The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask." The reason I did that was because I did not want to have to take responsibility for scraping some dumb son of a bitch off the ground because he was scared to ask about something that I had failed to cover because I had assumed that anyone capable of dressing themselves in the morning would know it. And trust me, some of these people had to have had help getting dressed.

    Now here is the tricky part ---- This is not skydiving. No one is going to lose their life over SEQ. In this arena there are , indeed some really really stupid questions. One based on the premise that skimming the boards constitutes a "search" when there is not only a search button at the top of the page, but also a link to that button within a strongly worded warning about how to avoid getting flamed is indeed such a question.
    To search, or not to search,--that is the question:--
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous flaming
    Or to take a look at the search function,
    And by using it, end them?

  5. #20
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    I agree that 90% of the "stupid" question are simply because the peasants have gotten used to being spoon fed information. "I have a question, I'll post it... Hmm how do I post?" They don't even bother to stop and try to reason out the question, think where you could find the answer.

    I also believe that there are another 10% that while they do have brains and some computer savy, they don't know enough about the problem to form the right search.

    Do we want to exclude these people.. well to me that is a tough call.

  6. #21
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    I don't think SoE actually screwed up...seeing as how this is a cheat program, looks like they got something right.
    I wasn't talking about the breakage of SEQ, I'm talking about how innefficient various aspects of the game now are after the last patch.

    Read the forum COMPLETELY and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  7. #22
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    Read this [link] before asking any questions. Then use use this [link]. After you have read and used both options, then and ONLY then should you ask your question. If your question is answered in either of those two locations, EXPECT TO BE FLAMED for being too stupid to read. You have been warned.
    Just wanted to remind people that this disclaimer IS ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THESE FORUMS. Simple, I would argue Forest Gump level, reading and understanding is all that is required to understand that YOU WILL BE FLAMED for failing to follow such directions...

    I only bring this up because, unlike your 3rd grade class, the basic rules on this forum dictate that THERE ARE STUPID QUESTIONS!!!

  8. #23
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    Well OK, first of all I never did see the search button, If you made it a lil FU--ing BIGGER maybe more people would use it. Also, i know i dont ask the most intellegent questions, and i also know that my questions probably been answered. When i was looking for my answer thru the posts, I would read everything, but the final answer on the question...

    Example: Patch 1-28-03

    When i asked if we were up, and i got flamed because YOU siad i didnt read my own responses.....the fact of the matter is i did. But what happens on every post here is people get off the topic. Like on that post ...who was talking about them learning vc+++ and who is using some new sniffer and a bunch of other bullshit (not saying that its not important info, just not the answer to the question) i get tired of having to read all these other posts that dont apply to my question.

    I see that when someone asks a question it gets half answered to the best it can be for like 3 or 4 posts and then people start talking about other mumbo jumbo. so when looking for the final answer. i notice its not fully there. There is more flaming on this site than any other forums!

    I mean come on are soooo damn intellegant( I wish i had 1/4 of your knowledge) teach people instead of destroying em.

    I have beed looking for info on how to learn linux and c++ so i dont sound like an idiot, but it is all new to me. so i am slow at it.

    we should all work together and i see alot of people do, as long as you have equal knowledge. if someone doesnt then he gets slammed

    REMEMBER...even if somone does seach for answers and they are reading thru posts maybe is its sooooo damn easy for you to understand, but not easy for others to understand

    You can all flame me all you want, fact is im still here and im learning!

    Have fun! and lets get seq back pleeeeaaaase!

  9. #24
    Registered User Iam_Walrus's Avatar
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    Just for shit's and giggles I did a search on "search button" and received 67 hits...

    I'm not a dev. I don't know C/C++, Java or even XML - all of which would make me somewhat useful to the community here. I do know the barest essentials of make, PERL and linking which have enabled me to slog my way through SEQ for the last two years. As a testimonial to my cowardice of being flamed and labeled as yet another retard, I've found that the Search button has been my lifeline. I've searched for just about every possible criteria I can think of for each of my problems and I have *yet* to fail in finding the answer I needed, at least when it comes to install/update/debug SEQ issues.

    If you're affraid of the flames, then use the craven method of patience and Search - you'll never get roasted that way....

  10. #25
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    Afriad of being flamed haha! no i am not! other wise i wouldnt open my mouth if i was!

    ever since i was told to use search, i have been and it has worked for some questions not all. But as i said before. I NEVER EVEN SEEN THE SEARCH BUTTON, cause its soo damn small. i past it constantly! but now i know its there and i use it......

    thank you for listening

  11. #26
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    You can all flame me all you want, fact is im still here and im learning!

    Have fun! and lets get seq back pleeeeaaaase!
    This is actually why I haven't banned your account. You actually do seem to have a desire to actually learn, unlike 90% of the other people asking for spoon fed walk throughs on how to get phat lewtz with SEQ.

  12. #27
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    Ratt thank you for noticing. I really would love to help even though i dont have much experience.

  13. #28
    Registered User
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    hey who_me_use_seq, Skydiving instructer?
    Seems like a good place to pour some chlorine in the Gene pool.
    Too many Sheeple!!!

  14. #29
    Registered User Jillian's Avatar
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    Let's sum up this thread shall we?
    Originally posted by vpresti
    I know im going to get flamed, BUT I did search around these boards and didnt see anything about that topic.
    Originally posted by TDES
    how exactly did you search ?
    Originally posted by vpresti
    I did not use the search button.
    Originally posted by Ratt
    WTF? What part of "Search" was unclear?
    Originally posted by vpresti
    I never did see the search button, If you made it a lil FU--ing BIGGER maybe more people would use it.
    Maybe if this was put at the top of each page...

  15. #30
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    When searching on "search button" i should hope that this attachment comes up:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by baelang; 01-31-2003 at 03:21 PM.
    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

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