Jeeves is probably correct on the interface part, I did not mean to imply that EQ uses IE, but the same library 'hooks'.

Anything from the patcher to the new UI. Even those of us that use Nutscrape, have a temporary area for that work to be performed.

The patcher 'unloads' when it has completed its task and launched the application. I have found many EQ xml objects in my temporary files directory.

I dont know for certain if they can or cannot actually use your temporary internet files. I am sure it is possible, however.. if Caught doing such, it would be an infringement of privacy, and they would be liable. due to the fact that it is quite easy to see that occur, I seriously doubt SOE would want to try and explain that to the International Community, as well as having a pretty hefty class action against them for it.

I think it is just a place that is being used to parse, temp, discard..etc..