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Thread: The *complete and uncut* flame casey thread

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    The *official* flame casey thread

    this is for all you guys that pop into irc, fail to read the topic, and then get pissed off when we tell you to go to (NOT WORK SAFE DONT CLICK IT IF YOU VALUE YOUR EYES), and then proceed to whip out newbie_comment_01, "you guys need to get laid" in retort to your own lack of cognitive reasoning skills. After which, you promptly quit, satisfied with the knowledge that *you* got the last word in and are obviously superior in every way to me. Well, i'd like a personal archive of such activity, so please, feel free to have at me, in this thread of mine. If you say something particularly ingenious, i may even stick it on my wall, so that i can forever bask in the awe of your intellect, and only hope to absorb a fraction of it by repeated viewing.

    and yea, you other guys on the forums that cant bother with a search button: you guys arent quite as bad as the idiots in irc that cant read, yet insist on using a text driven chat protocol, but you guys are still morons imnsho, so feel free to participate as well.

    flame away.
    casey AT trifocus DOT net

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    LOL, shame on you Casey, be thankful your not on the end where you answer calls about routers and then they call them rooters, what the hell is a rooter, other than that roster off the farm, one day people will figure out how to speak english and not pigeon english LOL

  3. #3
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    i did 2 years working the wrong end of the phones doing GTE internet tech support and sales while in high school, so i feel your pain.

    always made me feel bad selling dialup internet to someone who i knew 100% would not get it working without loads of help, but the idiot/rude customers hardened me from feeling compassion for the clients, and allowed me to be top sailes rep during one of the summers i worked there.

    I much prefer giving support in IRC, as there is no threat of QA monitoring my calls, and i dont have a level of professionalism i have to uphold regardless of the crap being spewed by the other party.

  4. #4
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    Who said anything about me being professional, I tell them oh so you can connect to the internet, then our device is working the way it should, thanks for calling LOL but yeah, ya gotta suck it up but I need the job so thats why I'm here

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by keymaker
    LOL, shame on you Casey, be thankful your not on the end where you answer calls about routers and then they call them rooters, what the hell is a rooter, other than that roster off the farm, one day people will figure out how to speak english and not pigeon english LOL
    Huh, thought a router was a mechancial device used for shaping wood.

    "Router: A machine with a rapidly revolving vertical spindle and cutter for scooping out the surface of wood or metal, as between and around the engraved parts of an electrotype."

    Guess I should wake up and smell the 90's, oops 2k's.

    We pronounce router in England like Rooter, and the forementioned woodshaping tool as Americans pronounce router.

  6. #6
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    routers of today shape the internet as the older routers shape wood.
    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

  7. #7
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    When I went to college, back in the good old days of 8088's, I worked in the computer lab. A guy walked in and he was telling his girlfriend about how knowledgeable he was about computers.

    He approached us and asked us for a DOS disk...but he pronounced it like the spanish word for two. We lost it....we started cracking jokes about his pronunciation. Like "Are you sure you just want uno dos disk and not a double dos disk?" He grabbed his girlfriend and stormed out of the computer lab. We did get written up for it, but it was worth it.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  8. #8
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    See what you started Casey, now I'm picking on people for the way they talk LOL hehehe, not a problem though just didnt know that when pronouncing the the word routers that the (ou) part would be pronouced as (ou) and not as an oo I could have sworn that third letter in the word router was a U not an O but go figure LOL.

  9. #9
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    ------- END THREAD HIJACK --------

    ok, if you post below that line, lets get back to flaming me, and not how to pronounce rouooterer. thanks

  10. #10
    Registered User Iam_Walrus's Avatar
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    err... casey, "you need to get laid"

  11. #11
    hay whats going on in this thread

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by keymaker
    See what you started Casey, now I'm picking on people for the way they talk LOL hehehe, not a problem though just didnt know that when pronouncing the the word routers that the (ou) part would be pronouced as (ou) and not as an oo I could have sworn that third letter in the word router was a U not an O but go figure LOL.
    CANADIAN AMBASSADOR: The fuss is aboot taking our citizens. It's aboot not censoring our art. It's aboot...
    CANADIAN AMBASSADOR: ...It's aboot...
    CANADIAN AMBASSADOR: What's so god-damn funny?
    AMERICAN AMBASSADOR: [regaining composure] N-nothing, nothing. Uh, could you tell us again what your argument is all about?
    CANADIAN MINISTER OF MOVIES: This is not aboot diplomacy, this is aboot dignity...
    CANADIAN MINISTER OF MOVIES: ...This is aboot respect. This is about realising that humans...
    CANADIAN AMBASSADOR: You guys are dicks! Release Terrance and Phillip, or we'll give you something to cry aboot!
    ENTIRE UN: [laughing hysterically]

  13. #13
    [General] God damn windows 98, get me Bill Gates!
    Bill Gates is escorted on stage.
    [General] I thought you said windows 98 would be faster and more reliable!
    [Bill Gates] It is faster over 500 million times

  14. #14
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    I, personally (not some friend of a friend story, or an apocryphal tech-support urban legend) had to talk a lady on the phone through a particular problem (for context -- was back in mid 80s...)

    "The disks you sold me don't work."
    "Oh?" <-- Me
    "Yeah. I can't get the disk out of the drive."
    "Ah. Did the little button pop out when you put it in?"
    "No. I thought it was a little strange."
    "Ah. Uhm... Do you have a business card or something that you could slide in there, maybe help the disk come out?"
    "Nope. After I put it in the drive, it unfolded."

    (Back in the days when 5.25" diskettes were still distributed, and machines were sold with only 3.5" drives... go figure...)

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002


    ------ START THREAD HIJACK --------
    obviously they're having plumbing problems, so just direct them to or give them the right number, 1-800-GET-ROTO
    ------ END THREAD HIJACK --------
    uh, get laid man!
    /quit hah!

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