Hello all, and welcome to Ratt's Repeated and Redundant Repository of Recursive Redundancy
If your post ends up here, it's because it's rendundant and has been answered before, or it's just stupid. You should be ashamed of yourself. You will be flamed. You were warned. You probably should have used the search button.
I am casey, a showeq dev (though not nearly as active in this regard as i once was), the IRC administrator, and now the backup watchman of the Repository of Redundancy.
hopefully you are just stopping by to browse, or perhaps post in some oddball fashion that may not be tolerated elsewhere (im a big fan of that personally).
Unfortunatly, the sad fact is that not all of you are here by choice . If this is your case, let me give you some helpful points of interest. You'll want to read these to avoid being sent here involuntarily again.
The vBulletin FAQ
The ShowEQ FAQ
The ever elusive BUTTON, that you have probably heard so much about
The Lurk-HOWTO, courtesy of one of your own
What are my goals here? To achieve perfect recursion of course, i want to rival even
int main()
return 0;
in sheer recursive power.
Thank you all for your time.