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Thread: What works and what doesn't in one thread.

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003

    What works and what doesn't in one thread.

    Hehe...think we can put what is needed and what isn't all in one thread?
    I see a couple patches...and this sniffer that sniffer.
    Can we put down how to meet ShowEQ demands for it to run correctly, decoding spawns and such?

    Right now mine is basically a GPS...
    I have Keyring 2.2 setup...
    When I zone I see ground spawns, a map, and myself.
    I did QT3.1.1 with thread
    downloaded latest CVS of ShowEQ
    Everything compiles correctly...runs correctly...except the spawns...everything is unknown and doesn't show up on the map. Except me...hehe

    Can this be the offset causing the problem? This is gonna get me flamed but where do you put the offset number? I searched through the forums about a 100 times everything says use this offset blah blah...but doesn't say where the offset needs to be placed.

    Does the new CVS of ShowEQ already contain the patches listed here?

    I compiled Keyring 2.2 with Cygwin...running it and the only thing it states is it sent the key to my showeq box. Do I need to add anything else to showeq?

    Trust me I was searching for a lot of these answers god only knows if there is a log kept of searches heh you would see enough of them.

    If we could put everything into one post on exactly what patches are needed...what offset to use, where to use it (I was thinking it was the session key in the keyring.ini file but I read that the session keys are just a per zone thing and wasn't the actual offset).

    Lemme rundown here everything:
    Running Drake 9
    QT 3.1.1 compiled with thread from trolltech
    all the pcap rpms listed in the drake 9 tutorial i read here
    Showeq compiles fine now, seems to run fine...just no spawns shown...

    Any help would be great...and yeah...flames I am sure will come too hehe...

    Later all...
    One day computers will rule the earth...They make better decisions then we do 8)

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002
    It sounds like you have everything done except maybe the correct offset. I think everything that you have mentioned is in the FAQ except a direct link to the keysniffers and the current offset. Next time I do an FAQ update, I'll put a link to the thread here that has all of the sniffers linked in it. The offset changes quite often (nearly every patch), so the best way to find it is in the General forum. There will almost always be a thread called something like, "New Offset - <patch day here>". Which offset are you using now?

    To answer your question, the offset is the location in the eqgame.exe file that holds the session key. You tell your sniffer where to look for the key by entering that number. Then when you zone, the sniffer looks at that location, and sends the session key for that zone to your seq box and poof...decode.

    So the "thread" you are referring to is the FAQ and the INSTALL.newbies file that comes with the source when you download it. Your point is well taken though...I need to mention a sniffer link and the INSTALL.newbies file in the FAQ.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003

    hey there

    Thanks for problem was only the offset...I had to add it to the keyring ini...I was just confused on if that was where it actually went. Nothing seemed to specifically point to that...although...last night I found one post that specifically in "()" paranthesis said that hehe...
    I think I am going to write a faq also on Drake 9 installs. That specifically details everything...

    But it does work great now...I haven't used it in like 1 1/2 years hehe...just wante dto take a look at it again.

    Last edited by NDT; 02-24-2003 at 09:04 AM.
    One day computers will rule the earth...They make better decisions then we do 8)

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002
    You mean like this one

    Was just half-way down the front page of the help forum.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Feb 2003

    yeah saw that one

    No I saw that one...8)
    Be easier to understand when I finish my Drake isntall guide...

    My only problem at the time was just the offset...but I finally found one post that said the offset went in the keyring.ini file...I was basically looking for a place that asked for the offset not session hehe....
    Anyway it ran for a day til good ol LoY came out hehe.

    One day computers will rule the earth...They make better decisions then we do 8)

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