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Thread: anyone working and what you need to do to get you going

  1. #31
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    Yes, I think I am going to start my own SEQ fork and even get a sourceforge CVS account for it
    As long as that means you will stop posting here, I am all for it...

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  2. #32
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    I second Jeeves motion. Good luck, more power to you and if you make a better product you'll know it. Seriously, good luck on the endevor. I hope you can do it better, faster, and more efficiently. I hope that you'll still enjoy helping the mass of people who constantly tell you you're not doing a good enough job because THEIR program doesn't work as they want it to when they want it to.

    If you're really someone who thinks that this whole thing can be done better, please, seriously, do create another project, branch ShowEQ and go for it. This only benifits ShowEQ the project in the future. If you create a better program that can be done faster, you've helped all of us out here. If you don't then you're going to come away with the knowledge that it's not as easy as you think it is right now, and you'll have learned what the devs really have to go through to make this thing work...and when you come back you'll have a better attitude...this benifits us all.

    If however you're just posting this for shits and giggles then I've said it before and i'll say it again. Troll, Troll, Go Away.
    - Raistlin

  3. #33
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    Re: Devs stopped working? I think not.

    Tantoris Thule, Personly your a idoit. If you are that intelligent to make your own, devlop your own GUI Interface and Decode the Network packet.. GO FOR IT.. other wise follow this Program Code.

    If you = "I can do it for myself why do I need SEQ DEV group" then DO IT
    End if


    I agree with you on that matter of the longer code writting, still would be nice if they would state that.. At lest it would tell us that they are aware of what is needed to be done and they could tell us if there is anything that we could help with. Yes I know there is a lot of things and they take it day by day so they never know what is needed to be done until they reach that point.

    Yet saying.. Well SOE has made a more indeepth Protocal so it is going to take us awhile. Would be a bone to the masses

    For people that say it is working for them and taunting those whom are making statments like that of Tantoris Thule, is only adding fuel to a fire.

    If you have it working GREAT, and you do not want to share it with the DEV group, that is fine. But, only request that you do not taunt the rest of us that do not have the time nor understand the SEQ Code completely with out sitting down and looking at it for a week to learn what dose what. We await for the time the Group of DEV are willing to release a fix or Have a fix for the changes.

    I know I have respect for what the DEV group is doing but comites like what Tantoris Thule is making Is getting on my nerves..
    Last edited by Shadow Walker; 03-04-2003 at 11:01 AM.

  4. #34
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    Lol Tantoris .. You actually dont like this much do you? Just when i thought i was the most bitchy mofo ever.. He comes and take me by a blast.. You win Tantoris.. I give up.. I cannot match your whining at all...

    And as a sidenote.. i only got seq in GPS mode My comment was meant as a sarcastic remark to Jeeves that decides to keep his code to himself..
    I was going to answer any post "What did you do" with an answer like "Well.. i have it ported to PS2, so it is not comparable"..

    Anyway.. Hope the devs that got this fixed wanna share tho

  5. #35
    Registered User fgay trader's Avatar
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    1) To original poster: Calling the devs "lazy fucks", yeah, that'll get them cranking that code out.

    2) To High_Jeeves: /applaud

    3) To Casey: why isn't this in RRRRRR yet?
    -FGay Trader er... GFay

  6. #36
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    My port of SEQ to microfocus cobol is working quite well. I hope to have the fortran 77 version going soon, but might take a break to work on the ada version that some of the other devs are using.
    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

  7. #37
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    Perhaps we should get a group together to work on a PL/1 port.. havnt worked in PL/1 in ages...

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  8. #38
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    You guys are feeding the trolls.

    Stop it.

    Besides he (the troll) isn't smart enough to understand all this technobabble.

  9. #39
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    If you have it working GREAT, and you do not want to share it with the DEV group, that is fine. But, only request that you do not taunt the rest of us that do not have the time nor understand the SEQ Code completely with out sitting down and looking at it for a week to learn what dose what.
    I don't believe they were taunting us... As Jeeves said... he has ported it over to an entirely new language. I assume, and this probably makes an ass out of me, that they always get it up and working for themselves and just don't bother informing us. Which is fine.

    Secondly... it's you're... not your. Though yes I agree, Tantoris... you're an idiot. If not an idiot... then at least someone that just needs to stop taking up precious air. There are cockroaches that use it more efficiently.

    EDIT: I made a typo.
    Usually I post my character here...but uh...yeah...

  10. #40
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    I have mine ported to IBM/370 assembler and it outputs to punchcards that I have to hold up to the light. each punch is a mob...


    p.s. Go for it Jeeves - would love to see your java version sometime

  11. #41
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    It seems a little strange to me that in an open source environment like SEQ, that with multiple people that have SEQ *working* (days ago), that a patch hasn't been applied to the code for the rest of us. This really instills great confidence in the "open source" paradigm. If I had it working, I would gladly post the changes here for all the users. If you fix SEQ, then fix it for the rest of us, or write your own version.

    I'm not saying I don't appreciate all the work the devs are doing, but why keep everything a secret? Why wait 2 weeks to fix something that seemingly can be fixed in a day or two? If there is a reason or a plan, we'd all be interested in knowing it. Maybe the Devs are trying to fix mob movement, spell casting, who knows what else all at the same time before an update. Why not tell us what the status is? Sony devs know what they did that broke SEQ, and they couldn't care less if a dev posts what they are doing. Sony knows how to break it all -- telling us that you are fixing it won't change a thing IMO.

    Maybe there is a secret pact between the devs and Sony on the release of LoY... You don't fix it for 2 weeks and Sony won't break it for two more weeks? As silly as that sounds, it's just as silly as not giving us a status update, or you people that have it working that won't update the code for the rest of us.

    Seems to me that SEQ support is starting down the road of decline again -- especially with the peeps withholding the fix from the rest of us.

  12. #42
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    Originally posted by sauron
    It seems a little strange to me that in an open source environment like SEQ, that with multiple people that have SEQ *working* (days ago), that a patch hasn't been applied to the code for the rest of us. This really instills great confidence in the "open source" paradigm. If I had it working, I would gladly post the changes here for all the users. If you fix SEQ, then fix it for the rest of us, or write your own version.
    This is about all I agree with you on, but it's a significant point Sauron. The reason open source works as well as it does is because on any given project there is the potential for millions of developers to be working on it at once...obviously there arn't millions of people working on SEQ, but there are a good 30 or 40 of us on this board regularly, most of us have at least some modictum of skill at programming. I found it interesting to be part of SEQ just post POP release where the dev section of these boards were streaming with posts on new opcodes and other information. This isn't a bitch post at those that do have SEQ working, obviously you're entitled to do whatever you want with something you worked to achieve so long as it isn't illegal. But I feel a little more colaboration would be expected from an open source project.

    Why wait 2 weeks to fix something that seemingly can be fixed in a day or two? <SNIP> Why not tell us what the status is?
    Maybe there is a secret pact between the devs and Sony on the release of LoY... You don't fix it for 2 weeks and Sony won't break it for two more weeks?
    Black helecoptors and all not-withstanding, the only answer I can give is "because they want to." The devs haven't let us into their heads and as has been posted many times, they don't need to. When you rely upon someone else to do something for you it is a bit rude to set a timeframe for them to do what you want. It's also a bit rude to question their motives. I go under the assumption that if the project was canceled or this was to become a "support it yourself" program then there'd be an announcement made as a courtasy to the rest of us...lacking any such announcement I wait patiently for the fix forthcomming at some point.

    Seems to me that SEQ support is starting down the road of decline again -- especially with the peeps withholding the fix from the rest of us.
    Another point I can agree with, however look at the rest of the boards and the posts that are being made by some here and you can get a general understanding why. And no peep is "withholding" a fix from you. The word "withholding" used in that context sends a connotation that you are "entitled" to a fix and that someone isn't giving it to you. As this is the open source model you are not entitled to a fix and therefore no-one can withhold one from you. Instead of "withholding" I would say "not contributing" but then when you read the sentance it is obvious that someone not contributing a fix is not a crime. Again, a bit different from a normal open source model of development we're all used to seeing with linux and linux based projects, but nothing that is off the beaten track for human nature.

    Sit back, relax, enjoy LOY (if you purchased it), look at the LOY maps (they're quite good actually), use the second and third layer to map spawn points, mob pathing, and other useful information, and play a frog or something. Be secure in the knowledge that no announcement has been made to the contrary so the devs are fixing or testing their fixes and that sometime in what will truely be the near future we'll see a patch from someone. If you're to the point where you realize you are reluctant to even log in because SEQ doesn't work then it's about time to realize that either 1) you really don't enjoy playing Everquest and it's time to get out, or 2) if you're relyant upon SEQ for that much enjoyment then it's time to start working with SEQ and digging into how to fix it yourself. The best support you can ever expect is your own. If it's that critical to your enjoyment, learn to fix it yourself.
    - Raistlin

  13. #43
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    I agree with your points, Rast. And again, don't misunderstand me that I don't appreciate the devs work. I just finally got a little uptight about all the "Gee I got it working" peeps that aren't contributing. If you got it working, great, but posting this on the open souce SEQ boards, and not helping is inappropriate IMO.

    EDIT: And I don't expect the devs to give any kind of release date -- all I would like to see is a small bullet list of items they are fixing / what is broke. Nothing big or involved. Like this:

    * LoY patch changed encryption -- *Fixed*
    * Spell casting window broken -- in progress
    * Exp window broken -- in progress
    * Mob movement encoding changed -- investigating
    * Opcodes changed -- investigating

    Maybe they could edit the post every 3-5 days, marking off things fixed / new issues. Surely they have notes like this already sitting on their desktop. And don't they communicate? Not good for 2 devs to be fixing the same problem at the same time.

    This is just a suggestion off the top of my head. Possibly the devs could think up something better / easier / more useful.

    And to those that think this will just "alert Sony to what is going on", I don't believe it. Sony knows they changed these things, why can't the users of SEQ? Heck, they can run SEQ and see what they broke if they want.
    Last edited by sauron; 03-05-2003 at 12:16 PM.

  14. #44
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    Open Source (well, the GPL at least) doesn't guarantee feedback to the original authors and no way to stop someone taking your code and improving it wildly yet never giving you anything in return.

    Fundamentally the choice to redistribute a derived work always lies in the hands of the person deriving it or receiving it. While someone may have a Java version that is necessarily GPL'd if a straight port of SEQ itself, they don't have to share anything with anyone but the people they choose to give it to.

    btw - a point list is senseless. If the devs work anything like most of us then every single point you imagine will be listed as "90% complete".

  15. #45
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    Bla bla bla.... you want it to work, learn to code.

    Is mine working? No.
    Do I care? No
    Would I like it to work? Sure why not.
    Do I check here every day? yes
    would I be helping if I could? Yes

    SOE Devs do this for money.
    SEQ Devs do this for FUN.

    So remember if they have a working copy and you don't and they get off on that, then that's there option. I really doubt that that is even close to the reason.

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