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Thread: Corrected Player Packet

  1. #16
    Registered User
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    what to do.

    now that that i have this update what do i do with it ?
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  2. #17
    Registered User
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    I believe Ratt has already added these updates to the CVS tree.
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  3. #18
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    even after patching and recompiling I'm still getting bad streaks of:
    WARNING: CharProfileCode (006b) (dataLen:3926 != sizeof(charProfileStruct):14302)!
    Segmentation fault
    but only with certain zones, or certain chars, sometimes I can rezone alot and it fixes it, some places it will just refuse to work
    Going up to Character and unchecking Auto Detected Settings seems to have fixed it for the time being
    is anyone else still getting these messages as of june 18th?

  4. #19
    Registered User
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    packet size

    If I understand correctly, the 6/11/03 patch changed the size of the player structure. This will mean there needs to be a new patch to correct these changes. The packet size shrunk.

  5. #20
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    Re: packet size

    Originally posted by fester
    If I understand correctly, the 6/11/03 patch changed the size of the player structure. This will mean there needs to be a new patch to correct these changes. The packet size shrunk.

    it's in a different post, something about the test server, since it's the struct of the test server they used.

  6. #21
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    ok, just making sure I'm not alone, or haven't done anything wrong and wanted to mention my "fix" for others who might have the same issue.
    I think it's a little weird how sometimes it'll decode and run fine, other times it will totally crash (for BoT it would crash EVERY time I'd zone in, or log out then back in, other zones in pop were a bit more forgiving, giving me some chance of having it work)
    In any event, great job on keeping seq alive Devs, it helps make my limited EQ time more enjoyable

  7. #22
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    I was getting seg faults every few minutes so I read the thread about finding the actual opcode that seg faults by adding a printf statement to the packet.cpp file. After entering the printf and fflush statements, make distclean, make -f Makefile.dist, ./configure, make, make install it has not crashed one time in 2 days of continous use.

    I am running RH7.2 with KDE on a 233MHz P2MMX 296M memory. I do not have an explanation of why this would be but thinking along the line of fflush having a positive effect here. I wold love to hear a better explanation.

    Regards ---

  8. #23
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    I can confirm that turning off 'auto detect settings' under character drop-down seems to totally fix crashes after 6/11 patch. I am running CVS current as of 6/10 + diff posted in recent post titled 'latest patch' by oakley and I am playing on a regular blue server, not PvP or Test. I got no crashes after several hours of play with multiple zones and characters.

    Unfortunately, disabling this setting also breaks SEQ's ability to color-code mobs according to their level. Color-coding also remains broken even if you manually enter the your character's level/class/race, which is likely a bug. However, this work-around is more than sufficient to have a working SEQ until a better patch can be constructed.

    Thanks again for all your efforts guys.

  9. #24
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    I donno, but I'm running with latest CVS, and that patch, and I don't have any crashes either. no need to turn anything off. Only thing that bothers me is the Loaded map: GARBAGE, which messes up my xterm every now and then.

  10. #25
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    Hmm, I probably have an older version of some file. My newest (unpatched) file is dated 6/7, although I did the CVS update on 6/10.

    Based on the comments about changes to the size of the packet, I suspect that any virgin pre-6/11 CVS compile would (at least) require this workaround to be stable. So, this information might be useful to those that want a stable mostly-working SEQ while they wait for the next 'official' CVS update.

    Nice to hear that you have it working flawlessly tho; hopefully, those changes will get blessed soon.

  11. #26
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    Don't forget on the color coding, SOE changed the con levels with the last patch too. Lower level mobs that used to con Light Blue, now Con Blue, Green ones now con Light Blue.

    I raised all the numbers in the table in player.cpp by 5. For instance, what was at level 64 - 65

    greenrange = -18

    is now

    greenrange = -23

    I did the same for all levels down to < 61 and it seems to be acurate, YMMV.

  12. #27
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    By broken, I mean that all mobs /con deep red, regardless of their level. Its as if ShowEQ is ignoring the settings you enter and treating the player's character as if its level 1.

    Not a big deal; works fine otherwise.

  13. #28
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    I was having problems like you. Did a refresh CVS and applied the diff patch with no fix. It still crashed depending on which char and which zone.

    So I blew away EVERYTHING associated with SEQ. Deleted each folder the did a fresh CVS download I compiled that first then applied the diff patch and compiled again. Bingo hasn't crashed in days.

    You probably don't have to do the two compiles but that is what I did and it worked. iam running RH7.2.

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