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Thread: How do you utilize SEQ the most?

  1. #1
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    How do you utilize SEQ the most?

    As for me, I mainly play a buffing class. I think I use SEQ the most to find all the level/classes of my party. Then after that would have to be navigation.

    I very rarely any more use it to find mobs in my level range. Very seldomly do I use it to locate a "rare" (ironic since I run a SEQ filter site) and only occasionally do I use it to locate a person or npc for a quest.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  2. #2
    Registered User datadog's Avatar
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    Main use for me is being able to check on my favorite camps without having to run across a zone. I hate doing a camp check, then running across a dangerous zone only to find out the camp is taken.

    Secondary uses:
    Once a camp is set up, I use it to watch for trains, etc...

    As a puller, it makes me more effecient getting mobs back to the group as quickly as possible. Spawn timers are nifty to help avoid unwanted adds, etc...

    My play time has been drastically reduced so it seems like I spend 99% of my time in experience groups trying to keep up with the joneses. I never raid, and I rarely do much questing any more, so tracking named and such isn't really a big deal.

    Mostly i just like looking at the perdy colors :-p

    P.S. I was recently in PoN when the Vhaksiz the Shade popped on the plateau. I was in an exp camp pulling hobgoblins and watched on SEQ as one guild steamrolled another thru the tunnels trying to get to him, only to have a third group (yes.. group of 6 - 3 ENC and 3 CLR) use some kind of terrain exploit to get to him first. The Enchanters were charming the Gloomwater Nightmare (one at a time), then when charm broke, they would train them out to the hedge zone. I have no idea how, but no sooner than the ENC zoned out, they would mysteriously re-appear on the plateau without going thru the tunnels. I have heard of people leaving corpses up there and a cleric rez'ing them up there, but these chanters were doing this over and over again, so I dont think that is what they did.

    Anyway, the moral of this story is, with SEQ i was able to figure out why we kept getting the Gloomwater trained on us (they are level 62, and not tough to kill, but they arent much fun as adds to an already busy camp). Once I saw what the enchanters were doing, i just waited for them to train them down towards our camp and we killed them one at a time until all 4 were dead. Also, once Vhaksiz the Shade was dead, the other two guilds trained the entire tunnel out to the Hedge zone out. It was nice to see that one coming and stay out of the way.

  3. #3
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    I use myseq and previously used seq mostly for hunting rares/tradeskill stuff and scouting zones for pulling or hunting. It has saved me a number of times when I see some halfwit who's trying to pull some huge train though...

  4. #4
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    I mostly use it as a mapping tool, and on raids not to get lost =)

    sometimes i use the respawn freature to see if to wait with a pull when the near spawns repop

    Rarely for rare spawns ... mostly when i made epic

    and it extends my track greatly
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  5. #5
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    Personally I use it for pulling and watching respawns. Knowing what level and class mobs are is very helpful

  6. #6
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    Pulling tool.... Very rarely for exp or tracking..

  7. #7
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    Personally, it's a navigation tool and spawn timer for me. The in-game maps just aren't as good and I hate wasting energy trying to remember when a respawn is due.

    For my guild, I use it to track raid mobs. I have an shroud of stealth toon, so I could easily just run back to check the mob, but it's much more time efficient to zone in, look, and zone right back out.

  8. #8
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    Pulling and tracking and navigating zones since I rarely use invis. I tend to just goto a zone and move my char based on the little red dots (some blue) moving around on the screen.

    I also use it for spawn data. Classes, level. Location, what's around it. Tactical planning, etc.

  9. #9
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    Ahhh utility

    My main use is timing when spell's are running out, since im lazy and mainly root/Dot my mobs to death, it's very usefull to know when one of my dot's are wearing off.

    I also use to to check a zone quickly and not have to annoy people with continous /ooc camp check's.

    One of the more usefull thing's SEQ is great for though rarely used, is to find out if someone is staling spawns or training your group they sometimes get a big scare when they think they are real secritive about it ......


  10. #10
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    Hmmm, I have used SEQ for many different reasons. When SEQ first came out I was still kind of a newb and did not know my way around so I used it as a live map and to avoid mobs that would have owned me.(There was no EQ Atlas at this time!) After I became better at the game and knew my way around I used it with my Druid as the ultimate tracking tool if soloing. For my Warrior and SK I used it for a better pulling tool. I could pull this 39 Giant OR pull this 41 Giant. Going fo the better EXP. Now I play a Necro. I use it for soloing, avoiding mobs, when I need to recast a DoT or Fear and when a good time to cast fear if you know the pathing they run with while feared.
    Like other people here I use it to check camp availability some times for a specific mob(I am going for my Neco epic now) so it helps a LOT. Saves the run around time that is MUCH needed for a class without SoW. I have not yet used it for raiding. I even keep the fact that I use SEQ from my guild...err when I had a guild, heh. Yup, that about adds it up right there.

  11. #11
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    Navagation mostly, and a little to avoid stuff I don't want to run into.

    Feature I really miss, knowing how muc xp per kill and how many till level.
    Yes, I used

    before posting.

  12. #12
    Registered User AlphaBeta's Avatar
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    I use it for the most part to move around zones. I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag.. LOL I really like the new map thing SoE has added and would use it more if it didn't take up so much room on my screen. Before the mapping feature and before I found SEQ I had to depend on other people to get me where I was going. Now I can get to where I need to go on my own and thats a great feeling for me.

    If SoE would make it so you could pop open the map on a dual monitor windows box I prolly wouldn't depend on SEQ as I do now and just add a second VGA card/monitor.

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    1. Navigation
    2. spawn timer.
    3. Watching the puller(s) on raids.
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  14. #14
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    About all said

    I think I use about most possible features:
    - Navigation especially finding merchant XY or avoiding stuff on moves

    - Watching some rare spawns in my closer enviroment to engage

    - Tracking Raidspawns

    - Watching what other people actually do on raids (not what they claim to do)

    - Watching out for trains, bad pulls (knowing what is about to come around that corner behind a stupid monk just 1 second before you see it does make a difference)

  15. #15
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    Started out being Navigation... now I rarely get lost so this is probably way lower on the list.

    Pulling - There is nothing like knowing how many mobs are really coming... How many mobs are hiding in the area. This is probably the single biggest use now.

    Watching what is going on at raids - We all know raids suck and it really sucks when they do not let you know what the hold ups are... i just look over at SEQ and watch the Monk get tripple pulls every time

    Corpse recovery - I lost a body when eq was first new and it sucked! Ever since then if I am in a zone and see someone shouting about how they lost their body I will "accidently" run over it and send them a loc. I always make sure I do a loc and am actually at the body

    NPC's - I do a lot of tradeskills and hate wasteing time looking for vendors. I run to and look up the NPC I need and find him on SEQ

    Rare NPC's - While I would be lying if I said I havent used this feature it is actually pretty low on my list. I dont do a lot of farming, I am pretty set on cash (not related to SEQ, around the Luclin era a high lvl friend retired and set me for life ), and I hate selling crap anyway!

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