Quote Originally Posted by Glee
I tried the structvis.pl tool, and like it a lot. Here are some things I found:
/*0252*/ uint8_t   beer;               // Level of intoxication
/*4444*/ uint8_t   autosplit;          // Is autosplit on
/*4456*/ uint32_t  unknown_counter;    // Counting something, goes up by 2 every time you zone

/*4492*/ uint8_t   potion;             // Counter for potion toxicity
The unknown_counter went up by 2 every time I zoned, but it went up by a few when I just sat afk for a long time. Older characters have higher numbers, so this isn't reset when you log out.

That Unknown_counter might be counting save information. Try on a lower level character, I betcha that counter goes up more frequently if you are AFK, and also go up by 2. when you zone. (Saving.....Save Successful)

I was watching that one too.