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Thread: patched to work with 05/20 live

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    329 patched to work with 05/20 live

    Took ksmith's patched it to work on 05/20 live packets.

    There are a couple issue that I need to speak with ksmith about, so do -not- just cut-n-paste the PP from everquest.h into structvis, the PP in structvis is hand tweaked.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    my $charProfile = << 'END'
    ** Player Profile
    ** Length: 18496 Octets
    ** OpCode: CharProfileCode
    struct charProfileStruct
    /*0000*/ uint32_t  checksum;           //
    /*0004*/ char      name[64];           // Name of player
    /*0068*/ char      lastName[32];       // Last name of player
    /*0100*/ uint32_t  gender;             // Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
    /*0104*/ uint32_t  race;               // Player race
    /*0108*/ uint32_t  class_;             // Player class
    /*0112*/ uint32_t  unknown0112;        // *** Placeholder
    /*0116*/ uint32_t  level;              // Level of player (might be one byte)
    /*0120*/ uint32_t  bind_zone_id[5];    // Bind info (zone, x, y, z, heading)
    /*0140*/ float     bind_x[5];          // 0 is normal bind
    /*0160*/ float     bind_y[5];          // 5 is some weird point in newbie zone
    /*0180*/ float     bind_z[5];          // (which is secondary bind for wiz/dru?)
    /*0200*/ float     bind_heading[5];    // Unused slots show newbie bind
    /*0220*/ uint32_t  deity;              // deity
    /*0224*/ int32_t   guildID;            // guildID
    /*0228*/ uint32_t  birthdayTime;       // character birthday
    /*0232*/ uint32_t  lastSaveTime;       // character last save time
    /*0236*/ uint32_t  timePlayedMin;      // time character played
    /*0240*/ uint8_t   pvp;                // 1=pvp, 0=not pvp
    /*0241*/ uint8_t   level1;             // Level of Player
    /*0242*/ uint8_t   anon;               // 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon     
    /*0243*/ uint8_t   gm;                 // 0=no, 1=yes
    /*0244*/ int8_t    guildstatus;        // 0=member, 1=officer, 2=guildleader
    /*0245*/ uint8_t   unknown0245[7];     // *** Placeholder
    /*0252*/ uint32_t  intoxication;       // Alcohol level (in ticks till sober?)
    /*0256*/ uint32_t  spellSlotRefresh[9]; // Refresh time (millis)
    /*0292*/ uint8_t   unknown0292[8];     // *** Placeholder
    /*0300*/ uint8_t   haircolor;          // Player hair color
    /*0301*/ uint8_t   beardcolor;         // Player beard color
    /*0302*/ uint8_t   eyecolor1;          // Player left eye color
    /*0303*/ uint8_t   eyecolor2;          // Player right eye color
    /*0304*/ uint8_t   hairstyle;          // Player hair style
    /*0305*/ uint8_t   beard;              // Player beard type
    /*0306*/ uint8_t   unknown0302[6];     // *** Placeholder
    /*0312*/ uint32_t  item_material[9];   // Item texture/material of worn items
    /*0348*/ uint8_t   unknown0348[48];    // *** Placeholder
    /*0396*/ Color_Struct item_tint[9];    // RR GG BB 00
    /*0432*/ AA_Array  aa_array[240];   // AAs
    /*2352*/ char      servername[32];     // server the char was created on
    /*2384*/ char      title[32];          // Current character title
    /*2416*/ char      suffix[32];         // Current character suffix
    /*2448*/ uint8_t   unknown2448[4];     // *** Placeholder
    /*2452*/ uint32_t  exp;                // Current Experience
    /*2456*/ uint32_t  unknown2456;        // *** Placeholder
    /*2460*/ uint32_t  points;             // Unspent Practice points
    /*2464*/ uint32_t  MANA;               // Current MANA
    /*2468*/ uint32_t  curHp;              // Current HP without +HP equipment
    /*2472*/ uint32_t  unknown1512;        // 0x05
    /*2476*/ uint32_t  STR;                // Strength
    /*2480*/ uint32_t  STA;                // Stamina
    /*2484*/ uint32_t  CHA;                // Charisma
    /*2488*/ uint32_t  DEX;                // Dexterity
    /*2492*/ uint32_t  INT;                // Intelligence
    /*2496*/ uint32_t  AGI;                // Agility
    /*2500*/ uint32_t  WIS;                // Wisdom
    /*2504*/ uint8_t   face;               // Player face
    /*2505*/ uint8_t   unknown2505[47];    // *** Placeholder
    /*2552*/ uint8_t   languages[25];      // List of languages (MAX_KNOWN_LANGS)
    /*2577*/ uint8_t   unknown2577[7];     // All 0x00 (language buffer?)
    /*2584*/ int32_t   sSpellBook[400];    // List of the Spells in spellbook
    /*4184*/ uint8_t   unknown4184[448];   // all 0xff after last spell    
    /*4632*/ int32_t   sMemSpells[9]; // List of spells memorized
    /*4668*/ uint8_t   unknown4668[32];    // *** Placeholder
    /*4700*/ float     x;                  // Players x position
    /*4704*/ float     y;                  // Players y position
    /*4708*/ float     z;                  // Players z position
    /*4712*/ float     heading;            // Players heading   
    /*4716*/ uint8_t   unknown4716[4];     // *** Placeholder    
    /*4720*/ uint32_t  platinum;           // Platinum Pieces on player
    /*4724*/ uint32_t  gold;               // Gold Pieces on player
    /*4728*/ uint32_t  silver;             // Silver Pieces on player
    /*4732*/ uint32_t  copper;             // Copper Pieces on player
    /*4736*/ uint32_t  platinum_bank;      // Platinum Pieces in Bank
    /*4740*/ uint32_t  gold_bank;          // Gold Pieces in Bank
    /*4744*/ uint32_t  silver_bank;        // Silver Pieces in Bank
    /*4748*/ uint32_t  copper_bank;        // Copper Pieces in Bank
    /*4752*/ uint32_t  platinum_cursor;    // Platinum Pieces on cursor
    /*4756*/ uint32_t  gold_cursor;        // Gold Pieces on cursor
    /*4760*/ uint32_t  silver_cursor;      // Silver Pieces on cursor
    /*4764*/ uint32_t  copper_cursor;      // Copper Pieces on cursor
    /*4768*/ uint32_t  platinum_shared;    // Shared platinum pieces
    /*4772*/ uint8_t   unknown4772[24];    // Unknown - all zero
    /*4796*/ uint32_t  skills[75];         // List of skills (MAX_KNOWN_SKILLS)
    /*5096*/ uint8_t   unknown5096[312];   // *** Placeholder
    /*5408*/ uint32_t  autosplit;          // 0 = off, 1 = on
    /*5412*/ uint8_t   unknown5412[8];     // *** Placeholder
    /*5420*/ uint32_t  saveCounter;        // Number of times your char has saved
    /*5424*/ uint8_t   unknown5424[28];    // *** Placeholder
    /*5452*/ uint32_t  expansions;         // Bitmask for expansions
    /*5456*/ uint32_t  toxicity;           // Potion Toxicity (15=too toxic, each potion adds 3)
    /*5460*/ uint8_t   unknown5460[16];    // *** Placeholder
    /*5476*/ uint32_t  hunger;             // Food (ticks till next eat)
    /*5480*/ uint32_t  thirst;             // Drink (ticks till next drink)
    /*5484*/ uint8_t   unknown5484[20];    // *** Placeholder
    /*5504*/ uint16_t  zoneId;             // see zones.h
    /*5506*/ uint16_t  zoneInstance;       // Instance id
    /*5508*/ spellBuff buffs[25];   // Buffs currently on the player
    /*6008*/ char      groupMembers[384];// all the members in group, including self 
    /*6392*/ uint8_t   unknown6392[668];   // *** Placeholder
    /*7060*/ uint32_t  ldon_guk_points;    // Earned GUK points
    /*7064*/ uint32_t  ldon_mir_points;    // Earned MIR points
    /*7068*/ uint32_t  ldon_mmc_points;    // Earned MMC points
    /*7072*/ uint32_t  ldon_ruj_points;    // Earned RUJ points
    /*7076*/ uint32_t  ldon_tak_points;    // Earned TAK points
    /*7080*/ uint32_t  ldon_avail_points;  // Available LDON points
    /*7084*/ uint8_t   unknown6124[112];   // *** Placeholder
    /*7196*/ uint32_t  tributeTime;        // Time remaining on tribute (millisecs)
    /*7200*/ uint32_t  unknown6240;        // *** Placeholder
    /*7204*/ uint32_t  careerTribute;      // Total favor points for this char
    /*7208*/ uint32_t  unknown6248;        // *** Placeholder
    /*7212*/ uint32_t  currentTribute;     // Current tribute points
    /*7216*/ uint32_t  unknown6256;        // *** Placeholder
    /*7220*/ uint32_t  tributeActive;      // 0 = off, 1=on
    /*7224*/ TributeStruct tributes[5]; // Current tribute loadout
    /*7264*/ uint32_t  disciplines[50]; // Known disciplines
    /*7464*/ uint8_t   unknown6504[440];   // *** Placeholder
    /*7904*/ uint32_t  endurance;          // Current endurance
    /*7908*/ uint32_t  expGroupLeadAA;     // Current group lead AA exp (0-1000)
    /*7912*/ uint32_t  expRaidLeadAA;      // Current raid lead AA exp (0-2000)
    /*7916*/ uint32_t  groupLeadAAUnspent; // Unspent group lead AA points
    /*7920*/ uint32_t  raidLeadAAUnspent;  // Unspent raid lead AA points
    /*7924*/ uint32_t  leadershipAAs[32]; // Leader AA ranks
    /*8052*/ uint8_t   unknown7092[132];   // *** Placeholder
    /*8184*/ uint32_t  airRemaining;       // Air supply (seconds)
    /*8188*/ uint8_t   unknown7228[4608];  // *** Placeholder
    /*12796*/ uint32_t aa_spent;           // Number of spent AA points
    /*12800*/ uint32_t expAA;              // Exp earned in current AA point
    /*12804*/ uint32_t aa_unspent;         // Unspent AA points
    /*12808*/ uint8_t  unknown11848[36];   // *** Placeholder
    /*12844*/ BandolierStruct bandoliers[4]; // bandolier contents
    /*14124*/ uint8_t  unknown13164[5120]; // *** Placeholder 
    /*19244*/ InlineItem potionBelt[4]; // potion belt
    /*19532*/ uint8_t  unknown18572[8];    // *** Placeholder
    /*19540*/ uint32_t currentRadCrystals; // Current count of radiant crystals
    /*19544*/ uint32_t careerRadCrystals;  // Total count of radiant crystals ever
    /*19548*/ uint32_t currentEbonCrystals;// Current count of ebon crystals
    /*19552*/ uint32_t careerEbonCrystals; // Total count of ebon crystals ever
    /*19556*/ uint32_t unknown18596;       // *** Placeholder
    }; /* 19560 */
    # load struct
    my @struct = ();
    while ($charProfile =~ /^(.*)$/mcg) {
    	my $line = $1;
    	if ($line =~ /^.*\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\;/) {
    		my $type = $1;
    		my $name = $2;
    		push(@struct, { 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type } );
    # load data
    my @data = ();
    my $goodpacket = 0;
    my $timestamp = "";
    open(PACKET, "./zone.log");
    while (my $line = <PACKET>) {
    	# Sep 07 2004 23:13:30:968 [Decoded] [Server->Client] [Size: 11120]
    	# [OPCode: 0x006b]
    	# empty line is end of packet
    	if ($line =~ /^$/) {
    		if ($goodpacket) {
    			print "\n$timestamp\n";
    		$goodpacket = 0;
    		@data = ();
    	# looking for a timestamp
    	if ($line =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]{2} \d{2} \d{4}/) {
    		$timestamp = $line;
    	# looking for a charprofile packet
    	if ($line =~ /^\[OPCode: 0x1f1c\]/) {
    		$goodpacket = 1;
    	if ($goodpacket && $line =~ /^\d+ \| ([0-9a-f ]+) \|/) {
    		$line = $1;
    		while ($line =~ /([0-9a-f]{2})/mcg) {
    			push(@data, hex($1));
    sub decode {
    	@data = @_;
    	print "Loaded ". ($#data + 1) ." bytes.\n";
    	# fill in struct
    	my $offset = 0;
    	foreach my $i (0..$#struct) {
    		my $type = $struct[$i]{'type'};
    		my $name = $struct[$i]{'name'};
    		my $alen = 0;
    		my $size = 0;
    		if ($name =~ /(\S+)\[([0-9]+)\]/) {
    			$name = $1;
    			$alen = $2 - 1;
    		if ($alen > 0) {
    			printf("%04d: %s\t%s[%d]: ", $offset, $type, $name, $alen + 1);
    		} else {
    			printf("%04d: %s\t%s: ", $offset, $type, $name);
    		if ($type eq "uint8_t") {
    			$size = 1;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("C", pack("C", $data[$offset + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "uint16_t") {
    			$size = 2;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("S", pack("CC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "uint32_t") {
    			$size = 4;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("L", pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size],
    					$data[$offset + 2 + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 3 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "int8_t") {
    			$size = 1;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("c", pack("C", $data[$offset + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "int16_t") {
    			$size = 2;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("s", pack("CC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "int32_t") {
    			$size = 4;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				print unpack("l", pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size],
    					$data[$offset + 2 + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 3 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "float") {
    			$size = 4;
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				my $num = pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + 0], $data[$offset + 1],
    					$data[$offset + 2], $data[$offset + 3]);
    				print unpack("f", $num) ." ";
    		} elsif ($type eq "char") {
    			foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    				if ($data[$offset + $j] > 0x1f && $data[$offset + $j] < 0x80) {
    					printf("%c", $data[$offset+$j]);
    				} else {
    					print ".";
    			$size = 1;
    		} elsif ($type eq "Color_Struct") {
    			# B R G A
    			$size = 4;
    		} elsif ($type eq "AA_Array") {
    			# AA value
    			$size = 8;
    		} elsif ($type eq "spellBuff") {
    			# unknown0000 level unknown0002 unknown003 slotid duration effect playerId
    			$size = 20;
                    } elsif ($type eq "TributeStruct") {
                            # tribute value
                            $size = 8;
                    } elsif ($type eq "BandolierStruct") {
                            # char[32] mainHand offHand range ammo
                            $size = 320;
    		} elsif ($type eq "InlineItem") {
    			# itemId icon itemName[64]
    			$size = 72;
    		} else {
    			die "Unknown type: $type\n";
    		print "\n";
    		$offset += ($size * ($alen + 1));
    	printf("%04d: END\n", $offset);

  2. #2
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: patched to work with 05/20 live

    Quote Originally Posted by tanner
    Took ksmith's patched it to work on 05/20 live packets.

    There are a couple issue that I need to speak with ksmith about, so do -not- just cut-n-paste the PP from everquest.h into structvis, the PP in structvis is hand tweaked.
    Not too long ago, I had taken his script and updated it a bit to work with the player packet struct. I dont know perl so it probably isnt as pretty as it should be. The code that I had was a little different from the one that was posted. The link to the one that I modified is here:

    I assume the problems you are having is with the variables for the max values in the player profile.

    As you can see, I used the $alen to define it. I also had to add a section in the uint32_t and the char structures so it would pick up some of the sections.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: patched to work with 05/20 live

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueAdept
    I assume the problems you are having is with the variables for the max values in the player profile.

    The other missing functionality is multi-dimension arrays.

    /*6008*/ char groupMembers[MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS][64]; // all the members in gro up, including self

    I don't see your patch(es)/code at the url. Did it get removed?
    Last edited by tanner; 05-21-2005 at 08:40 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: patched to work with 05/20 live

    BA's update of ksmith's script is sitting right there in message 13. That's what I use.

  5. #5
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: patched to work with 05/20 live

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    my $charProfile = << 'END'
    ** Player Profile
    ** Length: 18496 Octets
    ** OpCode: CharProfileCode
    struct charProfileStruct
    /*0000*/ uint32_t  checksum;           //
    /*0004*/ char      name[64];           // Name of player
    /*0068*/ char      lastName[32];       // Last name of player
    /*0100*/ uint32_t  gender;             // Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
    /*0104*/ uint32_t  race;               // Player race
    /*0108*/ uint32_t  class_;             // Player class
    /*0112*/ uint32_t  unknown0112;        // *** Placeholder
    /*0116*/ uint32_t  level;              // Level of player (might be one byte)
    /*0120*/ uint32_t  bind_zone_id[5];    // Bind info (zone, x, y, z, heading)
    /*0140*/ float     bind_x[5];          // 0 is normal bind
    /*0160*/ float     bind_y[5];          // 5 is some weird point in newbie zone
    /*0180*/ float     bind_z[5];          // (which is secondary bind for wiz/dru?)
    /*0200*/ float     bind_heading[5];    // Unused slots show newbie bind
    /*0220*/ uint32_t  deity;              // deity
    /*0224*/ int32_t   guildID;            // guildID
    /*0228*/ uint32_t  birthdayTime;       // character birthday
    /*0232*/ uint32_t  lastSaveTime;       // character last save time
    /*0236*/ uint32_t  timePlayedMin;      // time character played
    /*0240*/ uint8_t   pvp;                // 1=pvp, 0=not pvp
    /*0241*/ uint8_t   level1;             // Level of Player
    /*0242*/ uint8_t   anon;               // 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon     
    /*0243*/ uint8_t   gm;                 // 0=no, 1=yes
    /*0244*/ int8_t    guildstatus;        // 0=member, 1=officer, 2=guildleader
    /*0245*/ uint8_t   unknown0245[55];    // *** Placeholder
    /*0300*/ uint8_t   haircolor;          // Player hair color
    /*0301*/ uint8_t   beardcolor;         // Player beard color
    /*0302*/ uint8_t   eyecolor1;          // Player left eye color
    /*0303*/ uint8_t   eyecolor2;          // Player right eye color
    /*0304*/ uint8_t   hairstyle;          // Player hair style
    /*0305*/ uint8_t   beard;              // Player beard type
    /*0306*/ uint8_t   unknown0302[6];     // *** Placeholder
    /*0312*/ uint32_t  item_material[9];   // Item texture/material of worn items
    /*0348*/ uint8_t   unknown0348[48];    // *** Placeholder
    /*0396*/ Color_Struct item_tint[9];    // RR GG BB 00
    /*0432*/ AA_Array  aa_array[MAX_AA];   // AAs
    /*1392*/ char      servername[32];     // server the char was created on
    /*1424*/ uint8_t   unknown1452[68];    // *** Placeholder
    /*1492*/ uint32_t  exp;                // Current Experience
    /*1496*/ uint32_t  unknown1496;        // *** Placeholder
    /*1500*/ uint32_t  points;             // Unspent Practice points
    /*1504*/ uint32_t  MANA;               // Current MANA
    /*1508*/ uint32_t  curHp;              // Current HP without +HP equipment
    /*1512*/ uint32_t  unknown1512;        // 0x05
    /*1516*/ uint32_t  STR;                // Strength
    /*1520*/ uint32_t  STA;                // Stamina
    /*1524*/ uint32_t  CHA;                // Charisma
    /*1528*/ uint32_t  DEX;                // Dexterity
    /*1532*/ uint32_t  INT;                // Intelligence
    /*1536*/ uint32_t  AGI;                // Agility
    /*1540*/ uint32_t  WIS;                // Wisdom
    /*1544*/ uint8_t   face;               // Player face
    /*1545*/ uint8_t   unknown1545[47];    // *** Placeholder
    /*1592*/ uint8_t   languages[25];      // List of languages (MAX_KNOWN_LANGS)
    /*1617*/ uint8_t   unknown1617[7];     // All 0x00 (language buffer?)
    /*1624*/ int32_t   sSpellBook[400];    // List of the Spells in spellbook
    /*3224*/ uint8_t   unknown3224[448];   // all 0xff after last spell    
    /*3672*/ int32_t   sMemSpells[9];      // List of spells memorized
    /*3708*/ uint8_t   unknown3708[32];    // *** Placeholder
    /*3740*/ float     x;                  // Players x position
    /*3744*/ float     y;                  // Players y position
    /*3748*/ float     z;                  // Players z position
    /*3752*/ float     heading;            // Players heading   
    /*3756*/ uint8_t   unknown3756[4];     // *** Placeholder    
    /*3760*/ uint32_t  platinum;           // Platinum Pieces on player
    /*3764*/ uint32_t  gold;               // Gold Pieces on player
    /*3768*/ uint32_t  silver;             // Silver Pieces on player
    /*3772*/ uint32_t  copper;             // Copper Pieces on player
    /*3776*/ uint32_t  platinum_bank;      // Platinum Pieces in Bank
    /*3780*/ uint32_t  gold_bank;          // Gold Pieces in Bank
    /*3784*/ uint32_t  silver_bank;        // Silver Pieces in Bank
    /*3788*/ uint32_t  copper_bank;        // Copper Pieces in Bank
    /*3792*/ uint32_t  platinum_cursor;    // Platinum Pieces on cursor
    /*3796*/ uint32_t  gold_cursor;        // Gold Pieces on cursor
    /*3800*/ uint32_t  silver_cursor;      // Silver Pieces on cursor
    /*3804*/ uint32_t  copper_cursor;      // Copper Pieces on cursor
    /*3808*/ uint32_t  platinum_shared;    // Shared platinum pieces
    /*3812*/ uint8_t   unknown3812[20];    // Unknown - all zero
    /*3832*/ uint32_t  skills[75];         // List of skills (MAX_KNOWN_SKILLS)
    /*4132*/ uint8_t   unknown4132[348];   // *** Placeholder
    /*4480*/ uint32_t  expAA;              // Current AA experience
    /*4484*/ uint8_t   unknown4484[4];     // *** Placeholder
    /*4488*/ uint32_t  expansions;         // Bitmask for expansions
    /*4492*/ uint8_t   unknown4492[20];    // *** Placeholder
    /*4512*/ uint32_t  hunger;             // Food (ticks till next eat)
    /*4516*/ uint32_t  thirst;             // Drink (ticks till next drink)
    /*4520*/ uint8_t   unknown4520[20];    // *** Placeholder
    /*4540*/ uint16_t  zoneId;             // see zones.h
    /*4542*/ uint16_t  zoneInstance;       // Instance id
    /*4544*/ spellBuff buffs[MAX_BUFFS];   // Buffs currently on the player
    /*4944*/ char      groupMembers[MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS][64];// all the members in group, including self 
    /*5328*/ uint8_t   unknown5328[668];   // *** Placeholder
    /*5996*/ uint32_t  ldon_guk_points;    // Earned GUK points
    /*6000*/ uint32_t  ldon_mir_points;    // Earned MIR points
    /*6004*/ uint32_t  ldon_mmc_points;    // Earned MMC points
    /*6008*/ uint32_t  ldon_ruj_points;    // Earned RUJ points
    /*6012*/ uint32_t  ldon_tak_points;    // Earned TAK points
    /*6016*/ uint32_t  ldon_avail_points;  // Available LDON points
    /*6020*/ uint8_t   unknown6020[112];   // *** Placeholder
    /*6132*/ uint32_t  tributeTime;        // Time remaining on tribute (millisecs)
    /*6136*/ uint32_t  unknown6136;        // *** Placeholder
    /*6140*/ uint32_t  careerTribute;      // Total favor points for this char
    /*6144*/ uint32_t  unknown6144;        // *** Placeholder
    /*6148*/ uint32_t  currentTribute;     // Current tribute points
    /*6152*/ uint32_t  unknown6152;        // *** Placeholder
    /*6156*/ uint32_t  tributeActive;      // 0 = off, 1=on
    /*6160*/ TributeStruct tributes[MAX_TRIBUTES]; // Current tribute loadout
    /*6200*/ uint32_t  disciplines[MAX_DISCIPLINES]; // Known disciplines
    /*6400*/ uint8_t   unknown6400[440];   // *** Placeholder
    /*6840*/ uint32_t  endurance;          // Current endurance
    /*6844*/ uint8_t   unknown6844[276];   // *** Placeholder
    /*7120*/ uint32_t  airRemaining;       // Air supply (seconds)
    /*7124*/ uint8_t   unknown7124[4608];  // *** Placeholder 
    /*11732*/ uint32_t aa_spent;           // Number of spent AA points
    /*11736*/ uint32_t unknown11736;       // *** Placeholder
    /*11740*/ uint32_t aa_unspent;         // Unspent AA points
    /*11744*/ uint8_t  unknown11744[36];   // *** Placeholder
    /*11780*/ BandolierStruct bandoliers[MAX_BANDOLIERS]; // bandolier contents
    /*13060*/ uint8_t  unknown13060[5120]; // *** Placeholder 
    /*18180*/ InlineItem potionBelt[MAX_POTIONS_IN_BELT]; // potion belt
    /*18468*/ uint8_t  unknown18468[8];    // *** Placeholder
    /*18476*/ uint32_t currentRadCrystals; // Current count of radiant crystals
    /*18480*/ uint32_t careerRadCrystals;  // Total count of radiant crystals ever
    /*18484*/ uint32_t currentEbonCrystals;// Current count of ebon crystals
    /*18488*/ uint32_t careerEbonCrystals; // Total count of ebon crystals ever
    /*18492*/ uint32_t unknown18492;       // *** Placeholder
    }; /* 18496 */
    # load struct
    my @struct = ();
    while ($charProfile =~ /^(.*)$/mcg) {
    	my $line = $1;
    	if ($line =~ /^.*\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\;/) {
    		my $type = $1;
    		my $name = $2;
    		push(@struct, { 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type } );
    # load data
    my @data = ();
    open(PACKET, "./packet.txt");
    while (my $line = <PACKET>) {
    	if ($line =~ /^\d+ \| ([0-9a-f ]+?) \|/) {
    		$line = $1;
    		while ($line =~ /([0-9a-f]{2})/mcg) {
    			push(@data, hex($1));
    print "Loaded ". ($#data + 1) ." bytes.\n";
    # fill in struct
    my $offset = 0;
    foreach my $i (0..$#struct) {
    	my $type = $struct[$i]{'type'};
    	my $name = $struct[$i]{'name'};
    	my $alen = 0;
    	my $size = 0;
    	if ($name =~ /(\S+)\[([0-9]+)\]/) {
    		$name = $1;
    		$alen = $2 - 1;
    	if ($alen > 0) {
    		printf("%04d: %s\t%s[%d]: ", $offset, $type, $name, $alen + 1);
    	} else {
    		printf("%04d: %s\t%s: ", $offset, $type, $name);
    	if ($type eq "uint8_t") {
    		$size = 1;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("C", pack("C", $data[$offset + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "uint16_t") {
    		$size = 2;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("S", pack("CC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "uint32_t") {
    		if ($name eq "disciplines[MAX_DISCIPLINES]") {
    			$alen = 50 - 1;
    			$size = 4;
    		} else {
    		$size = 4;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("L", pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size],
    				$data[$offset + 2 + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 3 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "int8_t") {
    		$size = 1;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("c", pack("C", $data[$offset + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "int16_t") {
    		$size = 2;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("s", pack("CC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "int32_t") {
    		$size = 4;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			print unpack("l", pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 1 + $j * $size],
    				$data[$offset + 2 + $j * $size], $data[$offset + 3 + $j * $size])) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "float") {
    		$size = 4;
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			my $num = pack("CCCC", $data[$offset + 0], $data[$offset + 1],
    				$data[$offset + 2], $data[$offset + 3]);
    			print unpack("f", $num) ." ";
    	} elsif ($type eq "char") {
    		if ($name eq "groupMembers[MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS]") {
    			$alen = 6 - 1;
    			$size = 64;
    		} else {
    		foreach my $j (0..$alen) {
    			if ($data[$offset + $j] > 0x1f && $data[$offset + $j] < 0x80) {
    				printf("%c", $data[$offset+$j]);
    			} else {
    				print ".";
    		$size = 1;
    	} elsif ($type eq "Color_Struct") {
    		# B R G A
    		$size = 4;
    	} elsif ($type eq "AA_Array") {
    		# AA value
    		$alen = 120 - 1;
    		$size = 8;
    	} elsif ($type eq "spellBuff") {
    		# slotid level effect spellid padding duration unknown
    		$alen = 25 - 1;
    		$size = 16;
    	} elsif ($name eq "groupMembers") {
    		# Group members
    		$alen = 6 - 1;
    		$size = 64;
    	} elsif ($type eq "TributeStruct") {
    		# Group Members	
    		$alen = 5 - 1;
    		$size = 8;
    	} elsif ($type eq "BandolierStruct") {
    		# Bandolier Structure
    		$alen = 4 - 1;
    		$size = 320;
    	} elsif ($type eq "InlineItem") {
    		# Potion Belt
    		$alen = 4 - 1;
    		$size = 72;
    	} else {
    		die "Unknown type: $type\n";
    	print "\n";
    	$offset += ($size * ($alen + 1));
    printf("%04d: END\n", $offset);
    That is the one that I used. I haven't updated it to the current but it handles the max values. I'm sure it could be done correctly if I knew perl better, but it worked for what I needed it for.

    BTW there are 2 that I didn't just use the alen to define the max values.

    	} elsif ($type eq "uint32_t") {
    		if ($name eq "disciplines[MAX_DISCIPLINES]") {
    			$alen = 50 - 1;
    			$size = 4;
    		} else {
    	} elsif ($type eq "char") {
    		if ($name eq "groupMembers[MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS]") {
    			$alen = 6 - 1;
    			$size = 64;
    		} else {
    Last edited by BlueAdept; 05-21-2005 at 09:03 AM.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

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