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Thread: Shards of Dalaya

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    In the Options menu, you can change the update delay to being higher. MySEQ does use some CPU sometimes. If you increase the update delay to 500 msec, that might help some. I wouldn't worry about FPS so much. Even 1 fps, is more than enough to see what is going on in the client.

    If you want to learn more about MySEQ, I would recommend reading the release notes. This says alot concerning the features that have been added over time. Reading in the MySEQ section of the boards, also provides alot of insight into the makings of the software too. If I get a few hours this afternoon, I will try to compile together as much info as I can for some sort of manual. But no guarantees.

    Last edited by Razzle; 02-20-2009 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #32
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    Manual would be awesome..
    As far as the FPS I get on my client computer.. I would guess less then 1/10 FPS as in about 1 frame every 10 seconds or so. I am re-installing windows on that computer, as that is that computers soul purpose now. Just wondering, should just the client run ok on a 433mhz machine?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    The slowest machine I run it on is 1 ghz. If it is a clean install of windows it can't hurt any. You should be getting faster frame rates even at 500 mhz I would think. I might see if I can resurrect my 300 mhz machine, and do some testing.


  4. #34
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    Slowest I used was 600 Mhz. Retired that machine last summer though. Most recently ran it on an 850. Never noticed any issues. Also ran another EQ account on the client machine at the same time.

  5. #35
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    Well I did a clean install. It get a slightly better frame rate, but still low. At times 1/5 FPS. depends a bit.. I may need to try and find a crappy comp at a 2nd hand store or something..

  6. #36
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    Wow.. No one has posted a reply to this thread in a long time..
    I am still having that spawn timer failing problem.. And honestly I can't put my finger on what makes it happen. The only think I know for sure it that it doesn't seem to happen right away. It takes several spawns for it to stop working. Is there any log files, or anything I could send you that may help correct it? Anything I could do? Anything? lol
    Also is there a way to reset individual spawn timers? Like for just one spawn?
    Last edited by SoDplayer; 02-25-2009 at 03:11 AM.

  7. #37
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    I never figured a way around it, but when a mob automatically agroes when it spawns, or I tag it immediately MySEQ has a tendency to not see the spawn so it thinks it skipped & doubles the correct time to the next spawn. Is that what you are seeing?

  8. #38
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    It would be difficult to fix the case of immediate aggro affecting spawns. Since the client does not receive the spawn location immediately, and only refreshes the spawns on a timer, it is possible for the spawn to move before it gets the update. Thus the first location, could be different from the spawn point.

    THere is not a way to reset individual timers, I can look into that.


  9. #39
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    No.. Its not an immediate spawn agro thing. It just. I will sit in a zone for a while, and at first the timers will work.. then they stop.
    And what happened to that new version you promised with correct colors for Sod? As I said, its not abig rush for it. Not super big deal for me, but it would be a handy feature at times.

  10. #40
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    1.23.1 is supposed to have the SoD con support, but you have to rename some files. At least that is what the release notes show.

  11. #41
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    Ahhh, ok.. cool. I will DL it.. I LOVE this program..
    Another question.. Is there a way to center the map. I haveon more then one occasion gotten the map completly lost off the screen.

  12. #42
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    When I mess up the map, my usual fix is to reset the X & Y coords at the bottom both to 0.

  13. #43
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    God I hate when I do that. I typed a post last night, but must have forgotten to hit post.. ARGH!
    Ok, The new spawn colors are working wonderfully. Thank you for implementing this feature. Its very handy.
    In regards to the spawn timers, they don't seem to be functioning correctly at all. I reset the spawn timers and wait for the mobs to respawn a few times.. It shows me the spawn points but doesn't show me how long b4 next spawn. It used to work at least for a while. I will keep resetting and see what happens and keep you up to date with any information I find.
    Somethign else to point out, thats not a big deal. When I origionally re-installed the new version it was showing bob trails even though that feature was not selected. I enabled and then disabled the feature and that fixed the problem.
    There was also some talk about the changes to the speech possibly fixing the problem I am having opening the options file. It did not. I know that being unable to recreate a problem makes it very difficult to solve. I just create the config file on another computer and transfer it over, so thats not a big deal.
    IN regards to fraim rate, I have a bit more information. First off this version seems to work faster on my 433. Its great, but I have noticed something odd that I know in my programming days would signal a possible problem. When I first start the program I am getting 2-3fps. In a short while it drops to 2, then slowly to 1, then to 0.5, and finally to 0. I noticed that closing the program and re-opening it starts this cycle over again. As does pressing the "Stop" and then "Go" buttons.

    Just thought I would provide you with all the information I can. I know when I did my programming (Mind you it was WAY back in the basic days) I loved the input so I could better my programs. If there is anything else I canever do, all you need to do is but ask.

  14. #44
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    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    I created a bug, when you click in the map where it opens up the context menu. The checks do not update. Its fixed in the new version I am working on. If you select the pulldown from the maps menu, the checkboxes are in teh right place. I will try to put a version out this weekend.

    If you have the option selected to collect spawn trails, you need to unselect it. This option will slow things down to a total halt. Do not ever sit and run with collect spawn trails going. If you have that and show spawn trails selected, you will make the software pretty much unusable. Those options have very limited use, so if you have been using them, I recommend turning them off and pretending they do not exist, and never selecting them again.

    Resetting the timers over and over will not help the timers go. Either it will be working, or it won't. After the crosses shwo up, showing spawn points, it will take a few cycles to get the timers going and showing. If the timers are not regular intervals, they will not work reliably. And by going through a few cycles, you have to kill the mob, let it respawn, kill it, let it respawn, kill it and let it respawn. Its usually 3 or 4 cycles, before it gets going. If you havent killed that mob at least 4 or 5 times, it will not show times. If you stop the software, zone, select another client, you have to start over going through spawn cycles before it syncronizes again. It does not just work, and you can tell without going through a few cycles.

    Last edited by Razzle; 02-26-2009 at 07:47 PM.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Shards of Dalaya

    I guess if you shut off showeq, with it recording spawn trails, upon restart it will continue to record them but the check will not be marked. Working on fixing that now. I will make it so it will always turn off recording the spawn trails when you zone, start the software, reload a map, whatever. That is one of those options that you absolutely want to control when it is on, and you don't want it on by accident.


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