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Thread: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I looked through last expansion's threads, and found this post that has ksmith's perl script parse through eqgame.exe to generate information on the zones.

    I tried this using the new .exe, and it's failing:

    Use of uninitialized value within @stack in subtraction (-) at (eval 2) line 1.
    Use of uninitialized value within @stack in subtraction (-) at (eval 2) line 1.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at (eval 2) line 1.
    {non-ASCII symbols}
    @ 001EDBC0 Unknown opcode:  66A3D853
    Is there something that needs to be updated with the perl script (if ksmith is still with us?)

    I ran the script on the old eqgame.exe from Dec '09, and it worked fine. It's just when I ran it against the new one.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    All the zone names and numbers are in a constructor called "EQWorldData::EQWorldData". The address for it in the previous exe (sept 15) is at 0x6B87A0. The address in today's exe is at 0x6FA650. Within this function there are lines of code like this:

    .text:006FA6F3 020 68 34 0C 8A 00                          push    offset aSurefallGlade ; "Surefall Glade"           <--long name
    .text:006FA6F8 024 68 DC 02 87 00                          push    offset aQrg     ; "qrg"           <-- short name
    .text:006FA6FD 028 6A 03                                   push    3               ; int          <-- zone id
    .text:006FA6FF 02C 6A 00                                   push    0               ; int          <-- expansion (ignore this)
    .text:006FA701 030 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
    .text:006FA703 030 E8 C8 FA FF FF                          call    sub_6FA1D0      ; EQWorldData::AddZone(EQExpansion,EQZoneIndex,char const *,char const *)
    The important parameters are the second, third and fourth (zone id, zone short name, zone long name, respectively). It's a huge function and might take some time to do manually, but that's how I always do it. I'm tight on time these days so if someone wants to take a stab at it that would be great.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    The byte pattern uses to find EQWorldData::EQWorldData needed to be expanded to match the right place.

    Around line 17 or so, where it starts with 'my $offset = find(' change it to be 'my $offset = find(split(/ /, "6a 07 68 c3 08 00 00"));'.

    Loading ./eqgame.exe: ......................................................................................5615616 bytes
    Found offset 002fa69d
      0   2243 qeynos               South Qeynos
      2   2244 qeynos2              North Qeynos
      3   2245 qrg                  Surefall Glade
      4   2246 qeytoqrg             Qeynos Hills
      6   2248 highkeep             HighKeep
      8   2249 freportn             North Freeport
      9   2250 freportw             West Freeport
     10   2251 freporte             East Freeport
     11   2252 runnyeye             Clan RunnyEye
     12   2253 qey2hh1              West Karana
     13   2254 northkarana          North Karana
     14   2255 southkarana          South Karana
     15   2256 eastkarana           East Karana
     16   2257 beholder             Gorge of King Xorbb
     17   2258 blackburrow          BlackBurrow
     18   2259 paw                  Infected Paw
     19   2260 rivervale            Rivervale
     20   2261 kithicor             Kithicor Forest
     21   2262 commons              West Commonlands
     22   2263 ecommons             East Commonlands
    408    616 commonlands          Commonlands
    409   2310 oceanoftears         Ocean Of Tears
    410   2261 kithforest           Kithicor Forest
    411   2277 befallenb            Befallen
    412   2248 highpasskeep         HighKeep
    413   2287 innothuleb           Innothule Swamp
    414   2279 toxxulia             Toxxulia Forest
    415   2274 mistythicket         Misty Thicket
     23   2264 erudnint             Erudin Palace
     24   2265 erudnext             Erudin
     25   2266 nektulos             Nektulos Forest
     26   2267 cshome               Sunset Home
     27   2268 lavastorm            Lavastorm Mountains
     28   2269 nektropos            Nektropos
     29   2270 halas                Halas
     30   2271 everfrost            Everfrost Peaks
     31   2276 soldunga             Solusek's Eye
     32   2277 soldungb             Nagafen's Lair
     33   2274 misty                Misty Thicket
     34   2275 nro                  North Ro
     35   2276 sro                  South Ro
     36   2277 befallen             Befallen
     37   2278 oasis                Oasis of Marr
     38   2279 tox                  Toxxulia Forest
     39   2280 hole                 The Ruins of Old Paineel
     40   2281 neriaka              Neriak Foreign Quarter
     41   2282 neriakb              Neriak Commons
     42   2283 neriakc              Neriak Third Gate
     43   2284 neriakd              Neriak Palace
     44   2285 najena               Najena
     45   2286 qcat                 Qeynos Catacombs
     46   2287 innothule            Innothule Swamp
     47   2288 feerrott             The Feerrott
     48   2289 cazicthule           Cazic-Thule
     49   2290 oggok                Oggok
     50   2291 rathemtn             Mountains of Rathe
     51   2292 lakerathe            Lake Rathetear
     52   2293 grobb                Grobb
     53   2294 aviak                Aviak Village
     54   2295 gfaydark             Greater Faydark
     55   2296 akanon               Ak'Anon
     56   2297 steamfont            Steamfont Mountains
     57   2298 lfaydark             Lesser Faydark
     58   2299 crushbone            Clan Crushbone
     59   2300 mistmoore            Castle Mistmoore
     60   2308 kaladima             Kaladim
     61   2303 felwithea            Felwithe
     62   2303 felwitheb            Felwithe
     63   2304 unrest               Estate of Unrest
     64   2305 kedge                Kedge Keep
     65   2306 guktop               Upper Guk
     66   2307 gukbottom            Lower Guk
     67   2308 kaladimb             Kaladim
     68   2309 butcher              Butcherblock Mountains
     69   2310 oot                  Ocean of Tears
     70   2311 cauldron             Dagnor's Cauldron
     71   2312 airplane             Plane of Sky
     72   2313 fearplane            Plane of Fear
     73   2314 permafrost           Permafrost Keep
     74   2315 kerraridge           Kerra Isle
     75   2316 paineel              Paineel
     76   2317 hateplane            The Plane of Hate
     77   2401 arena                The Arena
     78   2319 fieldofbone          The Field of Bone
     79   2320 warslikswood         Warsliks Wood
     80   2321 soltemple            Temple of Solusek Ro
     81   2322 droga                Temple of Droga
     82   2323 cabwest              West Cabilis
     83   2324 swampofnohope        Swamp of No Hope
     84   2325 firiona              Firiona Vie
     85   2326 lakeofillomen        Lake of Ill Omen
     86   2327 dreadlands           Dreadlands
     87   2328 burningwood          Burning Woods
     88   2329 kaesora              Kaesora
     89   2330 sebilis              Old Sebilis
     90   2331 citymist             City of Mist
     91   2332 skyfire              Skyfire Mountains
     92   2333 frontiermtns         Frontier Mountains
     93   2334 overthere            The Overthere
     94   2335 emeraldjungle        The Emerald Jungle
     95   2336 trakanon             Trakanon's Teeth
     96   2337 timorous             Timorous Deep
     97   2338 kurn                 Kurn's Tower
     98   2339 erudsxing            Erud's Crossing
    100   2340 stonebrunt           Stonebrunt Mountains
    101   2341 warrens              The Warrens
    102   2342 karnor               Karnor's Castle
    103   2343 chardok              Chardok
    104   2344 dalnir               Dalnir
    105   2345 charasis             Howling Stones
    106   2346 cabeast              East Cabilis
    107   2347 nurga                Mines of Nurga
    108   2348 veeshan              Veeshan's Peak
    109   2349 veksar               Veksar
    110   2350 iceclad              Iceclad Ocean
    111   2351 frozenshadow         Tower of Frozen Shadow
    112   2352 velketor             Velketor's Labyrinth
    113   2353 kael                 Kael Drakkal
    114   2354 skyshrine            Skyshrine
    115   2355 thurgadina           Thurgadin
    116   2356 eastwastes           Eastern Wastes
    117   2357 cobaltscar           Cobalt Scar
    118   2358 greatdivide          Great Divide
    119   2359 wakening             The Wakening Land
    120   2360 westwastes           Western Wastes
    121   2361 crystal              Crystal Caverns
    123   2362 necropolis           Dragon Necropolis
    124   2363 templeveeshan        Temple of Veeshan
    125   2364 sirens               Siren's Grotto
    126   2365 mischiefplane        Plane of Mischief
    127   2366 growthplane          Plane of Growth
    128   2367 sleeper              Sleeper's Tomb
    129   2368 thurgadinb           Icewell Keep
    130   2369 erudsxing2           Marauder's Mire
    150   2370 shadowhaven          Shadow Haven
    151   2371 bazaar               The Bazaar
    152   2372 nexus                The Nexus
    153   2373 echo                 Echo Caverns
    154   2374 acrylia              Acrylia Caverns
    155   2375 sharvahl             Shar Vahl
    156   2376 paludal              Paludal Caverns
    157   2377 fungusgrove          Fungus Grove
    158   2378 vexthal              Vex Thal
    159   2379 sseru                Sanctus Seru
    160   2380 katta                Katta Castellum
    161   2381 netherbian           Netherbian Lair
    162   2382 ssratemple           Ssraeshza Temple
    163   2383 griegsend            Grieg's End
    164   2384 thedeep              The Deep
    165   2385 shadeweaver          Shadeweaver's Thicket
    166   2386 hollowshade          Hollowshade Moor
    167   2387 grimling             Grimling Forest
    168   2388 mseru                Marus Seru
    169   2389 letalis              Mons Letalis
    170   2390 twilight             The Twilight Sea
    171   2391 thegrey              The Grey
    172   2392 tenebrous            The Tenebrous Mountains
    173   2393 maiden               The Maiden's Eye
    174   2394 dawnshroud           Dawnshroud Peaks
    175   2395 scarlet              The Scarlet Desert
    176   2396 umbral               The Umbral Plains
    179   2397 akheva               Akheva Ruins
    180   2401 arena2               The Arena
    181   2398 jaggedpine           The Jaggedpine Forest
    182   5803 nedaria              Nedaria's Landing
    187   5827 shadowrest           Shadowrest
    183   2399 tutorial             Tutorial Zone
    188   5856 tutoriala            The Mines of Gloomingdeep
    189   5856 tutorialb            The Mines of Gloomingdeep
    190   2301 clz                  Loading
    184   2301 load                 Loading
    185   2301 load2                Loading
    996      0 arttest              Art Testing Domain
    999      0 apprentice           Designer Apprentice
    202   9004 poknowledge          Plane of Knowledge
    203   9005 potranquility        Plane of Tranquility
    200   9006 codecay              Ruins of Lxanvom
    201   9007 pojustice            Plane of Justice
    204   9008 ponightmare          Plane of Nightmare
    221   9009 nightmareb           Lair of Terris Thule
    205   9010 podisease            Plane of Disease
    206   9011 poinnovation         Plane of Innovation
    207   9012 potorment            Plane of Torment
    208   9013 povalor              Plane of Valor
    209   9014 bothunder            Torden, The Bastion of Thunder
    210   9015 postorms             Plane of Storms
    211   9016 hohonora             Halls of Honor
    220   9017 hohonorb             Temple of Marr
    212   9018 solrotower           Solusek Ro's Tower
    213   9019 powar                Plane of War
    214   9020 potactics            Drunder, Fortress of Zek
    215   9021 poair                Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind
    216   9022 powater              Reef of Coirnav
    217   9023 pofire               Doomfire, The Burning Lands
    218   9024 poeartha             Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands
    222   9025 poearthb             Stronghold of the Twelve
    219   9026 potimea              Plane of Time
    223   9026 potimeb              Plane of Time
    226   4046 torgiran             Torgiran Mines
    227   4047 nadox                Crypt of Nadox
    224   4048 gunthak              Gulf of Gunthak
    225   4049 dulak                Dulak's Harbor
    228   4050 hatesfury            Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden
    186   2317 hateplaneb           The Plane of Hate
    277    598 chardokb             The Halls of Betrayal
    278    600 soldungc             The Caverns of Exile
    229   9086 guka                 The Cauldron of Lost Souls
    230   9114 ruja                 The Bloodied Quarries
    231   9124 taka                 The Sunken Library
    232   9094 mira                 The Silent Gallery
    233   9104 mmca                 The Forlorn Caverns
    234   9087 gukb                 The Drowning Crypt
    235   9115 rujb                 The Halls of War
    236   9125 takb                 The Shifting Tower
    237   9095 mirb                 The Maw of the Menagerie
    238   9105 mmcb                 The Dreary Grotto
    239   9088 gukc                 The Ancient Aqueducts
    240   9116 rujc                 The Wind Bridges
    241   9126 takc                 The Fading Temple
    242   9096 mirc                 The Spider Den
    243   9106 mmcc                 The Asylum of Invoked Stone
    244   9089 gukd                 The Mushroom Grove
    245   9117 rujd                 The Gladiator Pits
    246   9127 takd                 The Royal Observatory
    247   9097 mird                 The Hushed Banquet
    248   9107 mmcd                 The Chambers of Eternal Affliction
    249   9090 guke                 The Foreboding Prison
    250   9118 ruje                 The Drudge Hollows
    251   9128 take                 The River of Recollection
    252   9098 mire                 The Frosted Halls
    253   9108 mmce                 The Sepulcher of the Damned
    254   9091 gukf                 The Chapel of the Witnesses
    255   9119 rujf                 The Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
    256   9129 takf                 The Sandfall Corridors
    257   9099 mirf                 The Forgotten Wastes
    258   9109 mmcf                 The Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
    259   9092 gukg                 The Root Garden
    260   9120 rujg                 The Hidden Vale
    261   9130 takg                 The Balancing Chamber
    262   9100 mirg                 The Heart of the Menagerie
    263   9110 mmcg                 The Cesspits of Putrescence
    264   9093 gukh                 The Accursed Sanctuary
    265   9121 rujh                 The Blazing Forge
    266   9131 takh                 The Sweeping Tides
    267   9101 mirh                 The Morbid Laboratory
    268   9111 mmch                 The Aisles of Blood
    269   9122 ruji                 The Arena of Chance
    270   9132 taki                 The Antiquated Palace
    271   9102 miri                 The Theater of Imprisoned Horrors
    272   9112 mmci                 The Halls of Sanguinary Rites
    273   9123 rujj                 The Barracks of War
    274   9133 takj                 The Prismatic Corridors
    275   9103 mirj                 The Grand Library
    276   9113 mmcj                 The Infernal Sanctuary
     77   2401 arena                The Arena
    279   3385 abysmal              Abysmal Sea
    280   3386 natimbi              Natimbi, The Broken Shores
    281   3387 qinimi               Qinimi, Court of Nihilia
    282   3388 riwwi                Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
    283   3389 barindu              Barindu, Hanging Gardens
    284   3390 ferubi               Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
    285   3391 snpool               Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
    286   3392 snlair               Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
    287   3393 snplant              Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
    288   3394 sncrematory          Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory
    289   3395 tipt                 Tipt, Treacherous Crags
    290   3396 vxed                 Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns
    291   3397 yxtta                Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
    292   3398 uqua                 Uqua, The Ocean God Chantry
    293   3399 kodtaz               Kod'Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
    294   3447 ikkinz               Ikkinz, Chambers of Destruction
    296   3448 inktuta              Inktu`Ta, The Unmasked Chapel
    297   3449 txevu                Txevu, Lair of the Elite
    298   3450 tacvi                Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver
    295   3451 qvic                 Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling
    299   5826 qvicb                Qvic, the Hidden Vault
    300   5889 wallofslaughter      Wall of Slaughter
    301   5890 bloodfields          The Bloodfields
    302   5891 draniksscar          Dranik's Scar
    303   5892 causeway             Nobles' Causeway
    304   5898 chambersa            Muramite Proving Grounds
    305   5898 chambersb            Muramite Proving Grounds
    306   5898 chambersc            Muramite Proving Grounds
    307   5898 chambersd            Muramite Proving Grounds
    308   5898 chamberse            Muramite Proving Grounds
    309   5898 chambersf            Muramite Proving Grounds
    316   5893 provinggrounds       Muramite Proving Grounds
    317   5894 anguish              Asylum of Anguish
    318   5899 dranikhollowsa       Dranik's Hollows
    319   5899 dranikhollowsb       Dranik's Hollows
    320   5899 dranikhollowsc       Dranik's Hollows
    321   5899 dranikhollowsd       Dranik's Hollows
    322   5899 dranikhollowse       Dranik's Hollows
    323   5899 dranikhollowsf       Dranik's Hollows
    324   5899 dranikhollowsg       Dranik's Hollows
    325   5899 dranikhollowsh       Dranik's Hollows
    326   5899 dranikhollowsi       Dranik's Hollows
    327   5899 dranikhollowsj       Dranik's Hollows
    328   5900 dranikcatacombsa     Catacombs of Dranik
    329   5900 dranikcatacombsb     Catacombs of Dranik
    330   5900 dranikcatacombsc     Catacombs of Dranik
    331   5901 draniksewersa        Sewers of Dranik
    332   5901 draniksewersb        Sewers of Dranik
    333   5901 draniksewersc        Sewers of Dranik
    334   5895 riftseekers          Riftseekers' Sanctum
    335   5896 harbingers           Harbingers' Spire
    336   5897 dranik               The Ruined City of Dranik
    998   5158 fhalls               The Forgotten Halls
    337   5160 broodlands           The Broodlands
    338   5161 stillmoona           Stillmoon Temple
    339   5162 stillmoonb           The Ascent
    340   5163 thundercrest         Thundercrest Isles
    341   5164 delvea               Lavaspinner's Lair
    342   5165 delveb               Tirranun's Delve
    343   5166 thenest              The Accursed Nest
    344   6112 guildlobby           The Guild Lobby
    345   6111 guildhall            Guild Hall
    346   6116 barter               The Barter Hall
    347   5170 illsalin             Ruins of Illsalin
    348   5171 illsalina            Imperial Bazaar
    349   5172 illsalinb            Temple of the Korlach
    350   5173 illsalinc            The Nargilor Pits
    351   5174 dreadspire           Dreadspire Keep
    354   5175 drachnidhive         The Hive
    355   5176 drachnidhivea        Living Larder
    356   5177 drachnidhiveb        Coven of the Skinwalkers
    357   5178 drachnidhivec        Queen Sendaii's Lair
    358   5179 westkorlach          Stoneroot Falls
    359   5180 westkorlacha         Chambers of Xill
    360   5181 westkorlachb         Caverns of the Lost
    361   5182 westkorlachc         Lair of the Korlach
    362   5183 eastkorlach          Undershore
    363   5184 eastkorlacha         Snarlstone Dens
    364   5185 shadowspine          Shadowspine
    365   5186 corathus             Corathus Creep
    366   5187 corathusa            Sporali Caverns
    367   5188 corathusb            Corathus Lair
    368   5189 nektulosa            Shadowed Grove
    369   3630 arcstone             Arcstone
    370   3631 relic                Relic
    371   3632 skylance             Skylance
    372   3633 devastation          The Devastation
    373   3634 devastationa         The Seething Wall
    374   3635 rage                 Sverag, Stronghold of Rage
    375   3636 ragea                Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek
    376   3637 takishruins          Ruins of Takish-Hiz
    377   3638 takishruinsa         The Root of Ro
    378   3639 elddar               The Elddar Forest
    379   3640 elddara              Tunare's Shrine
    380   3641 theater              Theater of Blood
    381   3642 theatera             Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance
    382   3643 freeporteast         East Freeport
    383   3644 freeportwest         West Freeport
    384   3645 freeportsewers       Freeport Sewers
    385   3646 freeportacademy      Academy of Arcane Sciences
    386   3647 freeporttemple       Temple of Marr
    387   3648 freeportmilitia      Freeport Militia House
    388   3649 freeportarena        Arena
    389   3650 freeportcityhall     City Hall
    390   3651 freeporttheater      Theater
    391   3652 freeporthall         Hall of Truth
    392   2275 northro              North Ro
    393   2276 southro              South Ro
    394   3675 crescent             Crescent Reach
    395   3676 moors                Blightfire Moors
    396   3677 stonehive            Stone Hive
    397   3678 mesa                 Goru`kar Mesa
    398   3679 roost                Blackfeather Roost
    399   3680 steppes              The Steppes
    400   3681 icefall              Icefall Glacier
    401   3682 valdeholm            Valdeholm
    402   3683 frostcrypt           Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King
    403   3684 sunderock            Sunderock Springs
    404   3685 vergalid             Vergalid Mines
    405   3686 direwind             Direwind Cliffs
    406   3687 ashengate            Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
    407   2247 highpasshold         Highpass Hold
    416    617 kattacastrum         Katta Castrum
    417    618 thalassius           Thalassius, the Coral Keep
    418    619 atiiki               Jewel of Atiiki
    419    620 zhisza               Zhisza, the Shissar Sanctuary
    420    621 silyssar             Silyssar, New Chelsith
    421    622 solteris             Solteris, the Throne of Ro
    422    623 barren               Barren Coast
    423    624 buriedsea            The Buried Sea
    424    625 jardelshook          Jardel's Hook
    425    626 monkeyrock           Monkey Rock
    426    627 suncrest             Suncrest Isle
    427    628 deadbone             Deadbone Reef
    428    629 blacksail            Blacksail Folly
    429    630 maidensgrave         Maiden's Grave
    430    631 redfeather           Redfeather Isle
    431   8057 shipmvp              The Open Sea
    432   8057 shipmvu              The Open Sea
    433   8057 shippvu              The Open Sea
    434   8057 shipuvu              The Open Sea
    435   8057 shipmvm              The Open Sea
    436    652 mechanotus           Fortress Mechanotus
    437    653 mansion              Meldrath's Majestic Mansion
    438    654 steamfactory         The Steam Factory
    439    655 shipworkshop         S.H.I.P. Workshop
    440    656 gyrospireb           Gyrospire Beza
    441    657 gyrospirez           Gyrospire Zeka
    442    658 dragonscale          Dragonscale Hills
    443    659 lopingplains         Loping Plains
    444    660 hillsofshade         Hills of Shade
    445    661 bloodmoon            Bloodmoon Keep
    446    662 crystallos           Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened
    447    663 guardian             The Mechamatic Guardian
    449    665 cryptofshade         Crypt of Shade
    450    671 dragonscalea         Tinmizer's Wunderwerks
    451    672 dragonscaleb         Deepscar's Den
    452   1216 oldfieldofbone       Field of Scale
    478   1216 oldfieldofboneb      Field of Scale
    453   1216 oldkaesoraa          Kaesora Library
    454   1216 oldkaesorab          Hatchery Wing
    455   1216 oldkurn              Kurn's Tower
    456   1216 oldkithicor          Bloody Kithicor
    457   1216 oldcommons           Old Commonlands
    458   1216 oldhighpass          Highpass Hold
    459   1216 thevoida             The Void
    460   1216 thevoidb             The Void
    461   1216 thevoidc             The Void
    462   1216 thevoidd             The Void
    463   1216 thevoide             The Void
    464   1216 thevoidf             The Void
    465   1216 thevoidg             The Void
    466   1216 oceangreenhills      Oceangreen Hills
    467   1216 oceangreenvillage    Oceangreen Village
    468   1216 oldblackburrow       Blackburrow
    469   1216 bertoxtemple         Temple of Bertoxxulous
    470   1216 discord              Korafax, Home of the Riders
    471   1216 discordtower         Citadel of the Worldslayer
    472   1216 oldbloodfield        Old Bloodfields
    473   1216 precipiceofwar       The Precipice of War
    474   1216 olddranik            City of Dranik
    475   1216 toskirakk            Toskirakk
    476   1216 korascian            Korascian Warrens
    477   1216 rathechamber         Rathe Council Chambers
    448   2297 steamfontmts         Steamfont Mountains
    479   1216 crafthalls           Ngreth's Den
    480   1216 brellsrest           Brell's Rest
    481   1216 fungalforest         Fungal Forest
    482   1216 underquarry          The Underquarry
    483   1216 coolingchamber       The Cooling Chamber
    484   1216 shiningcity          Kernagir, The Shining City
    485   1216 arthicrex            Arthicrex
    486   1216 foundation           The Foundation
    487   1216 lichencreep          Lichen Creep
    488   1216 pellucid             Pellucid Grotto
    489   1216 stonesnake           Volska's Husk
    490   1216 brellstemple         Brell's Temple
    491   1216 convorteum           The Convorteum
    492   1216 brellsarena          Brell's Arena
    493   1216 weddingchapel        Wedding Chapel
    494   1216 weddingchapeldark    Wedding Chapel
    495   1216 dragoncrypt          Lair of the Fallen
    700   1216 feerrott2            The Feerrott
    701   1216 thulehouse1          House of Thule
    702   1216 thulehouse2          House of Thule, Upper Floors
    703   1216 housegarden          The Grounds
    704   1216 thulelibrary         The Library
    705   1216 well                 The Well
    706   1216 fallen               Erudin Burning
    707   1216 morellcastle         Morell's Castle
    708   1216 somnium              Sanctum Somnium
    709   1216 alkabormare          Al'Kabor's Nightmare
    710   1216 miragulmare          Miragul's Nightmare
    711   1216 thuledream           Fear Itself
    712   1216 neighborhood         Sunrise Hills
    713   1216 phylactery           Miragul's Phylactery
    714   1216 phinterior3a1        House Interior
    716   1216 phinterior3a2        House Interior
    717   1216 phinterior3a3        House Interior
    715   1216 phinterior1a1        House Interior
    718   1216 phinterior1a2        House Interior
    719   1216 phinterior1a3        House Interior
    719   1216 phinterior1a3        House Interior
    720   1216 phinterior1b1        Dragon House Interior
    723   1216 phinterior1d1        Dragon House Interior

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    Thanks . that will help. though, I'm still confused as to how you found that offset, but if it works, it works

    Here's a diff of zones.h based on this information:

    diff zones.h.old zones.h
    < { "thulehouse1", "Thule House 1" }, // 701
    < { "thulehouse2", "Thule House 2" }, // 702
    < { "housegarden", "House Garden" }, // 703
    < { "houselibrary", "House Library" }, // 704
    < { "well", "Well" }, // 705
    < { "fallen", "Fallen" }, // 706
    > { "thulehouse1", "House of Thule" }, // 701
    > { "thulehouse2", "House of Thule, Upper Floors" }, // 702
    > { "housegarden", "The Grounds" }, // 703
    > { "houselibrary", "The Library" }, // 704
    > { "well", "The Well" }, // 705
    > { "fallen", "Erudin Burning" }, // 706
    < { "morelltower", "Morell's Tower" }, // 708
    > { "somnium", "Sanctum Somnium" }, // 708
    < { "thuledream", "Thule's Dream" }, // 711
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 712
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 713
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 714
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 715
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 716
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 717
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 718
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 719
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 720
    > { "thuledream", "Fear Itself" }, // 711
    > { "neighborhood", "Sunrise Hills" }, // 712
    > { "phylactery", "Miragul's Phylactery" }, // 713
    > { "phinterior3a1", "House Interior" }, // 714
    > { "phinterior1a1", "House Interior" }, // 715
    > { "phinterior3a2", "House Interior" }, // 716
    > { "phinterior3a3", "House Interior" }, // 717
    > { "phinterior1a2", "House Interior" }, // 718
    > { "phinterior1a3", "House Interior" }, // 719
    > { "phinterior1b1", "Dragon House Interior" }, // 720
    < { NULL, NULL }, // 723
    > { "phinterior1d1", "Dragon House Interior" }, // 723
    Last edited by uRit1u2CBBA=; 10-12-2010 at 06:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    It's searching for the instruction 'push 0x000008c3' where 0x8c3 is the eqstr_us index for "South Queynos". South Queynos happens to be the first zone in the function. Take a look at it in a disassembler

    The offset my scripts generate are off by 0x400000 because they're offsets into the eqgame.exe file and not into actual memory. When a PE (Windows) program is run/loaded, it starts at 0x400000 instead of 0.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    What disassembler do you use? the few that I've tried crashed when I gave it the "eqgame.exe" file.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I like using IDA, but it is what I have used the most.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I always used ht.

  9. #9
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I installed IDA and found the "South Qeynos" string in it, and still don't know what you all are looking at. oh well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I've never used ida before, but you're just looking for raw bytes, in particular 6a 07 68 c3 08 00 00. You probably just turn on the raw bytes view and then do a search. That's how it works in ht at least. Look at ieatacid's disassembly above. The red parts are the bytes that correspond to the commands on the right. This is what you're searching for.

    .text:006FA6F3 020 68 34 0C 8A 00                          push    offset aSurefallGlade ; "Surefall Glade"           <--long name
    .text:006FA6F8 024 68 DC 02 87 00                          push    offset aQrg     ; "qrg"           <-- short name
    .text:006FA6FD 028 6A 03                                   push    3               ; int          <-- zone id
    .text:006FA6FF 02C 6A 00                                   push    0               ; int          <-- expansion (ignore this)
    .text:006FA701 030 8B CE                                   mov     ecx, esi
    .text:006FA703 030 E8 C8 FA FF FF                          call    sub_6FA1D0      ; EQWorldData::AddZone(EQExpansion,EQZoneIndex,char const *,char const *

    Like ksmith said, the script looks for pushing the South Qeynos string from eqstr onto the stack, which happens at the start of the EQWorldData constructor. In partricular, the byte string that is being searched for is push 0x07 and then push 0x000008c3 and it just so happens that this byte string only happens in the place we're looking for.

    Before, it wasn't searching on as much detail. I assume that the old version only searched for 6a 07 68 c3 08 without the 00 00 on it. It matched an earlier incorrect byte pattern. We're just searching raw bytes, so it's possible to match incorrectly because the same byte string is in the middle of some other assembly. Adding the extra 00 00 on the end made it only match once at the place we wanted, so the script worked again. The secret to pulling data out of the exe like this is finding a byte pattern that doesn't change between compiles and then navigating the assembly to find the data you want. That's why ksmith's x86opcodes perl script is useful. Once you've found your offset, it will let you walk the assembly calls to pull information out.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Aug 2002

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    The secret to pulling data out of the exe like this is finding a byte pattern that doesn't change between compiles and then navigating the assembly to find the data you want. That's why ksmith's x86opcodes perl script is useful. Once you've found your offset, it will let you walk the assembly calls to pull information out.
    I also use ht, but that's because I do most of my work on linux. Not having IDA's scripting capabilities meant having to write some crazy perl scripts.

    In, you'll notice that I'm overriding the behavior of a number of different opcodes since the script is only interested in the arguments to call (0xe8). Rather than calling another function in the exe, it dumps the stack and de-references some pointers. The evaluation of EQWorldData::EQWorldData then continues normally until ret (0xc3) at which point exits. The other opcodes that are overridden have no effect on the information needs, so it was easier to make them noop than it would have been to implement them.

    If you change the 'if (0)' on line 229 of (r131) to 'if (1)', it will let you step through each instruction as it's evaluated. For example, here's what it looks like when it's adding North Queynos to the zone list:

    eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000 ebp: 00000000 esi: 00000000 edi: 00000000 esp: 00000000   
     | stack: [ 0, 0, 0, 7, 8c4, 8a1c64, 8a1c5c, 2, 0 ]
    002fb44e op_e8 call imm32 [ e8 ed fa ff ff ]
    > n
      2   2244 qeynos2              North Qeynos
    Read the stack from right-to-left to see the arguments passed. The 0x8a1c... are offsets into memory where the strings 'queynos2' and 'North Queynos' are.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    Looks like something changed with RoF... my main PC crashed and I lost my disassmbler.

    [root@fedora14 showeq-stuff]# perl
    Loading ./eqgame.exe: .....................................................................................................................................8685568 bytes
    Found offset 003d3e9e
      1   2243 entSize              
    Use of uninitialized value within @stack in subtraction (-) at (eval 16) line 1.
    Use of uninitialized value within @stack in subtraction (-) at (eval 16) line 1.
    Use of uninitialized value in printf at (eval 16) line 1.
    504      0 ��h���               ��h
    @ 003D3ED4 Unknown opcode: 0485C074

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    A quick install later... and here's what I was able to find:

    text:007D4A30 sub_7D4A30      proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_52F900+25FAp
    .text:007D4A30                 push    esi
    .text:007D4A31                 mov     esi, ecx
    .text:007D4A33                 mov     dword ptr [esi], offset off_9FC2C8
    .text:007D4A39                 mov     word ptr [esi+4], 8
    .text:007D4A3F                 mov     word ptr [esi+6], 101h
    .text:007D4A45                 mov     eax, 0C64h
    .text:007D4A4A                 mov     [esi+8], eax
    .text:007D4A4D                 mov     word ptr [esi+0Ch], 8
    .text:007D4A53                 mov     word ptr [esi+0Eh], 101h
    .text:007D4A59                 mov     [esi+10h], eax
    .text:007D4A5C                 call    sub_800B40
    .text:007D4A61                 mov     [esi+18h], eax
    .text:007D4A64                 call    ds:GetTickCount
    .text:007D4A6A                 push    0FA0h
    .text:007D4A6F                 mov     [esi+14h], eax
    .text:007D4A72                 lea     eax, [esi+20h]
    .text:007D4A75                 push    0
    .text:007D4A77                 push    eax
    .text:007D4A78                 call    sub_8D2750
    .text:007D4A7D                 mov     eax, [esi+24h]
    .text:007D4A80                 add     esp, 0Ch
    .text:007D4A83                 test    eax, eax
    .text:007D4A85                 jnz     short loc_7D4AC1
    .text:007D4A87                 push    1F8h
    .text:007D4A8C                 call    loc_8D312B
    .text:007D4A91                 add     esp, 4
    .text:007D4A94                 test    eax, eax
    .text:007D4A96                 jz      short loc_7D4ABC
    .text:007D4A98                 push    0
    .text:007D4A9A                 push    0
    .text:007D4A9C                 push    0
    .text:007D4A9E                 push    7
    .text:007D4AA0                 push    8C3h
    .text:007D4AA5                 push    offset aSouthQeynos ; "South Qeynos"
    .text:007D4AAA                 push    offset dword_9C54D4
    .text:007D4AAF                 push    1
    .text:007D4AB1                 push    0
    .text:007D4AB3                 mov     ecx, eax
    .text:007D4AB5                 call    sub_7D42B0
    .text:007D4ABA                 jmp     short loc_7D4ABE
    .text:007D4ABC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .text:007D4ABC loc_7D4ABC:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_7D4A30+66j
    .text:007D4ABC                 xor     eax, eax
    .text:007D4ABE loc_7D4ABE:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_7D4A30+8Aj
    .text:007D4ABE                 mov     [esi+24h], eax
    .text:007D4AC1 loc_7D4AC1:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_7D4A30+55j
    .text:007D4AC1                 mov     eax, [esi+28h]
    .text:007D4AC4                 test    eax, eax
    .text:007D4AC6                 jnz     short loc_7D4B02
    .text:007D4AC8                 push    1F8h
    .text:007D4ACD                 call    loc_8D312B
    .text:007D4AD2                 add     esp, 4
    .text:007D4AD5                 test    eax, eax
    .text:007D4AD7                 jz      short loc_7D4AFD
    .text:007D4AD9                 push    0
    .text:007D4ADB                 push    0
    .text:007D4ADD                 push    0
    .text:007D4ADF                 push    7
    .text:007D4AE1                 push    8C4h
    .text:007D4AE6                 push    offset aNorthQeynos ; "North Qeynos"
    .text:007D4AEB                 push    offset aQeynos2 ; "qeynos2"
    .text:007D4AF0                 push    2
    .text:007D4AF2                 push    0
    .text:007D4AF4                 mov     ecx, eax
    .text:007D4AF6                 call    sub_7D42B0
    .text:007D4AFB                 jmp     short loc_7D4AFF
    Not sure how I would adjust but hoping someone still lurking here will be able to make something of it. In the meantime, updating by hand for RoF zones.

  14. #14
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    I will take a look at it. I use olly debug. It is finding the correct offset. I will try to figure out what it is doing from there.
    Last edited by BlueAdept; 12-08-2012 at 01:08 PM.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: zones.h for HoT expansion - problem generating

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueAdept View Post
    I will take a look at it. I use olly debug. It is finding the correct offset. I will try to figure out what it is doing from there.
    As best I can tell things are a little different now that Sony played with how they compile eqgame.exe.... half the zone table looks like it used but the first half includes a lot more stuff than it used to. I grabbed an old eqgame.exe from 9/2010 and worked like a champ. When I disassembled the old exe, the zone table was uniform from start to finish unlike the current exe. Guessing that is part of the problem.

    I ended up pulling everything by hand and updating zones.h that way. Working on a few final opcode updates and should be ready to test and, with luck, upload an update. I've mapped about 2/3 of playerprofile packet using r6express' zonemgr code as a start. So much data shifted around that it was just too hard to map it all out just looking at logs. Only things missing that get's spit out to the console is Exp and AAexp. Still hunting for those.

    With all the work that's been done over the years, I was surprised to find a new hunk of data in playerprofile... accountCreateDate. Not the date the toon was created but the actual date the account was activated. Still not a programmer but slowly putting some things together.
    Last edited by fransick; 12-08-2012 at 04:47 PM.

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