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Thread: Needed or desired changes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Needed or desired changes

    I am taking input for new features and changes.

    Things i want to add

    Flag mob types so you can identify. Certain types like undead. Say have an option to mark all undead in zone while you have regular invis up. Something to help moving around is intent.

    I need to work on the toolbars some more. I would like to be able to edit map text better. Also the toolbars need to save their last position. This will be the next little change to make.

    I might make a few tweaks to the server. Being able to not be visible when minimized will help declutter things.

    I would like to pair pets with owners. If it is a clients pet, have it filter like clients. Maybe make it more distinct. Nothing like thinking ur getting trained when it is ownly a pet in tow.

    I would also like to explore some fancier skittles options like were in th 1.22 code. There are also some more possibilities of features from 1.22 that are worth exploring.

    Some fancier filters are a thought. Ones that do not alert but when u hilight or hover links to thier loots show in an info window.

    The dotnetmagic library gets the job done. But it is missing some more modern features that could be handy. I found my copy of the source so i will see what it takes to improve the looks and functionality. I am just on a make it look pretty kick i guess

    Adding a search window pane that has an ie session is a thought too. Just not sure how to do it without being so messy.

    Thats what i am thinking.


  2. #2
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Flag mob types so you can identify. Certain types like undead. Say have an option to mark all undead in zone while you have regular invis up. Something to help moving around is intent.
    Sounds like a nice feature. Is there anything in the process being read that would identify mobs that normally see through invis too?

    I might make a few tweaks to the server. Being able to not be visible when minimized will help declutter things.
    Being able to minimize the server to the system tray would be a nice feature to eliminate some clutter.

    I would also like to explore some fancier skittles options like were in th 1.22 code. There are also some more possibilities of features from 1.22 that are worth exploring.
    I had forgotten about those new skittles. It might be nice to see some of them especially if there was some ability to customize them like linking to alerts. That version crashed on me so often though, I ended up sticking with the earlier 1.19 versions for a while until you started doing development work on MySEQ.

    Overall, sounds like some very good ideas, and am happy to still see some work happening on improving the program.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    See invis is not stored anywhere that i know. That info only comes over with the packet when u con a mob. Aggro checks are done serverside.


  4. #4
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Actually, the one item I was most interested in, the search function, you replaced in the 2.0.2 version. I was even going to ask to remove the underscore requirement, but you did that as well.

    The only other item I would mention, and I don't know if is relevant here, is the issue of finding the offsets. As it stands now we depend on Fireblade for posting, but it may come to pass that with the recent changes announced by Sony some people may stop using the program or be afraid to post. There are instructions in the Development directory on how to do this, but I seem to remember somewhere that Fireblade has an easier way of finding the offsets quickly. Can we have more information about this?

    Outside of that, I'll post here if any new ideas here as they occur to me.


    Edit: one item just jumbed to mind. Could there be an easier to edit the fillters_zonename.conf group of files, perhaps from a pop up window from within the client? Perhaps more work than you want to do and I admit it is relatively easy to do it manually. I just hate being in a zone with much more clutter than necessary in the Hunt Rare etc sections. It was an idea though so I posted it.
    Last edited by Oggre; 12-10-2011 at 07:19 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Wow. Forum lost my reply twice already. lol.

    Fireblade maintains a copy of the Smart EQ Offset Finder originally written by Carpathian. An old, extremely outdated version, including source is still available at

    It was discussed in another thread possibly giving him access to maintain the offset finder on Sourceforge. Whether or not that has gone any further, i have no idea. He already does an excellent job of keeping the offsets updated in the forums. I can usually find the primary offsets manually as long as the secondary ones have not changed. Fireblade normally has the new offsets posted though before I can even get the game repatched, so I have not needed to in a long time.

  6. #6
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    The forum loses my posts sometimes when (I think) I hit the wrong button to post. I think I'm accidently making a new one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hidron View Post

    Fireblade maintains a copy of the Smart EQ Offset Finder originally written by Carpathian. An old, extremely outdated version, including source is still available at

    It was discussed in another thread possibly giving him access to maintain the offset finder on Sourceforge. Whether or not that has gone any further, i have no idea. He already does an excellent job of keeping the offsets updated in the forums. I can usually find the primary offsets manually as long as the secondary ones have not changed. Fireblade normally has the new offsets posted though before I can even get the game repatched, so I have not needed to in a long time.
    Since my previous post I've discovered how to run the server in 'debug' mode, thanks in part to a post by yourself from a few years ago. I knew about Fireblade and the program he uses, but was concerned that in the future some users would decide to leave everquest or myseq, and wanted to make sure those remaining had some way to discover the offsets. I haven't tried to use debug, as the offsets haven't changed and I'm still keeping my head down in live game. It doesn't seem too difficult to use, but then I'm not a programer and not very code-literate.


  7. #7
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    I have not found offsets on patch day in years. Usually because someone else finds them and i get those when i get on two or three days later. So i am rusty on them but if i did them all the time i would get where i do them fast. Short of the zone offset, you can get all the others from mq2 if you know where to look in that code. I dont run mq2 but i sure do use it to figure out stuff on what does what and how.


  8. #8
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Hidron View Post
    Wow. Forum lost my reply twice already. lol.

    Fireblade maintains a copy of the Smart EQ Offset Finder originally written by Carpathian. An old, extremely outdated version, including source is still available at

    It was discussed in another thread possibly giving him access to maintain the offset finder on Sourceforge. Whether or not that has gone any further, i have no idea. He already does an excellent job of keeping the offsets updated in the forums. I can usually find the primary offsets manually as long as the secondary ones have not changed. Fireblade normally has the new offsets posted though before I can even get the game repatched, so I have not needed to in a long time.
    If I would get access, I could update the old code. No problem.
    I also could upload a precompiled version "ready to go" but not sure how much people trust "random" .exe files on internet in fear for virus.

    As long as I'm around I'll post new offsets though.


  9. #9
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    Re: Needed or desired changes


    It’s great that you have expanded MySEQ. I have been using this since it was first released on Windows and I even lived through the whole "fiasco" where certain folks took the open source code from this project and built their own "pay" version. I have always remained loyal to this version and had resolved myself to the fact that it may never be updated. Anyway, your work is really appreciated!

    I love what you have done so far and have one request. The Find Mob search box is a great feature. Would there be a way to draw a line, when a mob is found, from the toon to the searched/found mob? Just like when you click on a mob from the mob list it draws a line to the mob. Some zones have so many mobs that it can be hard to distinguish the flashing mob dot representing the mob found via the search.

    Anyway, thank you very much for your efforts.
    Last edited by MacQ; 12-14-2011 at 06:52 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Fireblade View Post
    If I would get access, I could update the old code. No problem.
    I also could upload a precompiled version "ready to go" but not sure how much people trust "random" .exe files on internet in fear for virus.

    As long as I'm around I'll post new offsets though.

    The code is in the cvs on sourceforge. I need to move it over to svn. But I need to learn how to do that first. It is on my todo list.


  11. #11
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Quote Originally Posted by calzon65 View Post

    It’s great that you have expanded MySEQ. I have been using this since it was first released on Windows and I even lived through the whole "fiasco" where certain folks took the open source code from this project and built their own "pay" version. I have always remained loyal to this version and had resolved myself to the fact that it may never be updated. Anyway, your work is really appreciated!

    I love what you have done so far and have one request. The Find Mob search box is a great feature. Would there be a way to draw a line, when a mob is found, from the toon to the searched/found mob? Just like when you click on a mob from the mob list it draws a line to the mob. Some zones have so many mobs that it can be hard to distinguish the flashing mob dot representing the mob found via the search.

    Anyway, thank you very much for your efforts.
    The lookup can also match multiple mobs. I will think of how to do this. Maybe only draw a line to the closest? The better option, might be to enhance the skittles more so that there is a clear and distinct skittle on the map for what matches. I was thinking of like a ring around the mob, that cycles from larger to smaller, that would be like a target appearance around it. Where it goes from a large ring, that shrinks in size, then large, shrinks in size to the skittle size. Kind of like that. Something real clear tho. I have noticed that too, using that option. Being able to find the mob is not always easy. So I think there needs to be some sort of enhancement to the skittles too.

    I didn't use myseq during the fiasco with the code. Even after reading it all, I could see both sides of the argument. But frankly, I didn't really give a rats ass. People will typically do what they want anyways. I was strictly an seq user when myseq was open for changes. So that is why a lot of my changes made it resemble seq in appearance more. It is just a hobby. I add stuff typically as I see a benefit and have time. Or if it just sounds fun to do.

    Last edited by Razzle; 12-14-2011 at 07:39 PM.

  12. #12
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    I didn't even consider the search would return more than one mob, so I can see where that would add a level of complexity. Maybe if there was a way to have a skittle that really stood out, that could accomplish the same goal. As I mentioned, in some zones with so many mobs, players, and "flashing stuff", it's hard to see what mobs were selected via the search. Anyway, it sounds like you are on the right track, thank you.

  13. #13
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Quote Originally Posted by calzon65 View Post
    I didn't even consider the search would return more than one mob, so I can see where that would add a level of complexity. Maybe if there was a way to have a skittle that really stood out, that could accomplish the same goal. As I mentioned, in some zones with so many mobs, players, and "flashing stuff", it's hard to see what mobs were selected via the search. Anyway, it sounds like you are on the right track, thank you.
    But I took your idea of a line to the mob, and turned it into a fancy skittle idea. I knew the lookup mob was hard to find. I knew something was needed, but I quit thinking about it. I took your idea, and turned it into something that might work better. So keep the ideas coming. That is what I am best at. Taking a good idea, and making it better.


  14. #14
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    Razzle when do you think you will release your next version?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Re: Needed or desired changes

    I had surgery last week, so i have been pretty much out of commision. I hope to be back to working on the code soon.


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