Just an FYI. I found this protocol information file. I know the solution has been found and that this is probably older than what the 1999 version is, but it might be good reading for those who want to understand what is going on.
Everquest Protocol Layer
This is a rough draft document for the Everquest protocol used by
Verant Interactive. It is a work in progress, and as such, if you
would like to contribute information please email me at
[email protected].
General Information
The EQ layer is used over the UDP layer. UDP is a connectionless
protocol, and packets sent using UDP are not guaranteed to reach
their destination. The EQ layer adds error checking, acknowledgements,
sequencing, and fragmentation.
Header Flags Map
Each packet start with a header containing various flags and sequence
information. The first 16 bits of each packet containes the following
flags (broken into 4 4-bit nibbles):
/=+=+=+=\/=+=+=+=\ /=+=+=+=\/=+=+=+=\
|8|4|2|1||8|4|2|1| |8|4|2|1||8|4|2|1|
\=+=+=+=/\=+=+=+=/ \=+=+=+=/\=+=+=+=/
(8) SEQEnd -/ | | | | | | | |
(4) Closing --/ | | | | | | |
(2) SEQStart ---/ | | | | | |
(1) ASQ ----------/ | | | | |
============= | | | | |
(8) Fragment --------/ | | | |
(4) Closing -----------/ | | |
(2) ARQ -----------------/ | |
(1) ? | |
============= | |
(8) ? | |
(4) ? | |
(2) ? | |
(1) ? | |
============= | |
(8) ? | |
(4) ARSP ---------------------------------/ |
(2) ? |
(1) SpecARQ ----------------------------------/
Full Packet Map
The full header of each packet can be of varying sizes, depending
on which bits are set in the Flags-word.
/=======+=======+=(ARSP?)=+=(ARQ?)=\ /==========(Fragment?)=========\
| Flags | dwSEQ | dwARSP | dwARQ | ... | dwFragSEQ | dwCurr | dwTotal | ...
\= 16b =+= 16b =+== 16b ==+= 16b ==/ \=== 16b ===+= 16b ==+== 16b ==/
/==(ASQ?)==+=(ASQ && ARQ?)=\ /=(!ACKSize?)=\
... | ASQ_high | ASQ_low | ... | dwOpCode | ...
\=== 8b ===+===== 8b ======/ \==== 16b ====/
/==(!ACKSize?)==\ /=======\
... | ..(data).. | ... | CRC32 |
\===== ?b ======/ \= 32b =/
Mapping Information
As you can see, some header data is not present, depending on which flags
are set.
dwSEQ: Seqence number.
This is always sent. If the SEQStart bit is set, then this value
is used as the new current sequence number. If not, then this can
be used to see if the packet is a resend.
dwARSP: ACK Response.
This is only sent if the ARSP bit is set in the Flags word. This should
equal the 16-bit dwARQ of the packet being responded to.
dwARQ: ACK Request.
This is only sent if the ARQ bit is set in the Flags word. This 16-bit
value should be used as the dwARSP in the packet used to respond.
dwFragSEQ, dwCurr, dwTotal: Fragmentation Information.
These three 16-bit values are only set if the Fragment bit is set
in the Flags word.
dwFragSEQ - Fragment Sequence this packet belongs to.
dwCurr - Fragment number in this fragment sequence.
dwTotal - Total number of fragments in this fragment sequence.
ASQ_high: ?.
This is only sent if the ASQ bit is set in the Flags word. I'm still
trying to figure out exactly what this is used for.
ASQ_low: ?.
This is only sent if the ASQ bit and ARQ bit are set in the Flags word.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what this is used for.
dwOpCode: Op Code (Used for dispatching).
This is only sent if the packet is not a pure acknowledgement or a
pure request.
CRC32: 32-bit CRC check.
This is always sent. It is used for error checking in tranmissions.
See the Integrity_Task for more information.
Pure ACKnowledgements
A pure acknowledgement is sent if a ARQ is pending, but no packet is sent
in a certain amount of time (around 0.1 seconds I think). If a packet is
sent out before this timeout has occured, the ARSP bit, and dwARSP is set
to dwARQ from the requesting packet. If no packets are sent out before
the timeout occurs, then a pure acknowledgement packet is sent with only
ARSP and dwARSP (no OpCode or data).
Pure Requests
A pure request seems to be used as a sort of 'ping' to see if the other
side of the connection is still there. In this case, ARQ, dwARQ, and
SpecARQ are set. When SpecARQ is set, this requests that a reponse
be sent immediately, without waiting for a timeout.
Packet Resends
If an ARQ is sent, then a ARSP is expected to be received in a certain
amount of time (again not sure but I think its 0.1 seconds or so). If
no ARSP is receive when the timeout occurs, the packet is resent.
Example Session
Here is an example of a session between the client and the login server.
(1) Client requests version information.
23:57:05.755261 client.1538 > server.10002: 14
0x0000 3200 0000 09b5 0100 5900 a361 6da7 2.......Y..am.
Flags set:
SEQStart - This is the start of the client sequence.
ASQ - Not quite sure yet.
ARQ - The client is request the client acknowledgement receipt of packet.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0000: The client is starting its sequence at 0x0000.
dwARQ - 0x09bd: Use this word as dwARSP when responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x00: Not sure.
OpCode - 0x5900: Request Version.
CRC32 - 0xa3616da7: Used to check for errors in transmission.
(2) Server sends version information.
23:57:05.756179 server.10002 > client.1538: 32
0x0000 3204 0000 09bd 339a 0100 5900 322d 3234 2.....3...Y.2-24
0x0010 2d32 3030 3120 3133 3a31 3700 5bee b95a -2001.13:17.[..Z
Flags set:
SEQStart - This is the start of the server sequence.
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - The server is requesting ACK.
ARSP - This is a response to an ARQ sent by the client.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0000: The server is starting its sequence at 0x0000.
dwARSP - 0x09bd: Respond to ARQ 0x09bd.
dwARQ - 0x339a: Use this word as dwARSP when responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x00: Not sure.
OpCode - 0x5900: Send Version.
CRC32 - 0x5beeb95a: CRC check.
This sends a null terminated string: "2-24-2001.13:17" as its version.
(3) Client sends login info.
23:57:05.842104 client.1538 > server.10002: 61
0x0000 1204 0001 339a 09be 0101 0100 4669 7a62 ....3..$....Fizb
0x0010 616e 3100 1db5 28f1 02a5 cde2 a513 23da an1...X2..b.V..!
0x0020 19d5 5dae b12d e6af e53b ed50 6e6f 6e65 ...O.,...e..none
0x0030 0000 0000 0000 0000 00e4 a6e1 e2 ...........m.
Flags set:
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
ARSP - ACK Response.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0001: This is seqence number 0x0001 from the client.
Upon receiving, ignore any further packets <= dwSEQ.
dwARSP - 0x339a: Response to ARQ 0x339a.
dwARQ - 0x09be: Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x01: Not sure.
dwOpCode - 0x0100: Send Login Info.
CRC32 - 0xe4a6e1e2: CRC Check.
The first thing sent is a null terminated username ("Fizban1" in this case).
After that, a 24-byte password hash is sent. The rest of the packet
doesn't seem to change between logins (not sure what 'none' is for).
(4) Server sends session id.
23:57:05.84957 server.10002 > client.1538: 33
0x0010 1204 0001 09be 339b 0101 0400 3132 3334 ......3.....1234
0x0020 3536 3738 3900 756e 7573 6564 00b9 85f1 56789.unused....
0x0030 98 .
Flags set:
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
ARSP - ACK Response.
Header data:
dwSEQ - 0x0001: This is seqence number 0x0001 from the server.
Upon receiving, ignore any further packets <= dwSEQ.
dwARSP - 0x09be: Response to ARQ 0x09be.
dwARQ - 0x339b: Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x01: Not sure.
dwOpCode - 0x0400: Send Login Info.
CRC32 - 0xb985f1: CRC Check.
The first thing sent is a string which contains the session id.
In this case it is "123456789". The string 'unused' is always
sent, it seems.
(5) Client sends pure acknowledement.
23:57:06.293296 client.1552 > xylor.10002: 10
0x0000 0004 0002 339b d470 fcf1 ....3..p..
Flags set:
ARSP - This is only a response to an ARQ.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0002: This is client sequence number 0x0002.
dwARSP - 0x339b: This is a response to ARQ 0x339b.
CRC32 - 0xd470fcf1: CRC Check.
dwARSP - 0x339a: Response to ARQ 0x339a.
dwARQ - 0x09be: Use this for responding.
(6) Client requests update.
23:57:06.578329 client.1552 > xylor.10002: 14
0x0000 1200 0003 09bf 0102 5200 2346 be93 ........R.#F..
Flags set:
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0003: This is client sequence number 0x0003.
dwARQ - 0x09bf: Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x02: Not sure.
dwOpCode - 0x5200: Request update.
CRC32 - 0x2346be93: CRC Check.
(7) Client requests server list.
23:57:06.578861 client.1552 > xylor.10002: 18
0x0000 1200 0004 09c0 0103 4600 0000 0000 365f ........F.....6_
0x0010 e8ce ..
Flags set:
ASQ - Not Sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0004: This is client sequence number 0x0004.
dwARQ - 0x09bf: Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x02: Not sure.
dwOpCode - 0x4600: Request server list.
CRC32 - 0x365fe8ce: CRC Check.
Not sure.
(8) Server sends update.
23:57:06.586646 xylor.10002 > client.1552: 47
0x0000 1204 0002 09bf 339c 0102 5200 0100 0000 ......3...R.....
0x0010 4f70 656e 5175 6573 7420 456d 756c 6174 OpenQuest.Emulat
0x0020 6f72 202d 2058 796c 6f72 0076 07fb 58 or.-.Xylor.v..X
Flags set:
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
ARSP - ACK Response.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - Server sequence number 0x0002.
dwARSP - Responding to ARQ 0x09bf.
dwARQ - Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x02: Not sure.
dwOpCodes - 0x5200: Send update.
CRC32 - 0x7607fb58: CRC Check.
First 32-bits seems to be flags of some sort. After that is a
null terminated Banner that is shown on the server selection screen.
(9) Server sends server list.
23:57:06.587935 xylor.10002 > client.1552: 63
0x0000 1204 0003 09c0 339d 0103 4600 0100 0000 ......3...F.....
0x0010 4f70 656e 5175 6573 7420 5465 7374 2057 OpenQuest.Test.W
0x0020 6f72 6c64 006f 7065 6e71 7565 7374 2e64 orld.openquest.d
0x0030 6873 2e6f 7267 00e8 0300 007f 93b9 cd hs.org.........
Flags set:
ASQ - Not sure.
ARQ - ACK Request.
ARSP - ACK Response.
Header Data:
dwSEQ - 0x0003: Server sequence number 0x0003.
dwARSP - 0x09c0: Reponding to ARQ number 0x09c0.
dwARQ - 0x339d: Use this for responding.
ASQ_high - 0x01: Not sure.
ASQ_low - 0x03: Not sure.
dwOpCode - 0x4600: Send server list.
CRC32 - 0x7f93b9cd: CRC Check.
A list of servers to list on the selection screen. The chat server
also seems to be sent in this packet. The format seems to be
32-bits first (number of people on server?), null terminated
server-name string, null terminated hostname, and 32-bit value (flags?).
(10) Client sends pure acknowledement.
23:57:06.633771 client.1552 > xylor.10002: 10
0x0000 0004 0005 339d 385c 4f41 ....3.8\OA
Flags set:
ARSP - ACK Response only.
Header data:
dwSEQ - Client sequence number 0x0005.
dwARSP - Responding to ARQ 0x339d.
CRC32 - 0x385c4f41: CRC Check.