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View Full Version : Mandrake 8.2 & ShowEQ No Sound on Alert Spawn!

05-06-2002, 03:40 AM
Hi there,

Ok this is what is going on. I some how can not get the sound to work on Mandrake 8.2 on ShowEQ for the Alert Spawn. I did when to set up the ShowEQ.conf Setting for "1" for Audio since it was set to a "0" and I did try some of the stuff in one of the post out here but, for one. I am new to all this so I got a little confuse or didn't understand what was going on the the post.
So, any how, I did a wrote a Script named ( seqsounds.sh ). Also This is the command that the file have inside.

/usr/bin/play /usr/share/sounds/ phone.wave &

That file was save in


Now, I when to ShowEQ.conf file and replace some lines in there for the sound. The old line was,

"/usr/bin/esdplay /blah/blah &"

to this new line,


Now, the thing is that I try to test it but, is not working for me. I go from root ( terminal ) and type,

chmod 755 seqsound.sh

But, I get this message.

chmod: failed to get attributes of `seqsounds.sh` : No such file or directory

I don't understand why it dose that like that. Any Idea anyone? :confused: Any tips of advice or tutorial to help me out here? Some sujestion?

This is my System spec.

K6-2 400Mhz
160MB Ram
10gig HDD
Sound Blaster Live Platium 5.1
OS: Mandrake 8.2

Maybe that info will be able to help a bit with any help and advice ya might be able to give me.

Thanks In Advance! :D

05-06-2002, 10:41 AM
"No such file or directory", you must not be in the right directory:

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/seqsound.sh

05-06-2002, 11:02 AM

Ok, so I notice now that I was in the wrong directiory, but still is not doing anything. It accept the command right now, but, I hear nothing, I will try to mess around with it a little long.

Question? what I put on the file, the command lines,

/usr/bin/play /usr/share/sounds/phone.wave &

Is that command line is right? I'am I am missing anything or what? Cause, if I am then I need to ass there or fix that.
The way I loot at it, I see that the command is working fine now but, I might have the Script writting wrong or missing something. Can you loot over that and tell me what is that I am missing or doing wrong?

I was reading what Fryfrog wrote on another post to someone and he said,

to execute a file that is NOT in your normal path, put a "./" in front of it... ie: ./seqsound.sh

OR use the full path to it, ie: /usr/local/bin/seqsound.sh

I don't get what he ment about it. Like do I put a command like that in my script or is that the command that will activate the sound? hmm sorry if I am being a little confuse. I just learn linux in 2weeks I love it but, is a paing something to deal with things. ;)

05-06-2002, 11:20 AM
Ok after foramting the computer and installing Mandrake 8.2
I compile show EQ and only 3 files were missing for the installation.

1. BerkeleyDB
2. BerkeleyDB-devel
3. libtool-libs

Not sure if that is what it have to do with the sound but, ShowEQ is compile all good and is runing nice but, just the spawning Alert Sound is not working. So this is,

What I just did now, was I made a Script

/usr/bin/play /file/to/startup.wav &

and saved it has seqsound.sh in /usr/bin/ and the sound wave is there also.

In Showeq.conf I change the Sound commands there to

"/usr/bin/play startup.wav &"

What I am doing wrong here?

I change the "0" to a "1" on # if 1 use sound device in the Showeq.conf file.

I just got a new SB Live 5.1 card for the system and I got regular sound and just finish installing mandrake 8.2 and Compiling the laters Showeq on it. Its runing good but, just the sound of Spawning Aleart is not working on me.

Any Advice would be great thanks Guys!

05-07-2002, 09:58 AM

07-27-2002, 09:44 PM
Hi hello everyone again,

I just finish installing Mandrake 8.2 again since my system crash a while back. I was trying before has ya can see with Red Hat 7.3 but, I had a little proble, but I when back to Mandrake 8.2 and found the problem. Now is runing and everything seem to be good.

I compile showeq, did the upgrade after and also add the zones maps from that site that ya have there from Blue what ever was the name of it but, I upgarde the zone too. But, there is a problem like always with me. Have to do with the sounds. Now I get now sound at all for Showeq. By the way I notice the new stype on it. Pretty Cool anyways, I can't find the Showeq.conf or any Spawning Sound Audio file to set the commands to point to a audio file.

The only two I found was Showaudio & Showaudio.sigh. Now this are at /usr/bin/

Were is the main Audio File that will allow me to direct Showeq to a wave file? If there is any how can I activate this or set it up? Also is there a Script that I can make that will help me out on this? I did check on the forums and red but alot of things things are from the old Sound Problms and Showeq.conf wich I can not find. Anyway tip, advice or help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance All!

07-28-2002, 09:14 AM
As far as I know, seq no longer uses the ShowEQ.conf file. You can change most of your settings inside the seq UI. Click on the "Filters" menu and ensure the "Use Audio Device" has a check make next to it (if not, select it). The go to the "Audio Commands" submenu (also under the "Filters" menu) and select the event you want to hear (Spawn for example) you will get a spwan command line dialoge box. In that there is the command line to run you sound player as well as the file to play.
Default is:

/usr/bin/esdplay /usr/local/share/showeq/spawn.wave & Notice the space between "esdplay" and "/usr/local..."

You should put your sound file in the /usr/local/share/showeq directory (or where ever your *.map files are if you have a different set up) and then modify this line to reflect the name.

You should also be able to put a reference to your script file here to have it execute, but I have not tried it.

I suggest you run the full command from a terminal window to ensure that the sound system will play the file. If it does, then showeq should too, it simply calls esdplay with the file name/path.

Hope it helps...

07-30-2002, 06:53 AM
Hey Z,

I just want to thank you for taking your time to guide me trow this. Well I set it up and did copy the sound toe the folder were the maps are. I haven't set it but I know my system have sounds and stuff just have to test it out. Anyway, adive were I can on online and get sounds pakages downloas? I would love to get some nice sound bakages like Computer talking girl sounds and stuff like start trek nothing like sound Effect it kills my airs. If anything I might have to make my owns too lol. Anyway thanks for you help. I hope this work here good. =)

I also notice about this seq not using the Showeq.conf wich makes it more easy and stuff. I like this new style and way of being better than before. anyway later if things dosen't work I will try my best to check it good before posting any problem here. Thanks.

07-30-2002, 08:06 AM
just for anyone using gentoo and perhaps esdplay doesn't work (cause you don't have the esoundserver running?) i used "bplay" and it works just fine :)