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12-22-2001, 04:15 PM
I run Mandrake 8.1 and ran into a problem compiling Seq 4 last night. Somthing about Deque.h. Are Gcc3.x, G++3.x and QT 2.3.2+ included with Mandrake 8.2? I am having problems finding the correct GCC and G++ ... I have QT 2.3.2 already installed (lucky me)

If anyone could help me out by posting a good site for the correct GCC G++ rpms or a noob's guide to getting them off of GCC's site it would be really helpful to me.

12-22-2001, 05:25 PM
I had this problem. You need to install the correct libstdc++3 and libstdc++3-devel

12-22-2001, 05:57 PM
I checked the rpm packages of those two things and both of them are 3.0.2... what versions did you use exo? and if they were different would you be able to post a site on where i could get the other ones


12-28-2001, 01:05 PM
Mandrake doesn't upgrade your gcc and libstdc when you install the 3.0 version, it installs pretty much along side it.

I was running Mandrake 8.0 and had some problems getting it to work so I figured I'd just install a fresh copy of 8.1 instead. Luckily everything you need comes with 8.1 except qt-2.3.2.

Simply do a default install and go back and manually add the packages you need for showeq, gcc3, libstdc++3, libpcap, etc. Then get the qt-2.3.2 and compile it with -thread. Do not install gcc-2.96 or the libstdc++(v2).

Once you have qt-2.3.2 compiled move it to /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2 or where ever you want. Do not upgrade your qt-2.3.1 or you will break all your other kde stuff even if you manually go back and make symlinks.

Once you have seq compiled then to make life easier write a script (/usr/local/bin/showeq.sh) to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Here is what I used:

<Start of File>

export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2
<End of File>

Make sure you chmod the script to make sure its execuatable, if you are unsure just do 'chmod 777 showeq.sh'


01-04-2002, 10:31 AM
seqular, yeah, so i compiled qt2.4.2, i thought that i didnt upgrade anything but apparently i did. So now when i try to login to KDE it jsut craps up and dies on me. The only plus is that Gnome still works and SEQ is fully functional in there. So...if there is a good way to fix the problem WITHOUT screwing up SEQ that would be cool. If not...well...i guess i'll be learning Gnome :-)

01-04-2002, 11:57 AM
Install Mandrake 8.1.
Install gcc3 related packages, gcc3.0, gcc3.0-cpp, gcc3.0-c++, libgcc3.0, libstdc++3.0, libstdc++3.0-devel.
Install libpcap, libpcap-devel.
Install tcpdump (it's always good to have).
update-alternatives --config gcc.
Select the 3.0 option.
update-alternatives --config g++
Select the 3.0 option.
Download Qt 2.3.2 sources.
Compile Qt 2.3.2
Install Qt 2.3.2 somewhere other than the system's place (/usr/lib/qt I think) like /opt/qt-2.3.2-gcc3. Copy the include files, lib directories to apprpriate directories in /opt/qt-2.3.2-gcc3.
Build ShowEQ. Add --with-qt-dir=/opt/qt-2.3.2-gcc3 when you configure.
End of Story.

01-04-2002, 12:29 PM
Question regarding the QT install, first you download it and untar, then you ./configure and make -thread.

After that is what I am not sure what to do, you wrote to install it into a diff dir other than the normal qt place, what do you do to install it? just copy the entire directory after you compile into /opt/qt-2.3.2-gcc3 using mv or cp?

then when installing showeq you do ./configure --with-qt-dir=/opt/qt-2.3.2-gcc3?

thanks in advance, linux noob here.

01-04-2002, 02:50 PM
cp or mv it to where you want it to go, then compile it.

then do ./configure -thread ; make for qt2.3.2 and when thats done compile showeq either the way I did it in my first post or with the ./configure --with-qt-dir=/where/ever/you/put/it


01-15-2002, 11:01 AM
I followed the instructions posted above by cjd1 (thank you btw) and stumbled during the ./configure. It made it past the Qt checks, but failed to find libgdbm. The error message was:

checking for gdbm_open in -lgdbm... no
configure: error: cannot find gdbm library functions. Make sure libgdbm is insta

I did a check...

rpm -qa | grep 'gdbm'

Looks like I have the prerequisite library. Is there a special flag I can throw, like --with-gdbm-dir=/usr/lib?


01-15-2002, 11:17 AM
Doh! I figured it out *blushes*

I needed to have the development files too, libgdbm2-devel-1.8.0-18mdk.