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View Full Version : CVS Commit, May 8, 2002

05-08-2002, 12:27 PM
fee (ocho de mayo)
+ version 4.1.0
+ Packet Structure Changes
- spawnStruct
- charProfileStruct
- playerAAStruct
- makeDropStruct
- changeZoneStruct
- *ZoneEntryStruct
- newZoneStruct

+ various updates to convert zoneId to shortName
+ if you use libEQ, today might be a good day to get a fresh copy

05-08-2002, 01:01 PM
Where is the "official" place to get the latest libEQ? BA has one but It's a few days old, or is this the latest? I never can remember the "official" place for it

05-08-2002, 01:08 PM
It's listed in the README.libEQ file under CVS.

Mr. Suspicious
05-08-2002, 01:38 PM
Call me Mr. Suspicious, but would you have a MD5 Checksum to go with this new Libeq.a?

05-08-2002, 01:41 PM
As you read this thread, click "Back" and look for the thread called "new libEQ.a md5sum (http://seq.sourceforge.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1058)"

05-08-2002, 01:43 PM
That begs my question. Is that libEQ.a the one fee is refering to (it's 3days old and pre-patch) or is there a newer one? In addition, what't the location to get it officially.

Mr. Suspicious
05-08-2002, 01:45 PM
Aye, Guice.

the checksum mentioned in the post by Casey didn't checkout with the newest Libeq.a when I tried it tho.

Mr. Suspicious
05-08-2002, 01:47 PM

Go into your seq directory (the one with the sourcefiles) and then do

> pico README.libEQ
* case sensitive *

Read it =) It's right there.

05-08-2002, 01:48 PM
oh .. well .. sorry mate. I just figured the new LibEQ.a file was to compensate for the changes on test server.

Course, I hadn't been home yet to check this out.

Sorry, getting back from the monk forums tends to make one a bit onry. /sigh

05-08-2002, 02:15 PM
MrS. Thank you.

Can we get a sticky that says "To find latest libEQ, read the readme in the source dir?"

heh, thanks.

Mr. Suspicious
05-08-2002, 02:20 PM
Quite funny,

it holds:


and a few other files. I'm not Linux savvy myself, but worked with DOS a long time ago. Windows users don't know that there's something as "pico" (little gem there) and if they are even able to navigate to their install directory in a terminal window then they wouldn't be able to recognise what files are text files and which are not (windows does use fileextentions, Linux does not)

Other then a tad outdated here and there on the install document, those files are quite usefull, if people would/could read them =)

05-08-2002, 03:11 PM
ok, now I'm bitching about not including the pvp deity fix to map.cpp :p anyone can attack you on sullon zek, above lvl 5 that is, not just pc's within 5 levels of you, like the current code is coded.

05-08-2002, 06:14 PM
Its amazing the number of self righteuos morons who cant just answer a question! If someone asks for the directions to the local baseball statium do you tell them to go back home and look at a map? Just answer the damn question and stop being a fuck head.

05-08-2002, 06:30 PM
It's amazing the number of self righteous assholes who can't look up on the street sign that says "This way to the baseball stadium" and have to ask the guy standing under the sign how to get to the stadium.

Just freaking amazing.

Just look at the sign and stop being a fuck head.

05-08-2002, 07:03 PM
/WTG Ratt :)

/GOFUCK landaile

Gee the file is named README, I wonder what it is...

05-08-2002, 07:11 PM
I'm new to this kinda has there been an update released yet for Showeq since the new patch on may 8, Also where do yo ulook to tell if there is ?


05-08-2002, 07:18 PM
/em shakes his head in disblief.

Did you read the messages above?

Have you looked (maybe 'search'ed) for posts about updating from the CVS?

05-08-2002, 07:19 PM
but I said i was kinda new at this ok so excuse me.. For being ignorent!!


05-08-2002, 07:59 PM
Ignorance is one thing... not searching / doing research by yourself is another... do some work for yourself instead of expecting everyone else to do it for you..


05-08-2002, 09:43 PM
Wow I am asking people to be non shit heads Im an arrogant asshole.........

If all you have to say is RTFM then dont bother posting. Its just as easy or easier to answer the person instead of posting some self-righteous Im better then you leet haxxor responce. How hard is it to copy and paste http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/seq/showeq/README.libEQ?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup

BTW neither of those links work reliably AND it says that readme hasnt been changed in 4 months and since you have a new libeq.a file one might wonder if that was up to date.

Anyways... have a nice day

05-08-2002, 10:17 PM
The thing is that people aren't trying to be "arrogant assholes".

The whole thing about runing SEQ they are trying to get across is that you must know what you are doing.

If you aren't smart enough to RTFM, then you in reality should not be runing SEQ or anything like.

It's people like that who tend to brag to their friends and this cause all sorts of troubles that's not needed.

I agree with everybody else. RTFM and your answer will be there. After all, When you first Install SEQ, dont you Read all the READMEs? Or elast skim over then. ;)

05-08-2002, 10:18 PM
Might I suggest you read the document mentioned at the end of this thread:


As you will come to find when you have posted your 250th answer to the same 10 questions on this board that the good information gets lots by all the crap that people ask before they bother to look for answers themselves... I always the the people who come here and talk about arrogant assholes! Have you ever worked before, or are you still in school? If you are in school, then I wouldnt highly recommend that you reserve judgement until you have worked a real job. Companies would come to a screeching halt if everyone had the attitute that you have here... the attitute that nobody should have to go do research for themselves... instead of spending 10 minutes of their own time, they should waste 5 minutes of somebody elses time...

Whats wrong with scenario you may ask? Isnt there 5 minutes of time being saved here? Well, the problem is that if there are 50 people who would rather waste 5 minutes of 10 peoples time instead of wasting 10 minutes of their own time we run into a problem. That is what happens on this (and all) message boards. If you arent willing to help yourself, then dont while when somebody else isnt willing to help you. THAT makes you an arrogant asshole who EXPECTS that everyone else is here to answer your questions for you, and give you the "right" to yell at them when they dont.

Take your judgement elsewhere until you have earned the right to judge people...


Mr. Suspicious
05-09-2002, 06:10 AM
Actually I thought my answer was pretty easy to understand and holds a very usefull tip to Linux-newbs like me:

1) Explains where to look (your sourcefile directory)
2) Explains where it can be found: README.libEQ
3) Explains how to "read a file"" pico
4) Explains that Upper case and lower case characters DO matter (unlike windows that doesn't make an difference between a Upcap and Lowcap)

Funny how people whilst being helpfull still get flamed for being unhelpfull, reminds me off the day I got punched in the face because someone fell over and I quickly jumped up to catch him. The dude had a lot of anger and decided it would be best to execute it on the first person that would "bug" him.... It never pays to be helpfull it seems.

05-09-2002, 06:38 AM
Just a little bit for you guys saying read the docs. The first thing noobs are gonna read is the file that says it's for noobs INSTALL.newbies. You know what that file says about libeq.a?

- libEQ.a [No download site available for this yet, check the SourceForge "help" forum for locations and current version.]

If you don't want people to come here and ask about it maybe you shouldn't direct them to do so in the documentation that you all fell inclined to tell them to read. OR maybe you didn't read that file :p

I hardly ever come to the forums to ask for help anyway. I just bug Casey in IRC until he gives in or drinks himself into a stupor. :D

05-10-2002, 01:12 AM
Not knowing where the README is? I don't think so. Even if you didn't a quick walk through the directory glares them at you. Just because there is one that says its for newbies doesn't mean that they shouldn't go read the others. And honestly asking if SEQ was updated for the may 8th patch in this thread is ultra stupid. Its like walking into a store with signs everywhere saying "On Sale!" picking up a shirt with a big red sticker saying "On Sale!" and asking the clerk. "Excuse me is this on sale?" Plus for those people that still need help and have questions WOW look a whole forum dedicated to help!

05-10-2002, 04:22 PM
"I always the the people who come here and talk about arrogant assholes! Have you ever worked before, or are you still in school? If you are in school, then I wouldnt highly recommend that you reserve judgement until you have worked a real job."

Yes everyone in real jobs tells people that ask them questions that they won't answer the question and the person asking should go read a book.

You go _real_far_ in _real_jobs_ this way. Bound to be a valued team member and promoted to the top this way.

I don't know, does it really hurt anything to answer the question? Or else ignore it? If libEQ.a was the _only_ thing they were missing it's not like they are too stupid to run seq and if they are too stupid having libEQ.a is not gonna help them anyway.

If someone is familiar with an API I am working with and I have a quick factual question.. I _ask_ them. "where does that class live?" "oh thats it thanks" and I answer the same questions. Now I don't like _vague_ questions that indicate the person asking is clueless and there is no easy answer. But a factual question is different.

by the way



05-10-2002, 04:36 PM
But here is a question for you devnul... What happens if there were 3 documents you had written that described the answer to the question of "where is this class located"... You are on a team of 100+ developers... Every single one of them comes to you and says "where is this class located"... Are you telling me you dont tell a single one of them to go RTFM? How would you possibly get anything done if you did...

People need to spend time of their own looking for an answer before asking someone else, otherwise nobody gets anything done.


05-10-2002, 05:26 PM
If you connected to CVS to download SEQ and get it runing, you have done 'ls' atleast once!

If you've done 'ls' atleast once, you looked 'right' at the file that contained the location of the websites.

After all, who doesn't read the READMEs? ( deja-vo ).

If you R'dTFM, the answer will be staring right at you. Thus, why we tell people to RTFM. ;)

( PS: First thing a real developer knows when you have a question about a product is to RTFM .. If they missed it, they'll be F'in themselves and appologizing. [ what? don't you do that, too? :D ])

05-10-2002, 07:24 PM
I tend to agree with those out there that say "It's in the README" or there are many posts about it.

I've worked in the PC field for more than ten years now, hold two different MCSE's and now work in a very specalized area for a large corporation dealing specifically with Unix and NT/2000 performance... if anyone came to me without first taking a quick look at documentation that I KNEW had the that they were looking for, thier managment would hang them out to dry!

People, the simple fact is that it has now taken me MORE time to TYPE THIS MESSAGE that it would take me to find the libEQ.a file.

I actually just rebuilt my SEQ box a week or so ago and I had to go look this up. Gee, all I looked at was one of the official/unofficial guides on how to build a box!

To put it simply, your lazy. There are lots of posts out there from people who are lazy and want someone else to do there thinking/working for them. Once you get out of high school and maybe College, work for 5 plus years you'll find that out....

Till then, do eveyone a favor, do a quick search BEFORE you start spouting out how everyone is an asshole and won't help you.

You will get your answer a whole lot quicker and not flamed for it.


Just my 2cp

05-10-2002, 07:30 PM
We need a moderator to delete the trash posts in this forum.

The crapping on newbies thing is getting to be spam. How many of High_Jeeves posts are telling newbies to RTFM?

This is getting stupid.

05-10-2002, 09:14 PM
And how many of my posts have been quite helpful to other people? Its simple.. if you do some work, and you still cant find the answer, I help... If you have a well thought out question, I help.. If you ask "How do I setup ShowEQ" or "How do I update CVS", you get flamed... Its a simple system...

If all of the people on this board who did the flaming walked away, 80% of the help that goes on here would also disappear.. the ones flaming the lazy people are the same ones who generate almost all of the help for this project...

Just read this thread.. count the people who come here complaining about the RTFM responses, and count the people backing the RTFM responses... I think you will find that you are in the minority, and that you are also in the group who doesnt provide help to other people at all... If you are lazy, and you get bitched at, suck it up and deal with it...


05-10-2002, 10:15 PM
I don't see anything wrong with moderators going in and deleting threads (not just individual messages) if they are common questions who's answer can be found in a FAQ or in another thread already posted (like the SEQ install guides).

05-11-2002, 09:31 AM
One of the nice things about vBulletin is you can split/join and move threads...

So you can take all the individual off-topic posts in this thread, move them to another thread and shove them in another forum, if you wish.

If course, locking the annoucements forum so you can't post OR reply w/o elevated privs might not be such a bad thing to keep the signal/noise ratio high at least here.