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View Full Version : Skills list out of whack after 5/8 patch

05-08-2002, 06:34 PM
I noticed that the skills list is not reporting correct values since the patch.

For example, my lvl 20 Warrior now has 4 in 1HS and 0 in 2 HS. Now, I will admit that since the patch I can't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, but I don't really think my skills dropped.

Thanks for the amazing work you guys do.


05-08-2002, 08:41 PM
woot! I have 252 skill in mend!

Pretty good for a chanter. =o)

As for fixing this....

real EQ skill: SEQ shows:
Meditate Mend
Evocation Feign Death
Jewelcraft Pottery
Piercing/1hb Riposte/1hs
Defense Disarm
Offense Parry
Tailoring Sense traps
Smithing Fletching
Fletching Brewing
Baking Tailoring
Brewing Alc Tolerance
Pottery Percussion
Alc Tolerance Begging
Research Alchemy

as for reading that (I know spaces are screwy- sorry) the skills in the left column are what EQ shows, right column is the skill that SEQ shows, and they both have the same amount of skill, and they are exclusive. (exception being piercing/1hb and riposte/1hs) IE, meditate is the only skill I have 252 skill in, and SEQ shows Mend as being the only skill I have 252 in.

Hope this helps.

05-10-2002, 12:37 AM
Actually, this was just an error in the calculation of the start of the offset of the skills list. The fix will be included in my next CVS commit. Hopefully later today 5/10/02.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)