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View Full Version : Stonebrunt Mountains Filter?

05-15-2002, 08:37 PM

I'm wanting to do the Swiftclaw Sash quest in SBM, which involves killing some type of Heretics. However, I don't know the exact name of the Heretics and I'm having trouble getting the regex to work.

I tried:


I left the H off because I don't know if it's capitalized or not and I don't know if SEQ is case sensitive or not.

As a test, since Heretics might not be up, I also did this:


Anyway, I made these edits and did a F3 (reload filters), but I did not get any beeps for any of the pandas. Maybe the filters do not re-load properly or perhaps I don't have my regexes straight. Additionally, I can't find any pre-made filter files for SBM :^(

Does anyone have any ideas or know of a SBM filter file I can download?


Mr Guy
05-16-2002, 07:19 AM
When did you do this? I was having trouble over the weekend with spawns not showing up highlighted even when the regex picked them out correctly.

I updated to the latest CVS though, the second monday release I believe, and now it works fine again.

05-16-2002, 11:33 AM
Check that there's not a trailing space in the config file, I had a lot of problems with some filter files the past few weeks due to sloppy editing on my part.

05-16-2002, 03:05 PM
I haven't seen a zonefile for this so I haven't created a filter for it... Long story.

What is the name of the zone? I found "stonebrunt" I don't think I've gotten any spawnlogs for that zone. (I archive most sent to me for reprocessing later incase I miss something)

05-16-2002, 03:06 PM
As for hunting the Heretics, I just look for Race:Erudite - as they are the only ones in the zone.

Hope this helps

05-16-2002, 03:14 PM

05-16-2002, 04:59 PM
Good luck too...this quest = teh suck. Even with seq you'll have a hard time getting to the heretics before something else kills them. Then you'll finally get 4 heads, turn them in and you'll get the headband instead of the sash. Then you'll get 4 more heads and get another headband. Did I mention all the adds you get while hunting here? Finally you'll just give up and go farm plat for an fbss. Well, that's how it went with me anyway :confused:

05-21-2002, 02:17 AM
Dedpoet - you give up to easily ;-)

I was in the zone for about a month and did the quest 15 times before I got the sash. i did level from 33 - 36 in there though. The adds are a pain but unless you are really unlucky ya can root em and run off (I am a pally btw).

My filter file is as follows

## Stonebrunt Mountains ##
Name:Jelquar the Soulslayer
Name:Rendolr the Maimer
Name:Ridossan the Unliving
Name:Arglar the tormentor
Name:Hurglak the Destroyer
Name:Heretic Invader
Name:Rognarog the Infuriated
Name:Prowler of the Jungle
Name:Old Ghostback
Name:Giang Yin

I think that covers all the rare's. I am not to sure which line identified the heretics the Name: one or just the heretic on its own but it did work for me.

i used a zone specific file too filters_stonebrunt.conf

Mr. Suspicious
05-21-2002, 03:12 AM
Not that it matters _much_ =P But might I suggest you to change those filters to:

## Stonebrunt Mountains ##
Name:.*[jJ]elquar [tT]he [sS]oulslayer
Name:.*[rR]endolr [tT]he [mM]aimer
Name:.*[rR]idossan [tT]he [uU]nliving
Name:.*[aA]rglar [tT]he [tT]ormentor
Name:.*[hH]urglak [tT]he [dD]estroyer
Name:.*[hH]eretic [iI]nvader
Name:.*[rR]ognarog [tT]he [iI]nfuriated
Name:.*[pP]rowler [oO]f [tT]he Jungle
Name:.*[oO]ld [gG]hostback
Name:.*[gG]iang [yY]in

This way you catch all the instances of the name regardless of Upper of Lower Case of the starting letters in the name and regardless if or if not it has a "#" in front of it's name. I found this setup very helpfull myself.