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View Full Version : Packets come in - no updates - I used search.

05-20-2002, 04:31 PM
I know I know - its been asked and I should use search....I wouldnt ask if I really didnt need the help. I have been using showeq for a year. I searched and have been reading the boards for a few days trying to see if someone else had the problem - Im probably not searching for the right word.

Im stumped with the last few months worth of builds and not getting data populated in the program.

I lived with the 4.xx build that was released prior to the change in the client where they stopped sending stationary PCs and caused the raining PCs because any subsequent builds would not output any information even though the little packet counter was going up. I just kept running the backed up binary.

Im using RedHat 7.2 (KDE not Gnome - always have done KDE). I have a DSL connection to my firewall box. It does the PPPoE at the firewall point and the internal network NIC is sending out good old ethernet like it always has into a real honest to god hub from 6 years ago :D.

Well, I cvsed the latest build (4.2.4) because of the recent structure changes, and I got the latest libEQ.a and placed it in /usr/lib overwriting the existing one (I md5summed it)

I kick off showeq - I look at network diagnostics in showeq and it shows packets counting up.

Nothing updates.

I launch it using the settings stored in the xml file (I noticed the change there from .conf) and with showeq --net-interface=eth0 --ip-address=address of eq client machine - packets still go up - but nothing shows up in showeq. I have done this and started EQ from scratch, and done it with an existing session and zoned - nothing.

In the console I get occasional CRC errors - which isnt new.

Well - I figured something has changed and I missed it. So I blew the machine away and followed the install guide and compiled. Same behavior.

I'm sure something has been overlooked by me - any ideas WHAT I have screwed up on or what I can do to see why I am seeing the packet counter go up and not getting any data populated?

I'm going to go through all of the versions of the rpms listed and see if they match a second time in case I overlooked something - but why would I need to? Did something change a few months ago that required a new version of say stdlibc or g++?

05-20-2002, 04:37 PM
Do you have your datarate jacked way up? If so, and if you have a slow linux box, it may just not be keeping up.

05-20-2002, 05:33 PM
Yeah - actually I do have it cranked up. I'll back it down to like 4 and see if that helps - machine is a 1600 AMD though.

Ok - status - I changed it from 7 all the way to 3 - no dice - I noticed that recent and packets total were going up slower - which makes sense of course.

IN diags

Packets total: 1630, recent 1629, Rate: 7.1
Cached: 0 SeqExp: 0000 SeqCur: ????
Client Track: 0 Server Port: 0
Device: eth0 Realtime: 1 (doesnt help either way)
MAC: blank
decode broken: 0 (I intentionally disabled - no joy)
Have_libeeq: 1
Key: 0

This started going up the second I pressed enter at login, entered EC, zoned to WC - waited about 3 mins and logged. Nothing showed up in program.

05-20-2002, 06:39 PM
I'm just going to take a shot in the dark on this. Have you tried watching eth1 instead of eth0? If your Linux box is doing PPPoE translation then you want to make sure you're sniffing the IP interface. Depending on how your NICs are arranged, your IP interface may be eth1.

Sorry if that seems obvious, I just recall seeing a similar thread about a week ago. Failing that you may want to try searching on "PPPoE" as there are quite a few threads on that.

[Edit - damned typos]

fgay trader
05-20-2002, 07:07 PM
Did you reboot the computer?...

Oh wait, nevermind, this is not a Winblows support forum. Damn, the bad habbits you get from doing Win9x support are hard to break :p

05-20-2002, 11:40 PM
Can you plz point out your network layout again ...

You have a DSL-router, a firewall, a linux-box and a EQ-win32-box - right ?

How are they connected ?
What show tracert between Llnux-box and EQ-box ?
Can you access the linux-box via telnet, ftp from the EQ-box ?

Have you changed the NIC in the linux-box recently ?

Hav you used TCPDUMP to look whether your NIC can capture data ?

Hehe ... pretty curious guy :D

- Lord Crush

05-21-2002, 07:40 AM
In the interest of giving as much info as possible, I'll probably repeat myself.

Ok - hehe - not at the system at the moment to test the telnet/ftp.

Yeah, I rebooted the machine a few times yesterday - not because I had to - just needed to for other things.

Here is layout: (not an artist)

DSL Modem -|
Firewall box -|
HUB -|
EQ Clients (3 machines - nothing new)
ShowEQ Machine
Switch -|
Other systems which are not related.

I did go back and check the connections and they are like this - remember the Hub is 5 years old and always worked.

Network info - Firewall is and clients are 10.0.0.*, subnet mask is and gateway is I know thats a hell of a large pool - dont ask hehe - have been too lazy to change it to 192.168.0.x.

The NIC has not changed in this machine, and remember - the older builds work (im thinking early Feb time). eth0 is the only device (well other than loopback) which shows up with ifconfig.

Linux box has no firewall rules turned on and root is the only user on it (Hey, im trying to keep it simple).

I will do the TCPDUMP when I get back to the system, but if SEQ can see the packets and count them, wouldnt that be a good sign?

Something I am a little puzzled about. Without doing ANY configuration settings it launches up and has in there and counts the packets. If I put an IP address in there, the counter stops sometimes as soon as the change is made, and other times it doesnt. If it stops, I can exit out and restart ShowEQ (saving the setting) and the packet counter will go up with the new address. This also happens when using the MAC address. I let it run for several hours last night zoning a few times - the counter for packets was at around 50000 I beleive - I could be wrong but it was up there. Not a single peice of info.

Here is the way I have always launched it in the past:

showeq --ip-address= (I may sniff a different machine)

I'm thinking of checking out each build until I get one that works (i dont care if its broken decode and I get garbage at this point - that would at least show something).

Last night - I manged to fire up my laptop which has linux on it and an old build 4.0.1 or something like that and voila it worked with garbage - did a check out and compile - same problem.

05-21-2002, 07:54 AM
Do you have session tracking turned on under the network dropdown?

05-21-2002, 08:36 AM
One other thing with the new builds, there is now 2 settings to show unknow mobs, if you don't have these checked it could look as though SEQ isn't doing anything.[list=1] Under the "Options" menu there is "Create Unknown Spawns" make sure the is checked.
Right click on your map and go down to the "Show" sub-menu, makesure the is a Check mark next to "Unknown Spawns"[/list=1]Make those changes and see if you get different results.

Next thing I would try would be:[list=1] Launch SEQ
Login to EQ
Click on the "Network" menu in SEQ and select "Monitor Next EQ Client Seen".
Change zones in EQ.
See if you get anything different.

05-22-2002, 08:33 AM
Got it working!

When I turned on create unknown spawns (and show them which I never knew about) viola things would show up but ONLY if I started ShowEQ after entering the zone. When I would zone the packet counter would stop going up. Also logging in would cause this. Sooo - Having to start the program after the zone in or it stop listening after zoning - I would never get the key - and having unknown spawns turned off I didnt realize it was working.

Turned off session tracking and it would now work and load the map and everything.

Now - Im a little bit curious about what session tracking is...I obviouly shouldnt have turned it on without knowing this.

I have a suspicion its to allow more than one client to be tracked on the same linux box? Would you have to use the loopback addy for that ( to work?

Anyway - I figured it was something simple - and having that unknown spawns not showing up change a while back was what I missed.

Thanks for the help guys.

05-22-2002, 08:48 AM
Session Tracking allows SEQ to track a single instance of EQ when multiple EQ clients are running on the same machine (using EQW). If you arent using 2+ EQ clients on 1 machine, you want to leave it off...
