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05-23-2002, 05:14 AM
Just a quick question...

Should I update libEQ.a. My last (and first) download of this file was on 12 Jan 2002.

As there have been many changes and revisions to SEQ (absolutely Fab program!!) over the past few weeks, will it all stills work on an older libEQ.a file?

If not (and I can probably / should search) where will i find the link for libEQ.a??

Many thanks - and mucho admiration for uber programmers!!

05-23-2002, 05:22 AM
1, yes could be nice to update it..

2, well.. just reinstall seq and you should be fine :)

05-23-2002, 02:25 PM
if your md5sum is different than the one on the main forum page, then yes, update. If it is the same, do not update.

If you choose to update, the download locations for libEQ can be found with your showeq distribution in the file named "README.libEQ". Its named that way to get your attention, but it has a high failure rate, as you demonstrate for us.